
The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

author:Pet groomer Miao Miao

President Harry Truman once said, "If you want to have friends in Washington, get a dog."

It can be seen that the predecessor Truman has told us very bluntly that in this impetuous era, the only thing that can really belong to us may be our own dog.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

The story to be told today, known as the "first dog in the White House of the United States", can be called "the first" in the United States, it must be related to the president, yes, today's protagonist is the former President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt's dog - Farah.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

Farah is a Scottish Terrier, now the domestic people may not be impressed by this breed of dogs, I simply introduce to you this breed of dogs Ha, Scottish Terrier, there is a very interesting nickname "Scottish Boy", is a very long history of dog breed, the breed temperament of the most prominent advantages is bravery, confidence, majesty, they are very warm, once became the European high society pet dogs popular.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

Scottish Terrier

On April 7, 1940, after several hours of fighting, a litter of small black Scottish Terriers came into the world, and the owner of the dog, while excited, was also observing the dogs, trying to choose a suitable one for his cousin as a Christmas gift. At this time, the little ones have just experienced a "battle" just came to this strange world, they are very ignorant of anything, they don't want to think about anything, they just want to eat a few more bites of their mother's milk and then sleep soundly, at this time, they must not think that one of them will leave a strong mark in the history of the United States.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

In the blink of an eye, the dogs are full moon, the owner in the continuous observation, indeed selected one of the "little boys", it is very different, very clever, can also be very well-behaved, very suitable for their cousin, but in order for the little guy to get along better with the cousin in the future, and will not bring him trouble, the little guy still has to receive some training.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

And this little baby, who doesn't know whether to say lucky or unlucky, is our Farah. When the other brothers and sisters were still around their mothers and slept and slept every day, Farah was always taken away by the master alone for various trainings, fortunately, Farah was a smart child, and the instructions taught by the master could always be learned quickly, just like that, half a year passed, and our Farah also grew into a majestic and versatile dog.

On November 10, 1940, it was the most memorable day of Farah's life, because on this day he met the man he wanted to protect for the rest of his life, Franklin Roosevelt, then president of the United States.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

Image from the web

Early this morning, the owner took Farah out of the kennel room, and carefully cleaned it, and combed the hair, so that Farah looked so heroic and energetic, and then, Farah accompanied the owner at that time to the car, when he got off the car, Farah was almost dumbfounded, the people here are so serious, they look very busy, Farah while following the master's steps, while secretly thinking," I don't know if the people here are getting along well, who will I see next?" I wish I could finish it soon, and I can have fun when I get home." Next, Farah and the master entered a large room, which was quiet and an old man sat alone on the couch, reading a book.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

Farah was attracted to the old man in front of him from the moment he entered the house, just like the human "love at first sight", Farah felt that the feeling of seeing this old man was different from seeing other people, but it was only a good feeling and curiosity, and then the master let it perform the skills he had learned before in front of the old man, did not expect the old man to look at it well-behaved and obedient, smiling a kind face, Farah felt for the first time that his previous training seemed to be for this moment.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

It turns out that the owner is the cousin of the old man, and this time he brought himself over to give himself as a Christmas gift to the old man, when Farah was a bit dumbfounded, he thought it was just a normal outing, how did he have to live here for a long time? My little in the house will never be seen again? Farah was a little depressed.

The old man saw farah's mood change, so he put down the book in his hand, walked to his side, touched its head with his hand, and soothed its emotions for a moment, although, nothing was said, but Farah still felt at ease, Farah thought" "Maybe, this is also a good choice", just like this, Farah became a dog in the White House, and it was also the "first dog".

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

On this day, Farah idle, he walked around the White House alone, walking, suddenly attracted by the smell of the front, Farah looking for the taste, actually walked all the way to the kitchen, the kitchen staff, naturally know that this is the president's new favorite, usually loved, so when he saw Farah come over, naturally and enthusiastically gave Farah a lot of delicious food, as a result, the gluttonous Farah took it all according to the order, but at night, when the old man came to find his dog to play after the day's work, It took a long time to find Farah in the corner, at this time Farah, sluggish, lying there unwilling to move, the old man suddenly felt that something was wrong, immediately called the veterinarian, after the veterinarian's examination concluded that this goods ate up! The old man suddenly fell into a state of speechlessness, but looking at the uncomfortable dog, it was still difficult to hide his heartache, so he ordered the personnel around him that only he could feed Farah in the future, and no one else was allowed to feed Farah without permission. After several days of recovery, Farah regained her former vigor, and for the White House staff, the dark clouds that hung over the White House finally dispersed.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

