
The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

author:History of Fenghua Ji
The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia
Japan's Unit 731, a unit that can make all Chinese hate it immensely just by mentioning its name, conducts all kinds of inhumane human experiments in China's three eastern provinces and many of the bacteriological weapons it has developed, stripping Chinese of flesh and bones, and performing craniotomy without anesthesia, so what other experiments has Unit 731 done? Why can't we always forget the crimes they committed?
The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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In 1932, in order to cope with the imminent war of aggression, the Japanese Army Military Medical School ordered Ishii Shiro and Kitano Masaji to secretly set up the Bacteriological Research Institute, the full name: the 731st Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Unit of the Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuria, referred to as the 731st Unit, referred to as the Ishii Unit, which is used by the Japanese army invading China under the pretext of study Chinese ing the prevention and control of disease and drinking water purification. The Korean prisoners of war thus conducted experiments on chemical and biological weapons and chemical weapons.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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Unit 731 was a demonic unit produced by the Japanese Marine Corps, who used biology and medicine as weapons and carried out bacteriological warfare prohibited by international law, and they declared themselves to be the Institute of Epidemic Prevention, which began inhumane human experimentation and bacteriological weapons research and development activities, and in 1933, under the instructions of the Japanese Army, the institute was changed to the Institute of Epidemic Prevention, and then relocated to Harbin.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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On June 25, 1936, at the behest of Emperor Hirohito of Japan, the Japanese Army selected a group of outstanding students from the medical school and put them all into the research institute, and the germ unit was officially established, and two years later, this unit established a super-large bacteriological laboratory in the Harbin Pingfang area, and in December 1941, the Japanese Kwantung Army ordered the units to call each other by their nicknames, and the germ warfare unit was renamed Unit 731.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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Unit 731, which has just entered Harbin, has at least 2,500 to 3,000 people stationed in the Harbin Bacteriological Laboratory, and the laboratory equipment is very perfect, and there are also various laboratories subdivided, such as tuberculosis bacteria laboratory, virus laboratory, frostbite laboratory, gas laboratory, rodent breeding room, insect culture room, bacterial eggshell manufacturing plant, bacterial bomb assembly room, crematoria, landfill, etc.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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In order to make the rapid development and growth of Unit 731, they will regularly send some outstanding students from medical schools to visit and study here, and take some materials back to China for research, and then for a long time, Unit 731 began to take Harbin as the starting point and radiate to the entire northeast region, large-scale search for revolutionaries, and send them to the laboratory of 731, but as the experimental projects of Unit 731 slowly increased, the number of experiments arrested was not enough to support the normal operation of the laboratory.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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Therefore, in order to help Unit 731 to successfully carry out experiments, the Japanese military began to transport personnel from various prisoner of war camps, and a large number of Chinese, Koreans, Soviets and Mongols were transported to the 731 laboratory, where they were all called "Marutai", which means "log" in Japanese, and was later extended to "experimental products", and these experimental subjects were cruelly tested by the Japanese army like "logs".

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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All the subjects of the experiment before doing the vivisection, the hair will be shaved off, and then without anesthesia, directly dissected by the human body, many people are killed by the pain of life, and some are directly frightened to faint, they can no longer wake up, these executioners will completely cut the upper body of the person, take out all the pancreas, measure them and then put them into the container, when these pancreas are taken out, they are still beating!

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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Subsequently, the Japanese army began to work on Maruta's head, taking out the brain and putting it in a container full of formalin fluid, so that the dissection was complete. In their war against the Soviet Union, in order to solve the problem of frostbite of soldiers, they began to conduct frostbite experiments in the northeast of the mainland, and Yoshimura Shouren ordered the people of the mainland to be arrested.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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And these experimenters tied to the outside of minus tens of degrees, let people every few minutes, pour water on the experimenter's arm, just to make the experimenter's arm frozen, whenever the experimenter's arm is frozen, they will use the stick to beat it, repeat these two steps, until the experimenter's arm is completely frozen, and then they will bring the person back to the laboratory, soak the two arms in hot water, when the arm is taken out, these Japanese troops will peel off the skin on the experimenter's arm directly, revealing the complete white bone. But the atrocities of the Japanese army are not only that!

