
Their beauty is as stunning as a blazing flower and should not be forgotten

author:Xiao Ran Shuying

Adhering to the three from the four virtues, remembering the etiquette of the gangchang, and teaching the husband and son, and the virtuous and virtuous shude are the shackles that most ancient Chinese women cannot break in their lifetime.

However, those who can leave their names in history are often the "bad women" who dare to live a different style.

Even so, in the context of "women's talentlessness is morality", their deeds are usually not too much ink.

Fortunately, in this book "When the Flames And Flowers Are Girls", The talented girl Jing Buhang of Columbia, using the pen as a red candle, illuminates ten jade-faced red makeup that has been sleeping for thousands of years.

Their beauty is as stunning as a blazing flower and should not be forgotten

Zhuo Wenjun:

She thought that it was a beautiful encounter of "once the golden wind and jade dew met, it won countless victories in the world", but in the end, it was just a performance that Sima Xiangru had carefully planned and planned for a long time.

Sisters, phoenix men are careful to marry, you can't guess that in this marriage, there is a little sincerity, a little calculation. Human nature is greedy, and over time, the "good wind with strength" that he once boasted has also become a "bearer of humiliation" that cannot be looked back, and it is necessary to find another gentle township to show the "dignity" of men.

In Zhuo Wenjun's story, a "Grievance Poem" and a "White Head Yin" won the marriage defense war. However, in real life, many people do not necessarily have a heart.

Their beauty is as stunning as a blazing flower and should not be forgotten

Ban Jieyu:

Like Sister Mei in "The Biography of Zhen Huan", she was raised as a candidate to marry into the royal family. I also thought that "I wish to win the hearts of one person, and the white head is not separated", when the Hancheng Emperor was diligent, she was a red sleeve to add incense on the side of the explanation flower. But her gentleness does not lose her wind and bones, so she still adheres to the "virtue of being virtuous" under the favor.

When the self-indulgent Emperor Hancheng indulged in strange tricks and blamed her for not understanding sex, she still sat in the courtyard with a book of poetry in a light breeze and read it.

She neither died in the palace fight nor lost herself in the calculations. Ban Jieyu, who has no quarrel with the world, is wise and protects herself, and is as light as a chrysanthemum, should be a model of the ancient "sense of relaxation" girls.

Cai Wenji:

Born into a famous family, but it coincided with a chaotic world. At the age of nearly thirty, he has experienced a series of major life changes such as the early death of her husband, the death of her parents, the captivity of Hu land, and the separation of mother and child.

Using her own blood and tears as ink, she wrote the "Poems of Sorrow and Indignation" and "The Twelve Beats of Hu Di" that flowed through the ages, and also sorted out many lost ancient books for the country.

She was just a weak woman with no chicken power, but her heart was stronger than many boys. After all, not everyone can go to the gates of hell again and again and survive again and again.

Their beauty is as stunning as a blazing flower and should not be forgotten

Xie Daoyun:

In the middle school textbook, the little girl who chanted "What is the snow like, not like the willows because of the wind", later grew up to the age of talking about marriage.

For this kind of famous and prestigious family, it is more important to pay attention to the combination of strong and powerful, and the door is right. There is an ancient poem mentioned that "in the old days, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people", which refers to the Wang family and the Xie family, which were once flourishing.

As Jing Buhang said, the flower palanquin of the Langya Wang Clan is worthy of the Xie family's door. Unfortunately, "In the midst of the earth, there is Wang Lang!" ”

Shangguan Wan'er:

What is power? It was she who destroyed the family of the Prime Minister's Mansion overnight, and it was she who let herself get rid of her slavery on the spot and became the royal private secretary, a talented person of Emperor Gaozong. In Shangguan Wan'er's heart, wu Zetian was an enemy or a benefactor?

