
In the summer, follow the study tour to "chase the elephant" and "stargazing"


Many families have changed their thinking about summer make-up classes and turned to high-quality study tours

In the summer, follow the study tour to "chase the elephant" and "stargazing"

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The summer study tour market demand is strong, and the market development potential is also widely optimistic about the industry. Parents are willing to spend money on high-quality study tours, and 88% of them can accept spending 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan per capita. A good study tour, "walk" is the means, "learning" is the end, so that students can truly achieve "knowledge and action integration".

This summer, the demand for parent-child tours and study tours is strong, which has become a new bright spot in the development of the tourism market. Industry surveys predict that the study tour market will reach a "100 billion- level" scale.

The market demand is strong

One day at the end of July, at the Wang Lian Pond in the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, children were playing and sightseeing, holding paper and pencil, and rushing to ask questions around the teacher. The teacher's marching explanation gave the children a vivid nature lesson.

The botanical garden has the advantages of talents and resources for carrying out study tours. As early as 2008, the Botanical Garden opened a precedent for domestic study tours, and has received more than 30,000 teenagers, parent-child families from home and abroad to experience winter and summer camps or related study activities.

"Every winter and summer vacation, I will sign up my children for study groups, and learn while playing, so that children can have a desire to learn about all subjects." Ms. Qian from Hangzhou said that during the summer vacation this year, she booked a study group for her children in Yunnan Shangri-La's Yunnan Golden Snub-nosed Monkey National Park and xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Strong market demand is also promoting the development of the industry. "Since 2018, we have developed a total of 12 study courses, receiving more than 100,000 study visitors." Zhang Li, manager of the sales department of Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley, said.

The market development potential of study tours is optimistic about the industry. Hu Yuanyuan, who has 10 years of experience as a tour guide, has now begun to bring a study tour group, and these days she is leading 2 buses to study tours in Shangri-La. "In recent years, the epidemic has made many tour guides like me find another way out, and the emergence of study tours has given tour guides new job opportunities." Another senior tour guide, Cao Jie, told reporters that before the study tour, it was often not a professional tour guide, but more volunteers, "the tour guide is generally more professional than the volunteer, and the service is more careful."

Summer vacation is usually the peak of consumption of study tours and parent-child tours. According to the person in charge of Ctrip's study tour, this year's parent-child study tour and summer camp products are more exquisite in terms of team size than in previous years, and the proportion of small group travel is the majority; Travel modes are more diverse, including motorhome tours, SUV trips, etc.; The themes of the study activities are more explicit, such as desert trekking, biodiversity, stargazing and other topics are more popular with parent-child families.

Consumers value the quality of study tours

The reporter found that with the growth of tourism consumption in recent years, many parents now take their babies out to travel is no longer a simple way to go out for sightseeing, but to integrate more educational purposes into it, hoping to have fun and education through the form of tourism.

"'Double subtraction' has further enhanced parents' demand for improving their children's comprehensive quality, and has also spawned more and more parent-child research products, with different needs of children of different ages and different expectations of parents for their children." How to accurately locate the customer base and create mature products is the focus of the industry's exploration. In the long run, study tours have great market potential, and it is expected that the market will become more and more segmented in the future. The person in charge of Tuniu's parent-child research products said in an interview with reporters that the forms of research and travel are similar but the purpose is different, and there are currently phenomena such as only traveling and not learning, heavy travel and light learning in the current market for students. To this end, Tuniu has increased its investment in research products and made different recommendations and combinations for children of different ages.

"Now many families have changed their thinking about letting their children make up classes in winter and summer. This year, I helped my children sign up for the Yunnan Biological History Study Tour, which includes history, biology, red inheritance, expression and communication, and scientific creation, so that children can gain knowledge while traveling. Meng Jun, a parent of the sixth grade of primary school, told reporters, "The summer camp I chose for my children can meet the needs of quality education, and the quality of the study tour is what I value." ”

Parents are also willing to spend money on high-quality study tours. According to a survey by the China Tourism Research Institute, about 80% of the respondents expressed interest in study tours, and 88% could accept spending 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan per capita, and the study tour market would reach a scale of "100 billion".

"Doing" is the means, and "learning" is the end

It is understood that the main purpose of the study tour is to help primary and secondary school students understand the national conditions, broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge, and tourism companies should also focus on integrating teaching purposes when designing study tour products.

Fan Kaihang, principal of Kunming Yuntong Middle School, said that now that the education reform is deepening, parents' parenting concepts are also changing, and it is more and more recognized that it is necessary to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. Study trip is a combination of "learning" and "walking", "walking" is the means, and "learning" is the end. Compared with classroom learning, the "learning" of study tours is more targeted and pays more attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability.

"Let the majority of primary and secondary school students appreciate the great rivers and mountains of the motherland during the study trip, learn the traditional Chinese virtues, understand the history of the motherland, feel the great achievements of modernization, learn to survive and live, learn to be a person and do things, promote physical and mental health, strong will, and form a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and so on." Compared with the classroom teaching with strong didactic meaning, this kind of learning is more interesting and it is easier to mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning. Fan Kaihang said.

Wang Wenguang, a professor in the History Department of Yunnan University, believes that in the reality of the rapid development of the study tour market, there are a large number of extensive, poor experience of the products, because the vast majority of tourism companies to develop research products are not education-related professional origins, resulting in research products lack of due educational meaning, there are "travel without learning" "learning without research" and other issues, did not really achieve the same emphasis on study and tourism.

He said that research is an inductive learning process that allows students to take the initiative to ask questions, take the initiative to explore, and take the initiative to learn. Research is about "education +", not "tourism +". In the next market guidance and product specifications, it is necessary to start from the main position of students, attach great importance to the rational allocation of knowledge learning and social cognitive content, and let students truly achieve "the unity of knowledge and action" in the study tour. (Reporter Huang Yu)

Source: Workers Daily