
The salmon head made today is especially delicious 🤟 and share the recipe with the family! Buy 2 salmon heads. Spend $15 and make one today. The fish head is cleaned, divided into two companions, and I will put some salt

author:Four Seasons Three Meals Diary

The salmon head made today is particularly delicious 🤟

Share the recipe with your family! Buy 2 salmon heads. Spend $15 and make one today. The fish head was cleaned and divided into two companions, so I put some salt and marinated for about 3 hours.

Seasoning, garlic, green onions, star anise leaves, a few peppercorns, and a red pepper.

Cook, put oil in the pot, heat, enlarge the garlic and then put the fish head, fry the fish head on both sides until golden brown, then put the green onion, star anise leaves, peppercorns, peppers, mix well, put cooking wine, aged vinegar, soy sauce, a little sugar, put water more than the fish head, put the noodles, stew more than half a point, put some coriander when out of the pot, out of the pot is delicious 😇🤟🤟

Family! You make salmon heads, how do you do it? Good way to share it with me (✪▽✪) 🙏🌹🌹🌹 #我的健康生活

The salmon head made today is especially delicious 🤟 and share the recipe with the family! Buy 2 salmon heads. Spend $15 and make one today. The fish head is cleaned, divided into two companions, and I will put some salt
The salmon head made today is especially delicious 🤟 and share the recipe with the family! Buy 2 salmon heads. Spend $15 and make one today. The fish head is cleaned, divided into two companions, and I will put some salt
The salmon head made today is especially delicious 🤟 and share the recipe with the family! Buy 2 salmon heads. Spend $15 and make one today. The fish head is cleaned, divided into two companions, and I will put some salt
The salmon head made today is especially delicious 🤟 and share the recipe with the family! Buy 2 salmon heads. Spend $15 and make one today. The fish head is cleaned, divided into two companions, and I will put some salt

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