
From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

author:Words don't stop
From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

We want to thank someone like Sanna who has the courage to break the boundaries and ceilings, and it is not surprising that there will be something like a woman asking for equal happiness in the future.


Last week, Yu Yanjie saw a hashtag of #SolidarityWithSanna (supporting Sanna) on Twitter, and many people attached a hot dance video under the hashtag.

On closer inspection, it turned out to be in support of Finland's female prime minister, Sanna Marin.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

The 36-year-old young female prime minister was recently hit by a wave of "scandals" in her private life, first her hot dance videos went viral online.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ Everyone criticized her and the man's veneer dance too close

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ It is also pointed out that there is a suspected white powder in the video

Subsequently, the Finnish media broke the news that two party guests invited by Sanna took "indecent photos" at the prime minister's residence.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ It turned out that on July 8, after Prime Minister Sanna participated in the Ruiz Rock Festival, she invited a group of Internet celebrity friends to the official residence

It's really a wave of unevenness, a wave of rising.

In order to quell the doubts, Sanna then voluntarily underwent a drug test. The drug test result was negative, proving that she did not have any illegal drug ingredients in her body, but she had to make a public statement for this series of storms 4 times in a row.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ Yu Yanjie still admires Sanna's public speech costumes, combs her hair into a ponytail and cleansed, and wears an ordinary T-shirt to show the appearance of a big girl who is close to the people

She defended her work ethic, saying her private life didn't affect her work: "I didn't delay any day's work!" I am human, and sometimes I crave joy, light, and fun in the clouds. ”

Subsequently, many Finns – especially women – took to social media to support her, saying that "leaders are ordinary people" and calling on the media to pay more attention to other substantive issues, such as the energy crisis, rising inflation, health care, etc., and not to keep an eye on gossip.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Finnish female writer Marja Heinonen also wrote a column for this

Immediately after, other women in European politics also stood up.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Berberk said during a visit to Copenhagen: "Even if some people may be shocked, politicians are human beings and have their own private lives. ”

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Annalena Bellbock also said: "I also love music, and when I have a time of my own, I not only play cards

Even The eldest Sister Hillary Clinton, the most senior political sister in the United States, whom we are familiar with, has tried to support Sanna.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Hillary shared a photo of herself dancing in a bar in 2012 while she was in office on social media accounts

As a result, the accusations were quickly reversed.

After some foreign netizens saw Sanna's social media account, they called her "the coolest prime minister in the world"!

Some people also want to move to Finland.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ There are many immigration advertisements that say that moving to Finland allows children to enjoy a top education. But now the female prime minister has also become a reason to move to Finland

More people said: It's nothing to relax after work, the prime minister can also have a private life, and Sanna is much better than the liar politicians who hide it!

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Sanna in private often dresses up as cool as a rock star

Yu Yanjie also feels that this self-made young female politician who has become the prime minister of a country with only 7 years of political experience is indeed extraordinary.

Let's first see how she became a female prime minister.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

From sales clerk to female prime minister after 85

Unlike many European and American politicians who come from a "post-political elite", Sanna is a proper grassroots class – she was born in 1985 in the capital Helsinki, her parents are ordinary, and when she was very young, her father abandoned their mother and daughter because of alcoholism.

Later, her mother lived with a same-sex partner, so Sanna was born into a "rainbow family".

The two mothers are very loving, and they always tell Sanna, "You can do anything, you just have to be yourself." ”

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Marin, who came from a rainbow family, was most retweeted: I want to build a society where every child can be anyone

So, even though Sanna's family wasn't wealthy—she started working as a cashier in bakeries and stores at the age of 15, working as a work-studyer—she became the first person in her family to go to college.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ When she was young, Sanna looked exactly like she is now. Such a poor background was often ridiculed after she became a female prime minister

During her university years, Sanna was very concerned about politics and joined the youth organization of the Finnish Social Democratic Party.

At the age of 22, she graduated from Tampere University with a degree in administrative sciences and was elected a city councilor in Tampere, Finland's largest industrial district.

He then served as Chairman of the Municipal Council, Member of the Constituency Council, Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party, Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland, and in just 7 years he became Finland's youngest Prime Minister (at the age of 34).

