
International Observation丨The United States is the initiator of chaos in the Middle East

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Baghdad, 2 Sep (Xinhua) -- Serious bloody clashes broke out in the capitals of Libya and Iraq a few days ago, causing heavy casualties. Although the direct cause of the conflict is the intensification of contradictions between the political factions in the two countries, analysts point out that the root cause lies in the evil deeds of the United States in waging war against Middle Eastern countries and interfering in their internal affairs. There is no doubt that the United States is the initiator of the chaos in the Middle East.

The roots of the conflict are in the United States

On the night of August 26, armed clashes broke out in several areas of tripoli, the capital of Libya, which had killed 32 people and injured 159 others by the 28th. The two parties to the conflict are armed groups belonging to the Libyan Government of National Unity and the National Assembly, respectively.

International Observation丨The United States is the initiator of chaos in the Middle East

This is a photograph of a damaged car in the Libyan capital Tripoli on Aug. 27. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Hamza Turkia)

On August 29, in Baghdad, Iraq, supporters of Shiite religious leader Sadr stormed government buildings and clashed with security forces, killing 22 people and injuring more than 200 people by 30 August.

Ostensibly, the recent violent clashes between the two countries were due to power struggles between domestic political forces, but a retrospective history shows that the political chaos between the two countries has a lot to do with the war waged by the United States. In March 2003, the United States and its allies launched a war in Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime on the grounds that "Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction" and bypassed international opposition, ignoring international opposition. Since then, under the leadership of the United States, Iraq has established a set of quota-based political decentralization system, resulting in a large number of domestic political factions, difficult to reconcile contradictions, and long-term political instability. In March 2011, the United States and its allies launched airstrikes against Libyan government forces to help the Opposition overthrow the Qaddafi regime, plunging Libya into a prolonged period of civil unrest.

Iraqi political analyst Nadum Abdullah said that the United States has pushed for Western-style democracy in Iraq in the name of "spreading freedom and democracy", which has ultimately led to the division of Iraqi society and frequent conflicts. Faraj Dalí, a Libyan political analyst, said the U.S. and Western interventions in Libya were a complete conspiracy, and that regime change in Libya was achieved by force rather than the will of the people, which plunged "us into an unpredictable civil war."

Chaos in the Middle East for hegemony

The Middle East is an important source of oil resources in the world and has long been a key area for the United States to maintain world hegemony. In order to overthrow the governments of the Middle East that disobeyed its orders, the United States has sought all kinds of excuses, unscrupulous means, and even waging war, such as Iraq and Libya.

According to the Global Statistical Database, from the U.S. war in Iraq in 2003 to 2021, about 209,000 Iraqi civilians died in war and violent clashes, and about 9.2 million Iraqis became refugees or displaced.

International Observation丨The United States is the initiator of chaos in the Middle East

On June 18, 2003, U.S. soldiers confronted hundreds of demonstrators at gunpoint in front of the temporary headquarters of the U.S.-British coalition in Baghdad, Iraq. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhao Jianwei

Alan Cooperman, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin, wrote in The Diplomacy magazine that the civil war in 2011 was nearing the end of the U.S. and its allies' armed intervention in Libya, when about 1,000 people were killed, and at least 10,000 more were killed after Western intervention. Since then, Libya has been in turmoil for a long time, with economic collapse, tribal wars, and extremism, and the resulting refugee problem has ended up letting the Western countries suffer their own consequences.

Syria is also a victim of U.S. interference. After the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the United States and its Western allies vigorously supported the Syrian opposition forces and tried to overthrow the Syrian government by supporting proxies, resulting in local wars and conflicts that continue to this day. At present, the United States still maintains a military presence in Syria, not only providing support to the opposition forces, launching air strikes in Syria, but also plundering Syrian oil and food resources.

In addition to the use of force, the United States has also used non-governmental organizations and proxies to infiltrate Middle Eastern countries for a long time, and has repeatedly used "color revolutions" to forcibly promote regime change in Middle Eastern countries. Beginning with the december 2010 riots in Tunisia, there were mass protests and riots in many countries in the Middle East, and the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen were overthrown. Behind this series of "color revolutions" called the "Arab Spring" in the West, there is a black hand of the United States.

Ayman O'Keller, head of the Egyptian Mart Peace, Development and Human Rights Organization, pointed out that for a long time, in order to maintain its hegemonic status, the United States has used "democracy" and "human rights" as weapons to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and the National Endowment for Democracy, established in 1983, is the "white glove" for carrying out such interference activities. Relying on the financial support of the White House and the US Congress, the organization provides financial support to pro-American individuals and groups in some Middle Eastern countries to instigate "color revolutions" and is an important behind-the-scenes black hand of the so-called "Arab Spring".

The seeds of evil have been sown in many countries

The United States has provoked war, instigated coups, interfered in internal affairs and other evil deeds, undermined the efforts of Middle Eastern countries to independently explore the path of development, and led to the breaking of the political and social order of these countries, the destruction of national unity and cohesion, and the loss of the basic rights of the people. Today, the bane planted by the United States in the Middle East is still bearing evil results, and many countries in the Middle East have so far been in political turmoil and people's livelihoods are difficult.

International Observation丨The United States is the initiator of chaos in the Middle East

An elderly man sits on a roof in Aleppo, Syria, on December 21, 2017, looking at the ruined Hanharir Market. The silk cloth business in this market has a history of hundreds of years, and was once densely packed with shops and bustling with people, but it was ruined by the war. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Amar)

In Syria, the continued war caused by US military intervention and long-term economic sanctions by the United States have made the Syrian economy wither and the people's lives miserable. Ahmed Ashkar, an expert on Syrian political issues, said that the vast majority of Syrian people are currently living below the poverty line, and basic livelihood services such as water, electricity and medical care cannot be guaranteed.

In Libya, 37-year-old translator Mohammed Darwish said that before 2011, 1 dollar could be exchanged for 1.28 Libyan dinars, and now the exchange rate is 1 to 4.9, and the cost of living has risen sharply due to severe devaluation of the currency. "11 years ago, our lives were well secured. Today, there are more than 10 hours of power outages per day alone. ”

In Tunisia, the U.S.-fueled "color revolution" has plunged the country into prolonged instability, with frequent government changes, deteriorating economic conditions, soaring public debt, and miserable lives for the people. Tunisian political analyst Jumai Jasmi said the country's GDP per capita in 2021 was lower than in 2011, many Tunisians had lost confidence in their lives, and more and more people were venturing their way to Europe.

Mohammed Jubri, a professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of Iraq, said that it was a great mistake for the United States to push for Western-style democracy in Iraq, because Iraq's national conditions are very different from those of the West. As a result of gross U.S. interference, Iraqis have deteriorated, poverty rates remain high, and the country is mired in violent conflict and political stalemate.

Analysts pointed out that the root cause behind the various evil acts of the United States in violating human rights in the Middle East is the hegemonic thinking and power politics of the United States. In pursuit of hegemonic interests, the United States has caused irreparable and permanent harm to the countries and peoples of the Middle East and has also brought serious harm to world peace and stability. (Participating reporters: Pan Xiaojing, Wang Jian, Yao Bing, Huang Ling, Xu Supei)

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