
Where did the Sumerians come from? Archaeological find: The average lifespan of Sumerian kings is 30,000 years

author:Creek wind and sunset wind

In the long history of the source, the Sumerian civilization is the earliest civilization of mankind. Ancient Babylonian, ancient Egyptian civilization, etc., which appeared like gods, traced back to this civilization. Although the Sumerian civilization originated the earliest, their civilization development can be said to be terrifying. The science, technology, and knowledge they left behind not only affected the ancient India, ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon that developed later, but even affected the ancient Chinese civilization and the two river valleys of the entire Mesopotamia, which is the ancestor of human civilization.

Where did the Sumerians come from? Archaeological find: The average lifespan of Sumerian kings is 30,000 years

The Sumerian civilization was formed around 4000 BC. But the strange thing is that in all the historical records, there is no record of the origin of this civilization. That is to say, no one knows where the Sumerians came from. They are like mysterious civilizations that have parachuted in.

According to historical records, in the early days of sumerian civilization, they had learned to use hunting and developing agriculture to meet their daily food and clothing problems. Their crops include wheat, melons and other edible crops. In order to improve the harvest of crops, they even invented some farming facilities and irrigation water systems. With the improvement of agriculture, they not only solved the problem of food and clothing, but also began to learn to do business. The prototype of the first human trade emerged. It was also the frequency of trade and exchanges that began when the Sumerians began to invent writing, which is the oldest cuneiform script of mankind.

Where did the Sumerians come from? Archaeological find: The average lifespan of Sumerian kings is 30,000 years

With the development of the economy, the Sumerian civilization at that time began to build its own central city. The palaces and other buildings in the city were built of mud bricks. It can be described as very palatial, and at its peak, the population reached more than 80,000 people. It also became the most prosperous center of the world at that time.

Where did the Sumerians come from? Archaeological find: The average lifespan of Sumerian kings is 30,000 years

However, there are many more magical places. Archaeologists have found that the Sumerians were unusually advanced in their mathematical and astronomical levels. They can even figure out the relationship between hours, minutes, and seconds. Multiplication and division, square roots, cubic roots, and other complex equation calculations have also been invented. Even more shocking, they also studied astronomical astrological signs, invented leap years calculation methods, and estimated the trajectories and distances of major planets in the universe.

Where did the Sumerians come from? Archaeological find: The average lifespan of Sumerian kings is 30,000 years

To this day, this mysterious knowledge has influenced human development. When experts found these irrational places of Soviet and American civilization, they were very surprised! Where does their knowledge come from? But experts can't find their origins, which has led many to suspect that they are not Earthlings, or that they have a secret with an alien civilization.

Where did the Sumerians come from? Archaeological find: The average lifespan of Sumerian kings is 30,000 years

Until scientists excavated the Sumerian King Table in the remains of the Sumerian civilization, the King Table is a book that records the information of the kings of the Soviet and American civilizations since ancient times. These include the names of the individual kings and the time of their reign. Through deciphering, the experts were frightened, and the king's table recorded that the first king of the Sumerian civilization actually came from heaven, and the first 8 kings on the king's table all reigned for an average of more than 30,000 years, and it is unbelievable that the prehistoric flood of Noah's Ark was also recorded. According to experts, many of the information of the reigning kings in this list is true.

Where did the Sumerians come from? Archaeological find: The average lifespan of Sumerian kings is 30,000 years

From this point of view, the kings who have been in the tens of thousands of years may be real, and through the study of the murals and other artifacts of the Sumerian civilization, it is found that the sarcophagus of one of the sumerian kings has a painting similar to that of an astronaut driving a spaceship. This is simply incredible.

At present, the authenticity of the sumerian king's table is mainly divided into two factions. The opposition believes that the contents of this table were made up by the Sumerians. The kings of the time established their authority and better governed the people, deliberately creating the image of God. Supporters, on the other hand, believe that the contents of the wang table should be true. Fabricating a king who can live for ten thousand years does not establish his majesty, but has the opposite effect. Just like we now say which emperor in modern times reigned for tens of thousands of years, do you believe it? So if the record of the king's table is true, what is the origin of the Sumerians? What is the force that allows them to live tens of thousands of years? edit

Where did the Sumerians come from? Archaeological find: The average lifespan of Sumerian kings is 30,000 years

Perhaps clues can be found in clay tablets unearthed by the Sumerian civilization. According to the slate, the first Sumerian kings were from the planet Nebiru, who also called them the gods of knowledge. These mysterious aliens are the Anunnaki who return to their planet once every 3600 years, while the average lifespan of the Anunnaki is about three hundred thousand years. They genetically engineered the first Sumerians. But the Sumerians who created them could not live 300,000 years, but only tens of thousands of years, and they also lost their extraterrestrial superpowers. If this is the case, then the Sumerians are most likely hybrids of humans and aliens. Then, the reign of the kings in the table of kings, and the various irrationalities of the Sumerian civilization in science and astronomy, will be solved. Although this data has yet to be further examined, the Sumerian civilization is indeed the mystery of the century studied by archaeologists.

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