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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731 also has a poison gas laboratory, at first only to take poultry animals as experimental objects, but then inhumanely locked people and animals in the poison gas laboratory, just want to see who has stronger vitality of animals and humans, when the gas chamber is sent into the poison gas, this group of mad Japanese troops will stare at them tightly outside the glass window, watching the experimenter's pupils dilate, limbs slowly stiffen, until the painful death. During this time, they would even pinch their watches and calculate the time of Maruti's death, and they would do so with only one purpose, that is, to vent the animalistic nature in their hearts.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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After the establishment of Unit 731, a total of hundreds of live experiments were carried out before and after, each of which was extremely cruel, they were not even as good as animals, and all of us Chinese should bear in mind a name: Shiro Ishii, the founder of Unit 731, who under the banner of serving the Emperor of Japan, unscrupulously vented his animal nature in China, how many unconscionable things Unit 731 did to the people of the mainland in China, now there is no way to verify, when the experiment of Unit 731 was exposed, the whole world was shocked. The experimental site here is very perfect, not only a variety of laboratories, but also a large number of insects and rats.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

Shiro Ishii

And these living organisms with the virus were injected into other living organisms, and then new infectious diseases were cultivated, and then they began to be released on the mainland, and the plague and cholera that Japan had released led to the death of a large number of people on the mainland. When Unit 731 successfully developed plague and cholera, in order to be able to test the effect of the virus, it was released in the Hunan region of the mainland, and a large number of rats carrying the virus would be infected with plague as long as they were bitten by these rats.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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On November 4, 1941, Japanese bombers dropped 36 kilograms of viruses and plague-carrying items in Changde, and each of these items contained nearly 1700 fleas, which were also viruses cultivated by Unit 731, and then the plague broke out in Full Swing in Hunan, and the infected people would have dark spots, and the high fever would not go away, basically they could not survive for three days, and the doctors could not do anything about it, in order to avoid large-scale infection after death due to the decomposition of the corpse. Countless crematoria were built, and the work of cremating corpses was carried out day and night.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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The plague not only did not improve by April of the following year, but it was more contagious, and even the countryside hundreds of kilometers away from Changde was full of corpses. The plague lasted until 1945, the mainland medicine experienced many years of development, slowly controlled the plague, and seeing that the virus was so effective, Ishii Shiro began to develop a virus bomb, he developed a ceramic virus bomb, which contains fleas and plague viruses, which will spread as soon as they explode, causing plague and cholera.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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The most ironic thing is that the main war criminals of Unit 731, with the help of the United States, have all escaped trial, and from 1939 to 1945, the number of direct deaths caused by experiments has exceeded 3,000, but Unit 731 has been developing viruses since 1932, and the Chinese that have encountered human experiment deaths are definitely not less than 10,000 people, and the third germ war they launched on the mainland has caused more than 200,000 deaths!

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

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The biggest difference between Japan and Germany after World War II is that Germany has the courage to admit its mistakes, and the German prime minister cannot even kneel in front of the World War II memorial, while the Japanese not only evade sanctions, find some high-sounding excuses for their heinous crimes, try to hide the past, and even enshrine war criminals in the Yasukuni Shrine.

The cruel Japanese Unit 731 stripped the Chinese and performed craniotomy without anesthesia

Yasukuni Shrine

The history of 731 does not appear in the textbook of Japanese history at all, they do not think about the mistakes they have made, but use such tricks to cover up their crimes, repeatedly trampling on the moral bottom line, and now according to social surveys, most Japanese people over the age of forty have no remorse or guilt for the crimes of World War II, which is tantamount to the second harm to the countries and people who were deeply poisoned by Japan at that time. 731 has become synonymous with anti-humanity, history cannot be tampered with, and the heinous crimes they committed are even more unforgivable!

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