
Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

author:Qi Ge talks about strange stories

A strange fish was recently spotted in Yunchan Lake, Central Park, Ruzhou City, Henan Province. To catch it, locals spent a month pumping out 300,000 cubic meters of lake water. While more than 30 million netizens watched, some netizens questioned whether it was worth spending such a big price for a fish?

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

Zhao Yahui, an associate researcher at the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said crocodile eels belong to the top of the food chain. Its emergence will pose a huge threat to the survival of native species in the region, disrupting the ecological balance. There are certain steps we can take to eliminate them and maintain an ecological balance.

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

Zhao Yahui called for if you want to raise some overseas ornamental fish or pets, you must introduce them through formal channels; If you no longer want to raise it, you can't put it in nature. You can do harmless treatment, or find the relevant agencies to help deal with it.

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

It is understood that crocodile eels are native to North America and are mainly introduced to China as ornamental fish. However, random releases have led to some crocodile eels entering natural water bodies, seriously affecting local aquatic life.

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

Crocodile eels are large, ferocious fish belonging to the sparrow eel family and the cannabis eel family. It is also the seven largest species of sparrow eel in North America. It can grow up to 3 meters. It is a prehistoric fish that has lived on Earth for more than 100 million years.

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

Crocodile eels are carnivorous fish, highly destructive, if placed in natural waters, will bring disaster to the local water ecosystem, all the creatures in the water, will be eaten by it, if people provoke it, it will attack humans.

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

The crocodile's home is mainly found in the gulf coastal rivers and estuaries from Mexico to Florida, the lower Missouri and Ohio rivers, and even two lakes in Nicaragua. It is a prehistoric fish that competed with dinosaurs and has lived on Earth for more than 100 million years. It is covered with hard, super-hard enamel fish scales (as hard as a human tooth) and is sometimes used as a gemstone by Amerindians.

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

Crocodile eels are very edible and eat almost anything! As a result, it preys on fish and other creatures in large quantities, and its diet includes almost all living animals in the water, such as various fish, crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles, birds, small and medium-sized mammals, and carrion. And hungry, it does not even let go of the same kind, and it will not be wrong to eat!

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

Due to the strange size, ferocious and domineering, crocodile eels are considered to be able to ward off evil spirits, prevent thieves and make money, so they are often introduced to the mainland as ornamental fish breeding objects for breeding, but the hateful thing is that most of them are illegally smuggled!

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

It is said that the crocodile eel, in the eyes of the natives of the Americas, is not food at all, and the meat quality is extremely poor and very difficult to eat, which is disgusting. In addition, crocodile eels also have scales as hard as human teeth, so it is very troublesome to handle.

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

Coupled with the fact that the eggs of alligator eels are poisonous, green in color, and generally adhere to aquatic weeds or gravel, it may be life-threatening for people to eat them by mistake. And they also secrete a lot of toxins when they lay eggs.

Therefore, when eating crocodile eels, it is also necessary to confirm whether they are in the ovulation period, otherwise it will increase the risk of poisoning. Therefore, it is really not worth the loss to eat this thing, and the local residents of the Americas avoid it, and only a very small number of people with heavy tastes will try it.

Drain 300,000 cubic meters of lake water just to catch a fish! How terrifying is the invasive alligator eel

All in all, I would like to remind you not to release or discard invasive alien species at will. In addition, it is hoped that management departments at all levels can strengthen and standardize the management of foreign ornamental fish.

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