After this incident, Farah finally knew what position he was in the old man's heart, Farah was very happy, he felt that he had the whole world, and he must do his best to protect the old man from now on. Since then, it has traveled with the old man, returned to his hometown in Springwood Manor, Hyde Park Village, New York, and traveled together in the [Air Force One] out on a tour, traveled together in a special Ferdinand Magellan carriage, Farah also witnessed the signing of the Atlantic Charter in Quebec, participated in Roosevelt's meeting with Mexican President Manuel Camacho, and it was also at this time that the people of the United States knew that their president had a dog named Farah by his side, which was the president's favorite. Even on the front line, during the Battle of the Salient, when American soldiers were praying to the Germans not to break through the line, everyone was asking each other, "What is the name of the president's puppy?" Because everyone believes that the answer "Farah" can bring good luck.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

However, the brightest moment of Farah's life is probably the most famous "Farah Speech", which was a speech in 1944 when Roosevelt was running for re-election, in which Roosevelt mentioned: "The Republican leader is not satisfied with attacking me, attacking my wife, attacking my sons." No, they're not satisfied with that, and now even my puppy Farah, they're going to attack. Well, I don't hate these attacks, and my family doesn't hate them, but Farah would hate them. You know, Farah is a Scottish dog, and if you let it know the story made up by the Republican science fiction writers in Congress — I left it in the Aleutian Islands, and then sent the Navy destroyer to find it, and spent taxpayer money, some two million, three million dollars, and eight million, twenty million dollars — then Farah's Scottish temper is going to explode. Nothing like that had happened to it. I'm used to hearing vicious lies about myself... But I think I have the right to hate, to oppose, to oppose the slander of our puppies! It is this famous speech, which is called "Farah's speech" by posterity, and also let people know that you can offend the president's family, but definitely do not mess with the president's dog!

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

However, the happy time is always very short, not long after this "Farah's speech", on April 12, 1945, the American people's beloved President Roosevelt completed his glorious life, and before he died, Roosevelt was still telling his family to take good care of Farah and bury it with him when Farah died, he said: Only in this way will my soul be rested. And at this time, Farah, completely in a sluggish state, it can not accept, why did not he not be born earlier, why he did not come to the old man's side earlier, he wanted to accompany the old man more, at this time it could not do anything, can only quietly watch the old man's life pass in front of his eyes, Farah's eyes are full of helplessness, it wants to know, who can help it, help it save its master, but it looks around, finds that people's faces are the same sad expression, Farah knows, no one can help it, It was really going to lose him, and there was only dead silence left in Farah's eyes, and it roared and roared out of the room, standing on the top of the hill outside the house, whimpering and whimpering, and the wailing sound had been hovering around the house for a long time. It also left a deep impression on the hearts of all those present at the time.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

In the next few days, Farah attended the old man's funeral as a family member, and looked at the old man in the coffin as quietly, as if waiting for the old man to sleep enough to continue to accompany him to the place he wanted to go, and later, Farah had been living with the old man's wife, and they accompanied each other and healed each other, but the old man's wife knew that only Farah was healing her, and although Farah lived with her, it was only the person who would accompany him for a while before returning as his master.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

Farah and President Roosevelt's wife, Eleanor

After the old man's death, Farah and the old man's wife moved out of the White House together and went to live together in a villa, but Farah would still lie down at the door of the restaurant as before, because he could see both entrances to the house at the same time, and the reason why he did this was because the old man always suddenly decided to go somewhere, and Farah could only quickly jump up and join the master's team when the old man left.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

On April 5, 1952, two days before Farah's 12th birthday, Farah serenely traveled to another world and was finally able to follow his master. According to the old man's will, farah was buried next to the old man's tomb, and a French sculptor made a statue of Farah one-to-one according to Farah's appearance, and placed it next to the statue of the old man's tomb. Since then, this "fierce dog" full of eyes is full of its beloved owner, and finally can accompany its owner forever.

The life of the "first dog in the White House" – the story of Roosevelt and his Scottish Terrier Farah

To this day, people can still see Farah's sculpture next to the statue of Roosevelt in Washington, D.C., and from its shiny puppy head, you can see how much people like it, and may it and its owner be happy forever in heaven!

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