
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance

author:Dalian people in Melbourne

Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. Its dignified and bright appearance and peculiar flowers are particularly eye-catching.

(Taken at the Cairns Botanical Gardens on August 17, 2022, the last picture was taken by a friend)

#My Original Photography# #奇花异草 #

Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance
Porcelain rose, also known as torch ginger, is a perennial herb of the large ginger family. Porcelain roses should be the bracts of the flowers as bright as porcelain to get their name. It has a dignified and bright appearance and a peculiar appearance

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