
A cup of Four Gentlemen's Soup every day can not only improve insomnia, but also replenish qi and blood

author:Zhao Xingjuan said sleep

Four Gentlemen's Soup is a very useful recipe in Traditional Chinese medicine, and this recipe is from the Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Bureau Fang. These four gentlemen's soup has good efficacy and less medicine. It is very useful for insomnia patients with qi deficiency.

Qi deficiency is caused by frequent and overwork, so the fatigue will consume qi and blood.

Especially the kind of older people, who like to worry all their lives, are prone to palpitations, sweating, colds, fatigue and fatigue over time.

A cup of Four Gentlemen's Soup every day can not only improve insomnia, but also replenish qi and blood

People with such a physique want to faint before they go out for two steps, and it feels like the body has lost its spirit.

During the day, there is no energy and fatigue, and at night, the body is easy to induce other diseases.

Frequent qi deficiency can easily cause coronary heart disease, myocarditis, heavy colds and other diseases.

We in Chinese medicine believe that qi deficiency can be understood as insufficient qi and blood. And this four gentlemen's soup is specially designed to replenish the lack of qi and blood, and can be directly used to treat insomnia caused by qi deficiency.

A cup of Four Gentlemen's Soup every day can not only improve insomnia, but also replenish qi and blood

The medicinal composition of the Four Gentlemen's Soup is very small, but it is notoriously easy to use.

The main medicinal components in it are: licorice, ginseng, poria and baishu, which are the four herbs.

Decocting the juice with water to remove the residue and drinking one cup a day can help improve qi deficiency and improve digestive function. After drinking the four gentlemen's soup, the qi and blood were enough, and the spirit also came.

A cup of Four Gentlemen's Soup every day can not only improve insomnia, but also replenish qi and blood


Although the soup of the four gentlemen is good, it must not be drunk indiscriminately, and drinking it badly not only cannot cure insomnia but also backfires.

The soup of the four gentlemen we mentioned above is a soup medicine that replenishes qi and blood, and is suitable for people with weak qi constitution.

Suitable for the crowd :.

Types of chronic diseases: chronic colitis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis.

People who are not suitable for use: food stagnation, phlegm wetness, damp heat, and heat certificates cannot be used.

A cup of Four Gentlemen's Soup every day can not only improve insomnia, but also replenish qi and blood

If you have similar insomnia symptoms, you can try this flavored four gentlemen's soup. But if you're not sure about your condition, it's recommended to seek medical treatment offline.

Thank you for reading, hope it works for you.