
Plant a good street tree and do a good job of big articles

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily

Plant a good street tree and do a good job of big articles

Street tree elements are written. Luo Xue Village painted

Plant a good street tree and do a good job of big articles

As an important part of the urban ecological landscape, the street tree not only shields pedestrians from the scorching sun, but also plays a role in replenishing oxygen, purifying the air, and reducing noise for the city.

Recently, this newspaper has received letters from some readers reflecting the problems in the planting and maintenance of urban street trees, and putting forward opinions and suggestions.

How to plant a good street tree is very knowledgeable, and it is a big article about the urban environment and the lives of citizens, which must be done well. How should the city's sidewalk trees be chosen? How is it taken care of? What is the value of street trees to urban culture? This edition launches a series of reports on "Focus on The City Street Tree" from now on, so stay tuned.

- Editor

It is recommended to pay attention to the problem of street trees

When the summer sun is scorching, I feel that the street tree is too important. Sometimes there are no trees on either side of the entire road, or the sidewalk trees have only a small canopy, which makes people inevitable. Some time ago, the author went to a city in the northwest, and there was not a single sidewalk tree on the five or six hundred meters section of a road, and under the scorching sun, people who walked this section of the road were sweating.

In recent years, all localities have attached great importance to greening, planting trees on both sides of the road, and many cities have also built landscape avenues with care. However, some urban roads have not planted street trees, and some have not yet had time to plant trees because the roads are newly built; Some roads have been built for a year or two, and the street trees have not been planted for a long time.

There is also the poor growth of the street tree. For example, in the first two years, a batch of maple incense and North American begonias were introduced in a certain place, and it did not take long to die a lot, and the living ones were also sparsely leafed.

Providing shade to pedestrians is one of the important functions of sidewalk trees. It is recommended that relevant departments strengthen communication and coordination, and do a good job in connecting road construction and planting trees. At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention to the problem of street trees, and choose more tree species with dense canopy, strong adaptability and good nutrition.

Zhang Jian, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province

Scientific introduction of exotic tree species

Many cities regard the street tree as a window to show the image, and carefully plan and select seeds. However, seeking beauty with a heart and greed for the ocean may be counterproductive. For example, the introduction of some exotic tree species with beautiful tree shapes, the result is not satisfied with the water and soil, and within a few years, it has to be removed and replanted.

A few years ago, a northern city transplanted a lot of camphor trees. Camphor trees have higher requirements for temperature. Winters in the north are cold, and despite the local garden department's increased protection, most camphor trees are frozen to death after two or three years, and a few are not growing well. There are also southern tree species that like to be wet and do not like to dry, and the northern rain is insufficient, and it does not take long to die a lot. Another coastal city has transplanted locust trees, which are common in the north. Unexpectedly, there are many typhoons here, and the locust trees have been blown down after several typhoons.

Other exotic tree species cause ecological imbalances. For example, some cities in the south have introduced the fast-growing tree species Giant Tail Eucalyptus, which becomes a crown after planting for three or five months and becomes timber in 6 years. But the rate at which it absorbs nutrients from the soil is staggering, causing groundwater levels to drop in the areas where they are planted, affecting the growth of other plants on the same land. At present, many cities have successively removed it and included it in the "blacklist". It is hoped that the relevant departments will summarize the lessons learned in the process of planting street trees, respect nature and science, and introduce foreign tree species with a more rigorous attitude.

Zhangzhuang, Fuxin City, Liaoning Province

Coordinate the planning of road greening

Road greening is an important part of urban greening. Many cities have made great efforts in planting and maintaining street trees. However, in some places, the planning is not scientific enough, the management is not perfect, and the road green landscape is relatively single, and even conflicts with other constructions.

Although the green area of some cities is large, the plant configuration is not reasonable. In some shorter sections, there are too many plant species, which is difficult to form an overall landscape effect. There are also some urban street trees, where the proportion of evergreen tree species is too small, and with the change of seasons, the roads sometimes appear deserted and depressed.