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

This rate of growth is by no means due to luck, but to Sanna's determination and determination.

For example, the classic battle of 2016, when Sanna, then 31, as president of the Tampere City Council, presided over a video of a municipal council went viral on social media.

In a meeting that lasted tens of hours, Sanna showed her competence. When the older and more senior Member of the House of Representatives spoke at length, she intervened mercilessly.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Classic lines include:

"We've been discussing the matter for 5 hours today. I have noticed that some parliamentarians have constantly asked for the floor, and I sincerely hope that you will not speak for fun. ”

"Why did you ask for another speech?" The last time you spoke was reading a newspaper commentary, do you think that's worthy of our time? ”

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

On the other hand, Sanna, as a woman, has not encountered workplace barriers, which is also due to the good female employment environment in Northern Europe.

Since Finland's 2011 parliamentary elections, women have represented 42.5%, nearly half of them!

And Sanna is not the first female national leader in Finland. In 2000, Finland elected its first ever female president, Tarja Halonen, who reigned for 12 years (two consecutive terms).

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ Sanna and Halonen, finland's first female president

The Finnish government in which Sanna is governed is a coalition government of five parties.

The leaders of the five parties are all women, and four of them are under the age of 35.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ The Finnish political girl scout army, yu Yan sister is a little moved, this is the female power ah

Therefore, Sanna's success is not only the emergence of a talented girl, but also the inevitable result of the fair development of women.

Of course, this is also due to the support of her partner, Marcus Raikkonen.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ The photo of two people with high appearance at the event is comparable to a star

Sanna and Marcus met at university when they were 18 years old. After that, the two lived as partners for many years and had a daughter together.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ Sanna likes to post about her life on social media, just like many of us post-90s. There are many bits and pieces of her and Marcus in these lives

When their daughter Emma was born, the two were at home for half a year, taking turns taking care of the children.

When Sanna was elected prime minister by the Social Democrats, she immediately called Marcus and asked if it was acceptable, because it meant that he had to do more in the balance between work and life.

Marcus told Sanna to let it go, saying that if Emma suddenly fell ill and needed to be taken home from kindergarten, it was his business.

Yu Yanjie really wants to give Ma Ge a thumbs up, because even if Yu Yanjie is such a person who requires female independence, the big sweet two sweet is sick, it is also me who goes to the kindergarten to pick up the children, and I also have to ask for leave to accompany them.

In 2020, the lovers, who have been in love for 16 years, held a small wedding at Sanna's official residence.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ Husband Marcus was the CEO of a marketing company and is now a venture capitalist

Although Sanna was not born into a traditional, wealthy family, fortunately, she was born in Northern Europe, and the society can fully support her, allowing her to pursue her dreams freely.

As a politician, although she encountered the new crown pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian war as soon as she came to power, she withstood these tests and did a good job.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Governing programme of the female Prime Minister

Sanna came to power in December 2019, and soon COVID-19 became a worldwide epidemic, and she quickly took targeted measures:

- In March 2020, a state of emergency was declared and the borders were closed to prevent the spread of the epidemic;

- At the same time, in view of the difficulties that enterprises may encounter, announce the relaxation of restrictions on layoffs in enterprises to avoid bankruptcy of enterprises and to provide unemployment benefits to those affected by layoffs;

- Subsequently, it was announced that business restrictions would be imposed on restaurants, allowing only customers to take out food;

- In August, an end to the state of emergency was declared, but regional restrictions were still being considered, calling on people to make reasonable travel arrangements and avoid travel to countries at high risk of the epidemic;

- In October, make a time plan for working 4 days a week and 6 hours a day to facilitate online work.

Because of this series of initiatives, Finland has become one of the countries with the lowest COVID-19 infection rate in Europe, and is regarded by the media as a "model".

According to a poll conducted in the autumn of 2021, more than 60% of the Finnish population expressed satisfaction with Sanna's handling of the COVID-19 epidemic.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Diplomatically, in December 2019, Sanna, who had just come to power, decided to bring the children of Finnish nationals from extremist groups back to her home country from Syria and expressed her opinion on the possibility of Finnish women returning home.

