
Long-lived people, feet will "tell" you! The feet meet 3 characteristics, congratulations on your good health

author:Dr. Wei, a Chinese medicine practitioner

There are many organs in our body, each of which has a unique and irreplaceable role, and the cooperation of these organs can enable our body to function normally.

But you know what? The foot, which we often overlook, is the part with the most acupuncture points. Chinese medicine believes that the foot is the root of the essence. The state of the foot is directly related to the health of the body, and it is generally possible to observe whether it is healthy from the 3 characteristics of the foot.

Long-lived people, feet will "tell" you! The feet meet 3 characteristics, congratulations on your good health

Good health, 3 characteristics of the feet

1. The color of the soles of the feet

In the concept of Chinese medicine, the color of the soles of the feet can reflect a person's health status, usually judged by the five colors of the human body, which are blue, red, yellow, white, and black. Generally speaking, the normal soles of the feet should be rosy, which means that the qi and blood in the body are sufficient.

If it is too red, it means that the fire in your body is too strong and you need to lower the fire; If you find that the color of the soles of your feet is a little black, it may be that there is a chill in your body that needs to be removed; If the soles of your feet appear yellow, this is a warning that there may be a problem with your liver; If there are signs of whitishing, if you exclude natural disturbances from the weather that is too cold, it may be a reminder that you have been anemic; At the same time, the purple and black hair on the soles of the feet also needs timely attention, and more exercise should be exercised in daily life to make the blood circulate better.

Long-lived people, feet will "tell" you! The feet meet 3 characteristics, congratulations on your good health

2. The temperature of the foot

Normal sole temperature should be comparable to the body temperature of the human body, if the temperature of your soles of your feet is high, it may be yin deficiency internal heat, at this time you need to eat more yin food.

If the temperature of a person's soles of feet is too low, it means that your kidney qi is insufficient, it may be that the invasion of cold qi has affected the normal operation of the kidneys, at this time you need to replenish yang qi in time and remove the cold in the body in time.

Long-lived people, feet will "tell" you! The feet meet 3 characteristics, congratulations on your good health

3. Toenails

Normal toes are ruddy and a little shiny, looking very healthy and good-looking. If the nails are too special in color, such as too white or too red, this indicates that there is a problem with the return of veins in your body, and if the nails are also pale, these may be caused by anemia or blood failure;

If the nails are still striated or vertical stripes, these are the manifestations of physical weakness, which need to be adjusted in time, exercise more, supplement nutrients, and ensure the health of the body.

Long-lived people, feet will "tell" you! The feet meet 3 characteristics, congratulations on your good health

3 benefits of soaking feet in autumn

Chinese medicine believes that hundreds of diseases start from the cold, and the cold is born from the feet. Autumn has passed, and the coolness has become more and more obvious after a rain. Feet as the "second heart" of the human body, autumn soak a foot, 3 benefits are obvious.

1. Dispel the cold

As the old saying goes, cold comes from athlete's foot. For people with cold, soaking feet at night can promote the growth of yang qi, which is helpful for dispelling the cold and moisture in the body. When soaking feet, you can also add some materials that help to drive away the cold, such as ginger slices or mugwort leaves, and people whose hands and feet are often cold may wish to try.

Long-lived people, feet will "tell" you! The feet meet 3 characteristics, congratulations on your good health

2. Soothe the mood

"Autumn dryness" causes not only the problem of dry skin, but also many people feel depressed and sad in autumn. Chinese medicine believes that sorrow for the lungs. Occasional poor mood is not a big problem, if the long-term depression and sadness are excessive, not only hurt the lungs, but also hurt other organs of the body. Soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed at night can soothe your emotions, calm your nerves, and improve the quality of sleep.

3. Relieve autumn dryness

The foot is far from the heart, so it is also more likely to have poor blood circulation. Especially after entering the autumn, the autumn is relatively dry, which is easy to cause skin itching and increased dandruff. At this time, soaking a foot is conducive to promoting blood circulation, allowing the skin to obtain more nutrients from the blood, and helping to alleviate the skin problems caused by autumn dryness.

Long-lived people, feet will "tell" you! The feet meet 3 characteristics, congratulations on your good health

Foot soaking should pay attention to 3 points

1. Temperature

Foot soaking is not as hot as possible. Excessive water temperature will lead to blood flow, which can easily lead to insufficient blood supply to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels. Generally, the water temperature can be controlled at about 40 degrees, and the simpler way is to test the temperature directly with the feet, not hot.

2. Time

The foot soaking time should not be too long, generally controlled at 15 to 20 minutes. The elderly soak their feet for too long, easy to sweat, but will consume qi and blood, there are symptoms of dizziness.

3. Massage

After soaking your feet, do some simple massage. There is a fountain point on the center of the foot, which is a very important acupuncture point on the human foot shaoyin kidney meridian, and the spring point is often massaged, which can improve the kidneys and strengthen the body. After soaking the foot, press on the fountain point on the sole of the foot for about three minutes, and you will achieve the effect of doubling the results with half the effort.

Long-lived people, feet will "tell" you! The feet meet 3 characteristics, congratulations on your good health

The foot is known as the "second heart" of man, the so-called autumn rain and a cold, do not covet a moment to save trouble, directly with cold water to wash the feet. Such cold air enters from the feet, and over time it is easy to induce coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatic diseases and so on.