
Emperor Hui of Jin: Why not eat meat? Today there is Dong Moufan: Why not go to the city to buy a house?

author:The sound of swords and waves

The Book of Jin and the Chronicle of Emperor Hui records that the emperor tasted in Hualin Garden, smelled the sound of shrimp and toads, and said: "This ming is an official, a private person? Or to say: "In the official land for the official, in the private land for the private." And the world was in chaos, and the people were starving to death, the emperor said, "Why don't you eat meat?" "Its deception is also like this.

This passage tells that Sima Zheng, the Emperor of Jinhui, once heard a toad crying in Hualin Garden and asked his attendants, "Is this summoned official or private?" The attendants said, "This thing is official in the official land, and it is private in the private place." When the people starved to death in the years of calamity and famine in the world, Sima Zheng actually asked, "Why don't they eat porridge?" ”

Peeping leopard in the tube, it can be seen. Two small allusions are enough to see the ugly face of the decadent, faint, absurd and extravagant feudal emperor who did not care about the people's livelihood and did not care about the lives of the people.

Recently, Dong Moufan, director of the Real Estate Research Center of Beijing Normal University, has been on fire! The reason is that he said in an interview with reporters: farmers can buy houses and live in the county, and then drive to the countryside to cultivate land; The pool and pre-sale system should not be abolished and so on. These strange theories have aroused widespread concern in society, and some netizens said that it is not that they do not want to buy a house in the county, but that they have no money; What should be done is to bring down the house price, it is recommended that you better not recommend.

When some netizens said that he did not understand the current situation of rural areas, farmers, and agriculture, he retorted it on the grounds that he had lived in the countryside since he was a child, and that this situation had been widely around him.

High-level leaders have long said that with the continuous development of socialism with mainland characteristics, the main contradiction in mainland society has been transformed into "the contradiction between the growing needs of the masses for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development." In other words, everyone has thought about a good life, and the key is whether the peasant brothers have the economic strength to live a good life and a happy life!

What Dong Moufan said about the fact that there are already peasant brothers buying houses and settling down in the city, driving home to farm land, etc. That is to say, there are indeed some peasants with economic strength, who have already gone to the city to buy houses before he suggested, settled in the city, become amphibians, have the dual identity of farmers and urban people, and live a happy life with rich living resources such as rural homesteads, responsible fields, mountains and forests, and collective economic dividend rights, and have all the resources that urban people can enjoy!

Emperor Hui of Jin: Why not eat meat? Today there is Dong Moufan: Why not go to the city to buy a house?

However, Dong Moufan should understand: Don't say that you only lived in the countryside for a period of time when you were a child (at most, you lived in the countryside before going to college), you have lived in the countryside for a lifetime, but how many people around you? China still has a population of 1.413 billion, and there are still 556 million farmers, accounting for 39.35% of the total population.

Emperor Hui of Jin: Why not eat meat? Today there is Dong Moufan: Why not go to the city to buy a house?
Emperor Hui of Jin: Why not eat meat? Today there is Dong Moufan: Why not go to the city to buy a house?

Dong Moufan is 55 years old and a native of Ludi. I'm the same age as him, from the neighboring province. Rural economic conditions in the eastern coastal areas may be better than ours here. I left my hometown at the age of 24 and came to live in the county town three years later, and it has been 28 years. In the new century, the economic conditions of the county where I am located in this area are still relatively good. Now the county house price is generally around 5,000 yuan, in our place, the current young people want to get married, the first pass is that the girl's family wants you to buy a house in the county. Therefore, how many parents have devoted their lives to taking out all their savings, buying a house for their sons in the county, marrying a daughter-in-law for their sons, and completing the tasks that they think parents should complete, even if they are tired and bitter, they are satisfied and thankful! If a family is unfortunate enough to have two or three sons, it will be resigned to fate!

In this way, I did not dare to expect that when the farmers were busy, the children could drive back to the countryside to plant and harvest crops as Dong Moufan imagined! ——Don't say that you did it yourself, it is already very good to be able to go back to the meaning and help your parents! More often than not, sons and daughters-in-law live in the city, parents live in rural hometowns, and after a while, parents have to bring vegetables, grain, food, and drink to send to the children to the city; And the children are also content to enjoy the "please ready- to make" life where clothes are stretched out and meals are opened!

As for driving back to your hometown to help your parents farm, don't think about it! Because the labor market is now expensive, a big worker with a little bit of technical content can be as little as three or four hundred yuan a day, and as much as five or six hundred yuan; Even a small worker with no technical content and only making money by making money by making a death force will have to pay at least two hundred yuan a day! Driving back to your hometown, not counting the fuel consumption of the car, how much money can you sell in a season of autumn or a season of wheat full? The income of returning to his hometown in the summer or helping his parents for a few days is not enough to earn more by working outside for a few days.

Therefore, there are now many rural resident groups, which have actually become "hollow villages"! There are many young people, the contracted land does not want to operate, can find the next home, please the next family free of charge farming, at most symbolically take one or two hundred yuan a year, the purpose is to ensure that the cultivated land is not deserted, not to be laughed at by the villagers who came over; If you really can't find the next family to cultivate, you can only leave the wilderness! Because of the restrictions of the red line of protected cultivated land, it is absolutely not allowed to plant crops on arable land and not to plant trees, which changes the nature of the land and is absolutely not allowed! As for land circulation, a considerable part of rural areas do not have the conditions for circulation! ---------------------------

Probably under the influence of Dong Moufan's whimsy, today, in the headlines, I saw a topic thrown out by a "creative inspiration" column: "Farmers grow grain at home, how long can they buy a house in the city?" ”

The following are the answers of some netizens -

Farmers rely on their own acres and three points of land, grow enough grain to eat, it is not bad, and still fantasize about buying a house in the city? Isn't this a pipe dream, a net thought of good things? I think my eyes are full of tears! Or cultivate the land well, whimsical things, or do not want to do well, save the brain overuse.

If it is in the countryside of our big mountain, the minimum is 50 years old to buy a house in full, and you can only go to the outskirts of the city to buy.

If you do not transfer other people's land, do not innovate planting, do not do other ways to generate income, simply rely on your own acres of land, it is almost impossible!

A farmer grows 5 acres of land at home, 500 kilograms of rice per acre, 3 yuan and 2 corners per kilogram, a total of 8,000 yuan. Wages, fertilizers, pesticides are not counted, and the general house is 1 million, which takes 125 years.

Farmers grow grain and buy houses at home, which should be divided into two areas: The first is in the plain area, using mechanization to plant hundreds of acres of land, perhaps you can go to the county town to buy a house; If it is in a hilly area, and it is three or five acres or dozens of acres, I will never want to buy a house in this life, because I am a rural person.

It depends on how to plant, where to plant, how much to plant, this question is too vague, bad comments do not have to comment!

Therefore, the author thinks that Dong Moufan's idea is still too naïve and too idealistic! He replaced the reality of 556 million peasant brothers in the whole territory with a very limited number of people around him! This is the same as the Jin Hui Emperor, who did not care about the suffering of the people, believing that they were hungry and could completely eat meat and fill their hunger, thus becoming the laughing stock of history! And Dong Moufan is said to have also suffered a ban on the Internet, which is as ridiculous as a few years ago when he released a bold statement, saying that "a college graduate over 40 years old, if he does not have a net worth of 30 or 40 million, you don't want to say that he is my student"!

I just want to ask: Director Dong, Professor Dong, you have passed the age of knowing your destiny, the flower armor is coming, what is the value of your old man now?

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