
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects articular cartilage, 8 drugs to treat osteoarthritis, you know

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

#谣零零计划 #

The formulas of Golden Woolly Bone Tong Capsules are Golden Retriever Ridge, Epimedium, Welling Immortal, Snake, Earth Cow's Knee, Papaya, Kudzu, Turmeric, Bone Fat, and Earth Ginseng. Fangzhong Golden Retriever Ridge Rheumatism, Liver and Kidney, Strong Waist and Knee, Snake Dispel wind and dehumidification, Tongluo pain relief, Epimedium tonic kidney aphrodisiac, Strong bones, Rheumatism, Welling Xiantong Pain Relief, Psoralen Tonic Kidney Aphrodisiac, Solid Essence Na Qi. This five flavors are the main medicine. Tuniu knee, papaya, kudzu root, turmeric, and tu dang ginseng are used as auxiliary medicines, and they play the qi, yiqi, meridian and vitality, and diverge the work of evil.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects articular cartilage, 8 drugs to treat osteoarthritis, you know

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Jinwu Bone Tong capsules have anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce the concentration of nitric oxide and interleukin-6 in the synovial membrane of New Zealand rabbits in knee osteoarthritis models.

Clinically, Jinwu Bone Tong capsules can be used for paralysis caused by liver and kidney insufficiency, cold and wet connotations, blood stasis obstruction, symptoms such as heavy joints, pain, cold limbs, cold cold, cold fear, heavy limbs, low back pain, waist and knee soreness, numbness, dysfunction; Lumbar osteoarthritis, knee osteoarthritis, and hand osteoarthritis are shown in the above symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects articular cartilage, 8 drugs to treat osteoarthritis, you know

The formulas of the capsules are strychnine (mixed powder), dang ginseng, baishu, poria, salvia, sanchi, Sichuan root, ox knee, ground dragon, and licorice. Fangzhong strychnine taste bitter and warm, function cold dissipation and swelling, tongluo pain relief, so it is a jun medicine. Dang Ginseng, Bai Shu, Poria Spleen Replenishment; Danshen nourishes blood and blood, four medicines nourish qi and nourish blood, support righteous qi, and are all medicines. Sanqi, Sichuan root, ox knee, earth dragon active blood stasis, tongluo pain relief, a total of adjuvant. Licorice blends the various medicines to make medicines. The combination of various medicines plays a role in nourishing the blood, dispelling wind and dehumidification, and activating blood and relieving pain.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that the capsule has an anti-inflammatory effect, has an inhibitory effect on joint swelling, has the effect of alleviating the necrosis of articular cartilage tissue, and can improve the activity of enzymes that protect cartilage such as cartilage matrix metalloprotein inhibitory enzyme -1 (TIMP-1), inhibit the activity of enzymes that damage cartilage such as joint fluid matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3). In addition, paralysis capsules also have analgesic effect.

在临床上‬,痹祺胶囊可用于因气血不足,风湿瘀阻所致的痹病,症见肌肉关节酸楚疼痛,抬举无力,局部肿胀,僵硬,变形,甚则肌肉挛缩,不能屈伸,或见皮肤结节瘀斑,伴倦怠乏力,心悸,气短,汗出,舌胖苔少或无苔,脉细无力或细数无力; Osteoarthritis is seen in the above symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects articular cartilage, 8 drugs to treat osteoarthritis, you know

The small active pill groups are Chuan Wu, Zhi Cao Wu, Bi Nan Xing, Frankincense (made), Myrrh (made), and Di Long. Fangzhong made of Sichuan Wu, made of grass Wuwen through the dispersion of cold, dispel wind and dehumidification, paralysis and pain relief, for the king medicine. Cholinanxing dry and humidify phlegm, dispel the wind phlegm and wet evil of the meridians, and can relieve pain; Frankincense, myrrh, qi and blood, blood stasis in the network, can also relieve pain, and the three are also medicines. The earth dragon walks and wanders, through the meridians and activates the network, and has the use of the messenger. The various medicines play a synergistic role in dispelling wind and cold, reducing phlegm and dehumidifying, and activating blood and relieving pain.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that rhododendron micro has an anti-inflammatory effect, can reduce the amount of telangi exudate from intra-abdominal inflammation, inhibit granulation tissue hyperplasia, inhibit joint swelling.

Clinically, small active pills are used for paralysis caused by wind cold and wet evil blockade, phlegm stasis obstruction, symptoms of limb joint pain, heavy acidity, numbness, aggravation of cold and dampness, or joint enlargement, unfavorable flexion and extension, difficulty in walking, obstruction of movement, thin white or white lichen, tight pulse strings; Osteoarthritis is seen in the above symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects articular cartilage, 8 drugs to treat osteoarthritis, you know

The formulas of Tianhe Wind Chasing Cream are Raw Grass Wu, Shengchuan Wu, Ephedra, Fine Spice, Qiang Huo, Bai Zhi, Du Huo, Galangal, Cinnamon, Welling Immortal, Centipede, Snake Worm, Sea Breeze Vine, Wu Yao, Safflower, Peach Kernel, Su Mu, Red Peony, Frankincense, Myrrh, Guangxi Blood Exhaustion, Angelica, Beef Knee, Continuous Interruption, Xiang Jia Pi, Ice Chips, Red Euphorbia, Musk Ketone, Cinnamon Oil, Menthol, Cayenne Pepper Flow Extract, Clove Basil Oil, Camphor, Methyl Salicylate, Laurel Aeronone.

