
Zhang Xinming: Comrade Zhengfu and his "Memory of Dajing"

author:Tianma Racing Hui Literary Society

Comrade Masao and his "Memory of Dajing"

Text/Zhang Xinming

Zhang Xinming: Comrade Zhengfu and his "Memory of Dajing"

Comrade Zhengfu wrote a memoir entitled "Memory of Dajing". Read it over and over again, and sigh with emotion. Without further ado, in terms of its writing techniques alone, the topic selection is accurate, the language is concise, and the positioning is appropriate, which is indeed worth reading.

I met Comrade Masao in the 1980s, at the county's annual training class for journalism cadres, and I had the privilege of getting to know him. At the opening ceremony, Zhou Xueyi, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, said with confidence that the news talents in Gulang County have great potential to be tapped, and the news reporting team in Gulang will certainly be able to develop and grow. Let's say that Comrade Li Zhengfu of the County Water and Power Bureau is a "dark horse" killed in the past two years. He wrote a newsletter with a large door, "We Welcome Such College Students", which occupied an entire page of the Gansu Water Conservancy News and caused great repercussions in the province's water conservancy system. Although Vice Minister Zhou's speech was not without exaggeration, the article was actually published in the newspaper.

In June 1989, Wuwei Bao selected the annual good news, and after repeated selection and evaluation, Comrade Zhengfu's report that "state support, people work hard, see benefits for the first time, and the water of the Yellow River has been led to Gulang Chicken Claw Beach" won the first prize of Wuwei Bao's 1988 annual good news award. At that time, I secretly wondered to myself, how could the first prize of the annual news fall on an ordinary news correspondent in a large regional newspaper with a population of nearly two million people, and the team of reporters and correspondents was so skilled. It's unbelievable! I clearly remember that his news report on the diversion of the Yellow River water to Gulang Chicken Claw Beach was on the front page of Wuwei Bao, and the editor also added a short commentary titled "Historic Achievements", which highly evaluated the significance of the Jingdian Project to Gulang. Through these two things, I had to look at Comrade Masao again.

Comrade Zhengfu has been engaged in hydropower work for a long time, and at the same time he is also a lover of literature and history, and is a loyal reader and enthusiastic contributor of "Gulang Wenyuan". In October 2010, "Gulang Wenyuan" planned to produce an album to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the opening of the main trunk canal of the second phase of the Jingdian Project, and Comrade Zhengfu enthusiastically wrote an article. Many leading comrades and veteran comrades of the Ancient Lang Dynasty have written many articles and poems, and young authors are not far behind. The old, middle-aged and young people actively participated, the content of the manuscript was very rich, and the album was very successful, which caused a warm response in the society. This is enough to explain the weight of the Jingdian Project in the minds of the cadres and masses of Gulang, and it is enough to show the pivotal role of the Jingdian Project in Gulang's poverty alleviation.

Zhang Xinming: Comrade Zhengfu and his "Memory of Dajing"

"Memory of Dajing" is part of the memories of the Jingdian Project before the Gulang water, the construction of the Jingdian Gulang Irrigation District, and after its completion. Opening the book "Bitter Haizi Beach" is like returning to the era of lack of vegetables and little salary, and lack of food; Opening "The Prologue Has Just Kicked Off", it is as if hearing the scene of more than 2,700 athletes of the Gulang Militia Regiment building cofferdams and pumping stations on the banks of the Yellow River when the jingdian phase II was first mounted, and people shouted horses and strong mountains and rivers; The chapter of "Construction Site March" shows the selfless dedication and indomitable fighting spirit of the project builders; In "Leading Cadre Tree Example", the author uses simple language to express a large group of vivid leading cadres with distinct representative characteristics; In the chapter "The Grace of Care Cannot Be Forgotten", the concern and concern of leading comrades and other figures from the central government to the provinces, prefectures and cities for the construction of the Scenic Spot Gulang Irrigation District are recorded; "Impressions of Foreigners 123" introduces the work style and hobbies of senior advisers and officials of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in the process of implementing the Jingtaichuan Agricultural Irrigation Development Project in Gansu Province, China. It further shows that the people of Gulang have withstood severe tests in the world in the tide of reform and opening up; From various perspectives, "The Old Look Changes to a New Look" describes the earth-shaking vicissitudes and changes after the Water Gulang Haizi Beach of the Jingdian Project. The pictures inserted in the book reproduce the real scenes at that time.

"Dajing Memory" is very touching after reading. She is like silk, like crying, like poetry, like a dream. Reproducing the tenacious qualities of the people of Gulang under the leadership of the Communist Party and the People's Government, they worked hard to start a business and forged ahead; Reproduced the spirit of self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement; It reproduces the "three reals" style of grasping, helping, and working hard for the construction of the Jingdian Project, as well as all the comrades of the county departments and units directly under the county and the Gulang Headquarters of the Jingdian Project. It fully explains the indisputable truth that only socialism can save China, only socialism can develop China, and only socialism can make the country rich and strong and the people happy.

In the overall structure of the writing, "Dajing Memory" can be summarized as "tiger head, pig belly, leopard tail". In a short space, the author fully poured out the heartfelt voice of the people in the Jingdian Gulang Irrigation District. There are certain characteristics in the expression method, boldly adopting the docking of romance and reality, the intersection of documentary and fiction, the contest between good and evil, and the trade-off between dedication and enjoyment, which fully reflects the positive energy of today's society. At the same time, in the linguistic expression of folklore, the brushwork of the journey to the west was learned and borrowed. The "Jingdian Spirit" and "Four Sticks Style" practiced by the builders of the Gulang Irrigation District of the Jingdian Project in that year are like a picture in the history of the Gulang people's entrepreneurship, which is once again displayed in front of people. The spirit of hard work and selfless dedication of the builders of Jingdian is still worth carrying forward in the battle of targeted poverty alleviation and precise poverty alleviation.

Therefore, the book "Memories of Dajing" is worth reading.

Zhang Xinming: Comrade Zhengfu and his "Memory of Dajing"
Zhang Xinming: Comrade Zhengfu and his "Memory of Dajing"

Zhang Xinming, deputy research librarian of Qunwen, is a member of the Gansu Provincial Writers Association and the Poetry Society. He is currently the deputy secretary-general of the Yellow River Cultural Research Association of Gansu Province. Guest house Lanzhou.

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