
Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

author:Ten full fights

Original Ten Perfect Bucket 2022-08-26

Author: Dr Zhang Ye, Founder of The Australian Times, Scholar of Comparative Studies of Eastern and Western Cultures, Justice of the Peace, Chairman of China Net Media Australia.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

Venice, Western Australia:

Mandurah Small Tour 2 Days · Wild Old Ram (1)

A Two-day Tour of Mandurah · Ye's View(I)


Like many place names in Western Australia, the word Mandurah is derived from the Aboriginal language meaning "the place where hearts meet".

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

Mandurah has become a popular tourist destination and is known as the Venice of Western Australia.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

More than a dozen waterways connecting the sea are lined with beautiful houses.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

There is a water dock in front of every house to park its own cruise ship.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

On the afternoon of the first day we arrived, a friend sailed his own boat and took us on a tour of the Mandurah waterways.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

A poem by the wild old man:

"Zammandula Friends"

Don't envy Tao Gong, don't envy immortals,

Enjoy the small town of Happy.

People with a wide chest,

The water is wide from all over the world.

Cook at home and treat guests,

Go out to sea and take a self-driving boat on the river.

The beautiful landscape in the dust stops,

Anshin has a paradise in the world?

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Western Australian Black Swan · Wild old rambling

Black Swans in WA · Ye‘s View


Western Australia, or "Western Australia" for short, is home to the black swan.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

To the right of the Watar flag and the center of the WA emblem are black swan motifs, which shows the western Australians' love for black swans.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"
Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

The great river that runs through the city center is also named "Swan River".

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

One of Western Australia's most fascinating scenic and wine regions has also been named the "Swan Valley".

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

There are also countless streets that have been named "Swan Street" and "Swan Alley".

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

Before setting foot on Australian soil, Europeans had hardly seen black swans, and even if they did, they saw them as the embodiment of demons.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

In Tchaikovsky's Russian ballet Swan Lake, the black swan is the daughter of the devil, and the white swan is the beautiful princess.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

The black swans of Western Australia are gentle and lovely, and look noble and cold. Black swans are everywhere in Western Australia, while white swans are extremely rare.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

However, the fluff on the black swan cubs is dark white, resembling unpolished white jade.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

In Western Australia, the best place to see black swans is Lake Menger, where hundreds of black swans and various water birds swim around the lake.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

Wild Old Fu poem a praise for the black swan:

"Black Swan Praise"

The black dress flew by

Yuya wanders around the waves

Water neck effect luan phoenix

Lie still on the shore and hatch the geese

When he was young, his face was like jade

Grows into feathers that are inky

Noble and cold, everyone loves

It is named after the swan

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★ Author: Dr. ★ Zhang Ye

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

Dr Zhang Ye is the founder of The Australian Times, a scholar of comparative studies of Eastern and Western cultures, a justice of the peace, and the chairman of China Net Media Australia.

Two poems by Dr. Zhang Ye, a well-known scholar in Australia: "Venice of Western Australia" and "Black Swan of Western Australia"

(Editor's note: This article and the main illustrations and videos are provided by Dr. Ye Zhang, a well-known Australian scholar; Some of the illustrations and videos are from Australian friends; WeChat public account "Ten Perfect Bucket" original 20220825)

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