Tianhe Chasing Wind Cream is a compound preparation of Chinese and Western medicine. Fang Zhongshengcao Wu, Shengchuan Wu dispels the wind and cold, and warm menstruation relieves pain; Ephedra, fine spices, Qiang Huo, Bai Zhi, Du Huo divergent wind chill, dehumidification and pain relief; Galangal and cinnamon are warm and cold, and the blood is activated and pain relief is relieved; Welling immortals, centipedes, snakes, sea breeze vines to dispel wind and dehumidification, through the meridians and active networks; Wu Yao line qi dispersion cold and pain relief; Safflower, peach kernel, sumac, red peony, frankincense, myrrh, blood exhaustion, angelica activate blood stasis, reduce swelling and relieve pain; Beef knee, continuous break, incense and skin to dispel wind and dehumidification, strengthen muscles and bones; Ice flakes aromatize and clear heat and relieve pain; Red Euphorbia water dehumidification; Muskone, cinnamon oil, menthol, cayenne pepper stream extract, clove basil oil to dispel wind and dehumidification, cold and analgesic; Camphor warm dissipation analgesia; Methyl salicylate analgesic, anti-inflammatory; Laurethrosterone promotes drug absorption. Traditional Chinese medicine is used together to play the function of warming and dispersing cold, dispelling wind and dehumidification, and activating blood and relieving pain.

Clinically, Tianhe wind chasing cream can be used for paralysis caused by wind chill and wet blockage, blood stasis obstruction, joint pain, local fear of wind chill, low back pain, unfavorable flexion and extension, numbness of limbs, white tongue, pulse strings; Osteoarthritis is seen in the above symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects articular cartilage, 8 drugs to treat osteoarthritis, you know

The medicinal mugwort is composed of mugwort leaf, cinnamon stick, galangal, bai zhi, shengchuan wu, xiangfu, salvia, patchouli, incense, and tangerine peel. Fangzhong MuGwort leaf qi fragrance spicy, sexual temperature main dispersion, can heat the blood and warm the meridians, cold and wet and relieve cold pain, there is warm qi and blood, penetrate the meridians, for the king medicine. Guizhi, galangal, Bai Zhi, Shengchuan Wuxin scattered Wentong, scattered cold pain relief, Wentong meridians, for the medicine. Incense and salvia line qi and invigorate blood, benefit the joints and pass through the meridians; Widely irrigated incense, lowering incense spices and warming aromatic wet turbidity; Tangerine Peel Qi Healthy Spleen Dry and Wet, this five flavors as an adjuvant. The combination of various medicines makes the cold dehumidify, and the qi and blood pass through and the paralysis is removed.

Clinically, the medicinal wormwood can be used for wind cold and wet evil blockade, qi and blood coagulation of meridian joints caused by paralysis, symptoms such as cold pain in the limb joints, unfavorable flexion and extension, pain at night, aggravation of cold, heat pain reduction, bad wind and cold, pale red tongue, or ecchymosis, thin white tongue, tight or fine veins; Osteoarthritis is seen in the above symptoms.

Diclofenac sodium belongs to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, by inhibiting the epoxygenase of the cell membrane, inhibiting the metabolism of arachidonic acid into inflammatory mediator prostaglandins, thereby reducing local tissue congestion and swelling caused by prostaglandins, reducing the sensitivity of peripheral local nerves to bradykinin and other pain sensations, exerting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, with moderate intensity analgesic effect, suitable for persistent inflammatory pain, and ineffective for sharp pain caused by direct stimulation of sensory nerve endings. For patients with osteoarthritis, diclofenac sodium can quickly and effectively reduce joint pain, control clinical symptoms, and is a first-line drug for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects articular cartilage, 8 drugs to treat osteoarthritis, you know

氨基葡萄糖是一种‬天然的氨基单糖,是蛋白多糖合成的前体物质,可刺激软骨细胞产生有正常多聚体结构的蛋白多糖,提高软骨细胞的修复能力,抑制损害关节软骨的酶(如胶原酶和磷脂酶A2),并可防止损伤细胞的超氧化自由基的产生,促进软骨基质的修复和重建,从而可缓解骨关节疼痛,改善关节功能,并延缓病程的发展,适用于全身所有部位骨性关节炎的防治, Including knee joints, hip joints, spine, shoulders, hands and wrists, ankle joints, etc., especially suitable for joint cartilage mild or moderate wear, morphological structure is basically complete, not to the cartilage most of the wear or even complete wear of the early and middle osteoarthritis patients, for the joint cartilage severe wear of the end-stage osteoarthritis patients is not effective.

Diacetin is an inhibitor of interleukin-1 (IL-1) for osteoarthritis. It has been confirmed by cell experiments and animal experiments that diacetolide can induce chondroid production, have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects; Does not inhibit prostaglandin synthesis; It has the effect of delaying the progression of the disease in osteoarthritis. Clinically, diacetorein can be used to treat degenerative joint diseases (osteoarthritis and related diseases).