
Kidney qi is enough to strengthen the bones, Chinese medicine teaches you 1 bowl of bone soup, 2 times a day to strengthen bone

author:Wang's Chiropractic Studio

One morning in the early winter of more than 3,000 years ago, the king of Lu and his wife climbed the star-picking tower, looked up, and saw two woodcutters, one old and one young, wading across the river. The old man resolutely waded across the river, but the young man was afraid of the cold, and several times he put his foot into the water and shrank back. Daji asked the King curiously why. King Lu said, "The old man has abundant bone marrow, so he is not afraid of the cold, and the few have insufficient bone marrow so they are afraid of the cold."

Daji deliberately shook her head and said she didn't believe it. The king then ordered the guards to summon the two woodcutters, folded their strands and examined the pulp, and finally beat himself to a smile. In order to commemorate these two unprovoked woodcutters, later generations renamed this small river to fold the Shin River, and also gave a poem sighing: "The river is always miserable, and the throat is faintly far away from the old city." Victory has no end to the grief, and the murmur has not changed the old time. ”

Kidney qi is enough to strengthen the bones, Chinese medicine teaches you 1 bowl of bone soup, 2 times a day to strengthen bone

Legends are legends after all, but there must be truth in them. In winter, when it is cold and the north wind blows, we often describe a word that is cold and bitter. Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation, and the main bone produces marrow hematopoiesis. For a person, if the kidney qi is sufficient, the bone marrow will inevitably be full, the qi and blood will naturally flourish, and the ability to resist wind and cold will be strong. Under normal circumstances, when people are young, their kidneys are full of qi and have strong ability to resist wind and cold, so there will be words that "stupid boys sleep in the cold kang all by firepower". And when people are old, kidney qi failure, qi and blood are insufficient, the ability to resist wind and cold is weakened. This is why when people are old, they are very afraid of the cold.

But there are exceptions to the situation, now many young people, especially many white-collar workers, both men and women, even in the summer, hands and feet are often cold, and in winter, it is even more frozen hands and feet. On the other hand, some healthy elderly people, in the winter, touching their hands and feet is also hot. There are many reasons here, but they have a lot to do with whether this person's kidney qi is sufficient.

Just like the old man in the story, people are not necessarily old, they must have kidney qi failure, and young people must have kidney qi. This has both innate genetic factors and whether the later health regimen is successful. In short, from the story of the Folding Shin River, we can see that there is a close relationship between kidney qi, bone marrow, qi and blood.

There is a word in Chinese medicine called the fire of the gate of life. Mostly refers to the person's kidney deficiency, especially kidney yang deficiency, the symptoms are that the limbs are afraid of cold, the grain is not changed, and the stool is not formed.

Kidney qi is enough to strengthen the bones, Chinese medicine teaches you 1 bowl of bone soup, 2 times a day to strengthen bone

And our human body has an acupuncture point called "life gate acupoint", in the back of the human body to supervise the second and third vertebrae of the lumbar spine, commonly known as the lumbar eye. Especially for small children, you can see this waist eye very obviously.

Every morning and afternoon, you can take 3 minutes and rub this acupuncture point to disperse the cold and activate the blood circulation.

The effect of "bone soup" with medicinal food homology is better, and the production of "bone soup" is also very simple, with a total of only 6 herbs.

Kidney qi is enough to strengthen the bones, Chinese medicine teaches you 1 bowl of bone soup, 2 times a day to strengthen bone

Cooked ground, cinnamon, yam, goji berries, eucommia, broken bones, add three bowls of water and soak for 10 to 20 minutes, bring to a boil over a low flame. Cook over low heat until a bowl of water, twice a day, drink for two weeks, stop for another week, and use for another two weeks to strengthen the bone.