Some cities lack forward-looking and scientific demonstration before the construction of road greening, resulting in road greening and the overall incongruity of the city. For example, the lack of early and effective communication between the relevant municipal departments has led to the interaction between the laying, operation and street trees of various lines such as water and electricity heating, and the growth of trees is limited. Some green belts are designed to be too wide, crowding out the traffic space. Some parking areas are insufficient, and vehicles are parked in green areas, affecting the normal growth of plants.

Urban road greening is not simply planting flowers and trees, it is necessary to consider all aspects of the elements and scientific planning. It is recommended that in the planning process, the communication between relevant facility design units should be strengthened to reduce conflicts and contradictions in subsequent construction. Attention should also be paid to the selection and collocation of flowers and trees, and the sense of hierarchy should be highlighted without affecting safe passage, so as to enhance the overall landscape effect.

Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, Yuqiao

Native tree species are also beautiful

For the city, the street tree is not only a row of trees, but also represents the cityscape. "Planting trees in suitable places" is a basic principle of garden planning. Consider not only the aesthetics of the street tree, but also the local climate, soil conditions and the cost of stewardship.

The street trees in Huaining County, Anhui Province, where the author is located, are mostly Wangchun flower trees. The Magnolia family of Wangchunhua trees is beautifully rooted, resistant to pruning, long lifespan, and has been planted in Huaining for hundreds of years. Therefore, when Huaining planned in the new county town, according to the local climatic conditions and soil characteristics, the Wangchun flower tree was selected as the main street tree and the community greening tree. Nowadays, walking in the new county town of Huaining, there are spring flower trees everywhere. Every year, during the flowering period, the magnolias are more pleasing to the eye and become part of Huaining's beautiful life.

Wu Lianglun, Huaining County, Anhui

Consider people with allergies

I don't remember when I started my allergies. Every year in the spring, the nose is congested, itchy, sneezing, and the eyes are red, swollen, and tearful. Went to the hospital to see, the doctor said that this is pollen allergy, basically can not be cured, can only do a good job of protection. Every spring and summer flower season, it is really painful to cover up tightly.

It is said that 30% to 40% of the world's population is plagued by allergies. Among them, pollen allergy is mainly caused by wind-borne flower plants, that is, plants that rely on wind to spread pollen, such as oil pine, cypress, poplar, willow and so on. Many wind-borne flower plants are the main tree species of urban street trees. As street trees, these wind-borne flower plants have many advantages, such as being tall and tall, easy to plant and easy to raise. However, I hope that when the city is greened, I will take care of the feelings of people with allergies, and choose more insect-borne plants, such as elm plums, magnolias, peaches, cherryes, begonias, etc., or less pollen plants, such as boxwood, maple, etc. The degree of pollen allergy also has a lot to do with the concentration of pollen, and if you choose plants that are easy to make people allergenic, you also want to minimize large-scale, high-density planting in crowded areas.

Liang Wen, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

Blossoming adds to the troubles

Many cities choose flower and fruit trees as street trees, which add a lot of vitality to the city when they blossom and bear fruit, but sometimes they also add to the "beautiful" troubles.

The main force of street trees in my city is the camphor tree. The camphor tree is tall and tall and evergreen, but when ripe, it falls on pedestrians' clothes or vehicles, leaving a purple-black stain. Some cities use persimmon trees and mango trees as street trees. If the fruit of these trees is not picked in time, it falls on the road and becomes a smudge that is difficult to clean.

My hometown also grows a lot of heather trees. Heather trees have a good purification effect on the air, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, hardy, easy to maintain, is a fairly good street tree. In spring, the blooming heather flowers are white and elegant, adding a lot of color to the city. But the special taste of heather flowers also makes many people avoid it. Some netizens complained: "Especially smoky, wearing a mask still feels very heavy." ”

It is recommended to do daily maintenance of sidewalk trees with flowers and fruits. For example, through drug spraying to reduce the fruit, or timely picking to avoid ripe fruit on its own, but also through scientific and technological cultivation and other technical means to reduce the smell of heather flowers, so that the natural "green umbrella" on both sides of the road is more beautiful and more comfortable.

Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Lei Yalin

Typography: Cai Huawei

People's Daily (2022-09-05, 10th edition)

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