On the self-cultivation of a professional secretary. As the saying goes, "a son of heaven and a courtier", whenever the leadership changes, his former confidants will also be cleaned up. However, no matter who is in power, it is impossible to refuse a Shangguan Wan'er, who has a very high level of double business and a talent for governing the country.

Wu Zetian, Emperor Zhongzong Li Xian, Empress Wei, and Princess Taiping, she was never loyal to a single person, but to the power that stood tall.

She always knows how to judge the situation and not put her eggs in the same basket.

She is also the vane of the lobby literary circle, "Shangguan body", plum blossom makeup, everyone competes to imitate.

Plotting power and confusing the palace? You can go as you please, my sister has long since quit her emotions.

Their beauty is as stunning as a blazing flower and should not be forgotten

Xue Tao:

Have you ever seen such exquisite stationery? Take the wood hibiscus skin as raw material, and then take the raccoon stream water to make paper, and then mash the red flowers such as hibiscus flowers and cockscomb flowers to dye the paper, making it into a dark red exquisite small color note, and the paper surface can also be sprinkled with finely broken small petals, which smells sweet.

This is Xue Tao's invention of the "Huanhua Note", how moving should the love poems written on such paper be?

Fish Mystery:

While people scolded her for debauchery, they were also curious, fascinated, and salivating at this salty view of this deeply locked and boundless spring color.

It's just that people forget that she was also obsessed with it, and wrote down the time-honored famous sentence of "easy to ask for priceless treasures, rare to have a heart".

After her father's death, she was reduced from a famous poet in Chang'an City to a raccoon girl in Pingkangli (the red light district where brothels gathered). The abandonment of the two men made her completely blackened, turning the Taoist courtyard into a place of wind and moon for private meetings of men of all walks of life.

She didn't know who she was fighting with, maybe she hated the world's men.

"Those well-dressed so-called gentlemen, have not fallen under my pomegranate skirt, their original appearances are exposed and ugly?"

I often wonder how confused she is that when she comes to the end of her life, she will suddenly wake up to the fact that she has not lived for herself in this life.

Their beauty is as stunning as a blazing flower and should not be forgotten

Li Qingzhao:

Powerful women, it seems, are a bit hermaphrodite.

His mother was from the highest level of the scholar clan, and his father was a proud protégé of su Dongpo, a great talent. Li Qingzhao, the first talented woman in ancient times, was born in such a family.

When we read her sentences, we will imagine that she is a gentle and gentle little girl, or a gentle person, or a person who is thinner than a yellow flower, or who is alone in the blue boat, or leaning on the west window.

However, in fact, she has never been a well-behaved girl who locks in the boudoir, but a "tomboy" who is drunk and likes to go around.

"The person I like, let him know my heart; What I like, I want to keep doing. ”

She is charming because she loves herself.

Li Xiangjun, Su Xiaoxiao:

Their beauty is as stunning as a blazing flower and should not be forgotten

In ancient times, if you were a woman from an ordinary family, you were destined to work hard all your life and not be respected. If you are from a scholarly background, you can usually only read books such as the Female Rules and the Analects that regulate your own words and deeds.

They learn to be careful in words and deeds, learn three from four virtues, learn to teach their husbands and children, but they have never learned how to exude feminine charm.

The relaxed and unique cultural environment in the Qinglou has brought opportunities for other women: they play the piano and compose poems, and they can hear the strings and songs and know the meaning of elegance. Although he wandered into the land of fireworks, he worked hard to make himself a person.

Therefore, famous talented women in history, such as Li Xiangjun, Su Xiaoxiao, Li Shishi, and Liu Ruyi, are all famous prostitutes of a generation. They not only have good looks and talent, but also have integrity, comparing many boys.

Brief summary:

Under the delicate literary style of Jing Buhang, we found that those secret things that were ignored by the history books were only understood by girls. Even a thousand years apart, we seem to be able to draw inspiration and resonance from their stories.

They are a stunning shadow in the long history, under the prosperity of the flames, we accompany each other and walk together.