This is definitely the perspective of detail that only female leaders can think of, and never abandon every troubled citizen or descendant who is overseas.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

In terms of gender equality, in early 2020, Sanna announced that Finland would extend "paternity leave" for men, allowing them to stay with a newborn for 164 days with pay.

Before that, only moms had this treatment.

In November 2021, she pushed for another center-left coalition to complete legislation on narrowing the wage gap between men and women.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ Yu Yanjie called for more and more such powerful women to take up decision-making positions and create a fair social environment for other women

Unfortunately, after doing such a good job, the opposition party and some people still nitpicked Sanna's every move, thinking that she was "too out of line".

Only because the new-age Sanna is contrary to the low-key, secretive habits of the older generation of politicians, and likes to put everything on social media.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Cool girl

For example, she once generously posted breastfeeding photos on social media.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ Yu Yanjie felt that Sanna's behavior was the same as Ma Yili's original public article, indicating the lack of mother and baby rooms in public places

For example, in October 2020, the Finnish fashion magazine Trendi published the cover story of Sanna, which caused strong criticism for a group of photos without a shirt and a deep V vacuum.

Some netizens commented: "The head scratching posture of a country's prime minister." ”

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

However, the president of the magazine publishing group responded: "The criticism is all men, and the women are full of praise." ”

Because of the "more than enough" thing, male leaders have not done it.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

And for example, this one —

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

At that time, many women also launched the #imwithsanna campaign, PO out of their own professional deep V photos.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Another month ago, when Sanna met with Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Anderson, she unexpectedly wore a trendy biker leather jacket.

The media in Fen-Rui and Sweden were in an uproar, but Internet data showed that a week after Sanna's visit to Switzerland, sales of the same leather jacket rose by 98%, proving that most people bought this behavior.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

And the previous "breakfast scandal" —

After becoming prime minister, Sanna moved with her family to the prime minister's residence in Kesranta, Helsinki.

Finnish media revealed that the breakfast ingredients delivered to the prime minister's residence every month cost taxpayers 300 euros (about 2,000 yuan RMB), slamming her for eating money that should be paid for by herself.

Subsequently, the Finnish police intervened in the investigation.

Sanna argues that previous prime ministers also included meals in the daily expenses of the residence.

However, in the end, she made up all the money for the meal and stopped using taxpayer money to eat breakfast.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ No wonder her previous drug test, deliberately emphasized that it was her own pocket

And then there's the "nightclub scandal."

In 2021, when Sanna was at a bar party, she accidentally became a new crown close because she was exposed to new crown infections.

Later, she publicly apologized for the incident.

As the American comedy news show joked, these "breakfast scandals" and "nightclub scandals" are not worth mentioning compared to the incident of former U.S. President Trump being raided by the FBI.

Host Trevor Noah also humorously summed it up: "Finnish people should be thankful for their scandals, because in their place the threshold for political scandals is too low!" ”

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ Sister Yu Yan also agrees with Xiao Cui's argument, you know

So, now that Sanna has come out with another "party scandal", it can be completely laughed off.

Why can little Kennedy invite singer Monroe to sing for his birthday, and Sanna can't have a party with friends after work?

To say that people in Europe and the United States have gone far - from equal pay for equal work, to equal rights, to the current equal Happiness.

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

▲ The original text is the same pleasure, Yu Yanjie felt that it should be translated as "happiness"

Sanna herself has said: "In every position I have ever held, my gender is always the first factor to be taken into account... But, compared to a middle-aged man, I'm neither worse nor better than them. ”

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

But she never considered her age or gender, but focused on remembering why she had gone into politics in the first place, and on the things that had earned voters' trust.

This is the key to her standing in politics all the time!

We want to thank someone like Sanna who has the courage to break the boundaries and ceilings, and it is not surprising that there will be something like a woman asking for equal happiness in the future.

As the Helsinki newspaper commented:

"Fifty years ago, finns couldn't imagine we would have a female president, but now we have not only a female president, but also a female prime minister. As long as we keep fighting hard, there will be changes, and it is certainly not okay to wait. ”

From the cabinet sister to the prime minister, deep V vacuum on the cover, someone because she wanted to move to Finland

Really, this Sister Sanna, Sister Yuyan is also more and more like to write.

The pictures in this article are partly from the network


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