
3 Cold Facts for Dachshunds - Did you know? Dachshund used to be the Olympic mascot Dachshund Small Introduction Cold Knowledge 1: Dachshund Served as the Olympic Mascot Cold Knowledge 2: Dachshund Museum Cold Knowledge 3: Art masters also love Dachshunds

author:Guangzhou Pet Foster Care Center
3 Cold Facts for Dachshunds - Did you know? Dachshund used to be the Olympic mascot Dachshund Small Introduction Cold Knowledge 1: Dachshund Served as the Olympic Mascot Cold Knowledge 2: Dachshund Museum Cold Knowledge 3: Art masters also love Dachshunds

Dachshunds are loved by many people because of their long sausage-like bodies and short little feet, and are also the breed of dogs that many families choose to breed. In addition, the dachshund is also one of the most ancient dog breeds, what is the interesting knowledge about the dachshund? Let's keep looking!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > a small introduction to dachshunds</h1>

3 Cold Facts for Dachshunds - Did you know? Dachshund used to be the Olympic mascot Dachshund Small Introduction Cold Knowledge 1: Dachshund Served as the Olympic Mascot Cold Knowledge 2: Dachshund Museum Cold Knowledge 3: Art masters also love Dachshunds

Dachshund, also known as the Dax Hound, can be said to be a fairly common dog breed, originated in 16th century Germany, the German name "Dachs" means badger, "Hund" means dog, the original meaning "badger dog". The dachshund's slender body allows it to easily enter the narrow and long cave; The short, powerful legs can quickly dig into the dirt, and I can't imagine that the cute dachshund is a master at hunting badgers and other burrowing animals!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" > Cold Knowledge 1: Dachshunds have served as Olympic mascots</h1>

3 Cold Facts for Dachshunds - Did you know? Dachshund used to be the Olympic mascot Dachshund Small Introduction Cold Knowledge 1: Dachshund Served as the Olympic Mascot Cold Knowledge 2: Dachshund Museum Cold Knowledge 3: Art masters also love Dachshunds

The 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany, selected the dachshund "WALDI" to represent the athletes' tenacity, persistence and agility, and was the first mascot in history to be officially recognized by the Olympic Games, and it was from this time that the mascot became one of the main elements of the Olympic image.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > Trivia 2: Dachshund Museum</h1>

3 Cold Facts for Dachshunds - Did you know? Dachshund used to be the Olympic mascot Dachshund Small Introduction Cold Knowledge 1: Dachshund Served as the Olympic Mascot Cold Knowledge 2: Dachshund Museum Cold Knowledge 3: Art masters also love Dachshunds

The world's only dachshund museum is located in Passau, in eastern Bavaria, Germany, and was founded by two Dachshund-obsessed Germans, Josef Küblbeck and Oliver Storz. With over 4,500 dachshund-related collections, the two founders are confident that the Dachshund Museum has the largest collection of Dachshunds in the world!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > Cold Knowledge 3: Masters of art also love dachshunds</h1>

3 Cold Facts for Dachshunds - Did you know? Dachshund used to be the Olympic mascot Dachshund Small Introduction Cold Knowledge 1: Dachshund Served as the Olympic Mascot Cold Knowledge 2: Dachshund Museum Cold Knowledge 3: Art masters also love Dachshunds

If you want to be an artist, you must have a dachshund! Historically renowned artistic giants such as Picasso, Andy Warhol and David. Hockney, both are competent dog slaves and are deeply fascinated by dachshunds. All three masters have painted their dogs into their paintings, and Picasso even believes that it is the dachshund Lamp (German for "little naughty") that gives him a lot of creative inspiration, and interested friends can search the Internet for the relevant paintings of the masters to enjoy

I can't imagine that the charm of a little dachshund is so unstoppable, do you also want to have a dachshund? Jumping to remind everyone that raising hairy children is a lifelong thing, each hair baby is the most lovely and unique, encourage everyone to adopt instead of buying, decide to raise it to take good care of it, absolutely can not casually abandon the raising yo!

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