
If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Autumn has arrived, and Junzilan has entered the peak season of growth. Raising Junzilan at home is the most prone to problems such as rotten roots, yellow leaves, and rotten hearts. These problems are actually related to the potting soil and watering used to raise flowers. Junzi orchid is a relatively drought-tolerant plant because their root system is a very thick radish root system, which can store a lot of water and nutrients.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it
If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

If there is too much watering, the root system is soaked in the moist soil for a long time, and there will be a situation of stuffy roots, and gradually the root system will begin to rot and empty the roots. If the root system is rotten, the junzi orchid will naturally not grow well, and the leaves will appear yellow and withered, because each root system and the leaves have a close connection. The situation of yellow leaves in Junzilan is good to say, and I am most afraid of the situation of rotten hearts. The leaf heart of Junzilan is very deep, and if it is improperly watered, or if the water is poured into the leaf heart, there will be a rotten heart.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

Its growth point is in the heart of the leaf, if there is a rotten heart, Junzilan will not grow again. Therefore, in the family to raise Junzilan, watering is particularly critical, not only to do not dry and do not water, water thoroughly, but also to leave the heart of the leaf, do not rain and other situations. So how does Junzilan water in normal times? You can follow these methods, spring, summer, autumn and winter to water, there will certainly be no problems.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

First, water in spring and autumn

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

Spring and autumn are relatively cold seasons, which are the peak seasons for the growth of Junzi orchids, and can be generalized when maintaining. The temperature in spring and autumn is suitable, between about 15 degrees and 25 degrees, which is very suitable for the growth of Junzi orchid, when it grows the fastest. At this time, the yangjunzi orchid should be sufficient in water and fertilizer, and when watering, it should be dried two or three centimeters of pot soil, or watered in time when it is half dry.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

If the watering is not thorough, you can also soak it in a basin. Watering by sitting in a basin can prevent the occurrence of watering half-cut water. However, when watering, do not water the surface of the potting soil when it is dry, then the new roots at the bottom of it cannot be dried for a long time, and it is easy to appear that the root system is black and the growth is stopped, and the root system is rotten. Especially in the case of a layer of pottery in the pot or the covering is covered, it is even more unfavorable for Junzilan when watering.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

Therefore, if you want to understand the growth and watering of Junzi orchid, you can insert a bamboo skewer in the pot and insert the bamboo skewer from the edge of the pot to the end. When watering, pull it out and take a look at it, you can see the various situations in the pot at a glance. When the pot soil is half dry, it will not be rotten when it is dried, and it will not appear rotten roots, which is also the easiest way to master the watering of Junzilan.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

Some masters of raising junzi orchids can feel the weight of the pots by sweeping the pots and judging the watering situation. For newbies in flower raising, it is more appropriate to insert a bamboo stick. When inserting bamboo sticks, it is necessary to insert them to the edge of the pot to prevent the occurrence of cutting off the root system and rotting roots in the middle.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

Second, water the Junzi orchid in the summer

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

In the summer, Junzilan is in a dormant and semi-dormant state because it is more afraid of heat. In the summer, most of the plants also enter a dormant state, and junzi orchid is no exception. During the dormancy period, the watering requirements for Junzilan should not be too frequent, and the potting soil should be dried and then watered, or the Junzilan should be placed in a place where the ventilation scatters light. Often sweep the pot, do not bask in more sun, more ventilation, less watering, in order to make it safe for summer.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

Otherwise, the high temperature and high humidity environment can easily lead to rotten roots, rotten leaves, pests and diseases, and black rot. Do not fertilize Junzilan in the summer, because at this time its root system cannot even absorb water, how can it absorb fertilizer? It is easy to burn the root, so in the summer to raise Junzilan, to control the watering, placed in a ventilated place is the most important.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

Third, water in winter

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

In the winter, the maintenance of Junzilan varies according to the different geographical environment, and the temperature and humidity are also different. Generally speaking, in the winter, the northern region is relatively cold, if the temperature is lower than ten degrees, it is necessary to put Junzilan in a warmer place to keep warm to prevent frostbite and frostbite. The temperature is relatively low, and it is also necessary to control the watering of Junzilan to prevent frostbite. Watering too much, the water in its pots was frozen into ice, so that the root system of Junzilan was frozen to death.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

There are also some places where there is air conditioning or heating indoors, and the temperature can reach about 20 degrees, at this time, Junzilan is normal growth, and can be maintained according to the watering methods of spring and autumn. If the temperature is too low in winter, you need to control watering, and you should pay attention to when watering, generally the temperature of the tap water just connected is particularly low, and some can even reach about zero degrees. Such water is directly poured into the pot of Junzi Orchid, which will also cause unnecessary damage to its root system.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

Therefore, it is best to take a basin of tap water when watering, and then put it indoors for a day or two, one to evaporate the chlorine in the tap water, and the other to make the temperature of the water almost similar to the indoor temperature. In this way, watering Junzilan can not only allow the root system to absorb quickly, but also evaporate the chlorine and prevent the soil from being compacted. Many flower breeding experts water flowers, are a day or two in advance to dry the water, is very beneficial.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

In the southern region, winter is relatively warm, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the watering situation. Because the southern region is relatively humid, it is necessary to often ventilate more, increase the light, and give it a large temperature difference, so that the junzi orchid can grow normally and flower normally. When maintaining Junzilan, as long as you pay attention to the method of watering Junzilan in all seasons, it is not easy to rot roots.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

The root system of Junzilan can be freely stretched and deeply rooted, the root system grows well, the leaves will naturally grow well, and it will naturally cultivate high-quality Junzilan. When raising Junzilan, in addition to watering, you should also pay attention to the soil of Junzilan, because the root system of Junzilan is very thick. Although it has more roots, it is not strong in deep penetration, so it is necessary to use loose and breathable soil.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

In the flower shed, most of the use of humus soil to cultivate Junzi orchid, if you mix the soil yourself, you can add some loose and breathable media such as pine needle soil, saprophyll soil or the prepared peanut shell, so that its root system can be fully stretched and deeply rooted. The more water you water, the more excess water can penetrate out.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

When watering, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that these soils are relatively loose and excess water is easily leaked. Therefore, when watering, it is necessary to turn the circle to water, and the surrounding areas should be poured evenly to prevent the situation of drying on the one hand and wet on the other, drying up and down wet. To ensure that all the soil can be fully watered. Friends who like to raise Junzilan must follow the correct method to water, in order to make Junzilan's long leaves oily green, long in autumn, and blossom in winter.

If you want Junzilan, the big white root to grow in pots, the leaves are fat, and there are many flowers and arrows, so water it

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