
Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

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Written in the front, this series will take you to tour the various groups that have left a strong mark in history in the development process of korean girl groups. Due to south Korea's star-making culture, there are too many groups of different sizes and different lengths of activity, so this series will only select relatively familiar female groups. Let's get into the main topic, the first issue let's meet the ancient generation of Baby V.O.X.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

Baby V.O.X, one of the representatives of the Korean girl group generation, DR Music launched the girl group in 1997. At the beginning of its establishment, it was only a five-person group, captain Kim EZ, members Li Jizhen, Zheng Xianquan, Che Yumei, and Zheng Shiyun, but in fact, the last three members launched the group not long ago. In 1997, 1 series was released, and Jian Meiyan joined; in 1998, 2 series was released, Shen Enzhen joined; in 1999, 3 series was released, and the last member, Yin Eun-hye, joined.

On July 10, 1997, Baby V.O.X officially debuted with "HairCut", Baby V.O.X was founded inspired by the hot girl group on the other side of the ocean, the company wanted them to become the korean hot girl group, so the main style of the first series was sexy, but due to the conservative style of the Asian women's music scene at that time, their debut album was not successful.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

On October 15, 1998, After a year of dormancy, Baby V.O.X changed the style slightly, making the combination style more varied, and released the second series of "YA YA YA", which was a great success.

In July 1999, the third series was born, and its title song "Get Up" topped the Korean Music Chart, and another single, "Killer", also topped the charts, which can be said to be the beginning of Baby V.O.X's peak. Between 1999 and 2003, Baby V.O.X's acting activities reached their peak, not just in Korea, but also throughout Asia.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

In 2003, Baby V.O.X released six albums, and the number of albums sold worldwide reached 61W+, but it also heralded the final glory of Baby V.O.X.

In 2004, Baby V.O.X released seven episodes of Ride West, but it was caught in the whirlpool of copyright disputes. In October of the same year, baby V.O.X members' contract with DR Music expired.

In early 2005, Eun Jin officially announced his withdrawal from the group for a very formulaic reason, "personal development is not in line with the development of the company". After Eun Jin withdrew, Baby V.O.X entered the freezing period, and then in April, Yoon Eun Hye also announced his withdrawal from the group. Finally, in February 2006, Baby V.O.X officially announced its dissolution, and the generation of the troupe Baby V.O.X ended its performance in the history of Korean girl groups.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

As one of the pioneers of the Korean girl group, Baby V.O.X is undoubtedly successful, 7 years is also a normal survival period of a girl group, and the relationship between the team members is still maintained well, one member's birthday party other members often attend, for each of them, this is a successful acting career. So how did the members of Baby V.O.X develop after the dissolution?

Captain Jin Qizhi (Jin EZ), born in 1979, wanted to continue his acting career after the dissolution of Baby V.O.X, and also served as MNET's MC, but the follow-up development was really not smooth, in April 2010, he married an outsider, had a child in 2011, and gradually faded out of the entertainment industry.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

Li Jizhen, born in 1979, after the dissolution of Baby V.O.X, once entered the empty window period, and then Li Jizhen decided to develop in the direction of an actor. In the beginning, Li Jizhen mainly took over musicals, and in 2010, she starred in "It's Okay, Daddy's Girl" and officially entered the actor's circle, and in 2011, Li Jizhen also won the Best Newcomer Award in the TV Series category. But in the following years, Li Jizhen has not been popular, neither participating in any popular TV series, nor any special role that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

Shen Enzhen, born in 1981, as the first member to quit Baby V.O.X, Shen Enzhen is undoubtedly the most ambitious one. In 2005, Shen Enzhen released a solo album of "Zeeny's" as a solo singer, with decent results. Shen Enzhen's ambitions do not stop there, it may be that she sees that the results are not ideal, so she basically gave up the development direction of singers after that. She actively participates in variety shows, but also established her own clothing brand "Z'BAGO", since 2006, Shen Enzhen has participated in a number of TV series and movies. In 2013, Shen Enzhen held a solo exhibition of photography, and in 2017 she also published a book of her own art. Shen Enzhen can be described as an all-round development of her career.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

Jian Meiyan, born in 1982, signed with H2 Entertainment after the dissolution of Baby V.O.X, and released her solo album "Fresh" in the same year to debut again as a solo singer. In 2008, Jian Meiyan officially entered the Chinese market, and it can be said that Jian Meiyan was a pioneer when the early Korean Wave began to import into China. She spoke Mandarin very well, and in the same year released a Chinese version of "Woman's Heart" from "Fresh". Since then, she has been active as a solo singer, and it can be said that Jane Mi-yeon is the purest music of the baby V.O.X members.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

Yin Enhui, born in 1984, if Shen Enzhen is the most ambitious and Jian Meiyan is the purest, then Yin Enhui is undoubtedly the most successful one. The friends who pay attention to the Korean Wave are no strangers to Yoon Eun Hye. The famous scenes with Kim Jong-kook in X-MAN on variety shows are still talked about today. In 2006, she starred in "Palace" and became a hit, won numerous awards, her acting career was smooth sailing, here is not too much to repeat, for Yin Enhui, small partners can search a lot of random search. But there is one thing to say, the replacement speed of Korean entertainment is so fast, And Yin Eun Hye is currently declining rapidly.

Korean Girl Group Tour (Generation Group) - Baby V.O.X

Baby V.O.X, as the first batch of Korean girl groups to eat crabs, made an unquestionable contribution, without the development of a generation of women's groups, there will be no later women's group boom. For the personal development of members, there are good and bad, but it is gratifying that the membership relationship is still good. The next issue will take the friends on a tour of SES, which is also a generation of women's groups, so stay tuned.