
Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

author:First cuisine

Today is the ambush, and the cool autumn is coming.

Finally, I can say goodbye to the hot and humid three-volt day. As the saying goes, "bitter summer without illness and a weak body", the middle-aged and elderly people in the three-volt day are not better than the physical strength of young people. Out of the ambush naturally to "grab the autumn fat" and make up for it. Don't worry about money, eat what you should eat, and lay a good foundation for autumn and winter.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

First, eat more fish that are suitable for the season

The folk proverb has the saying that "the autumn wind rises, the fish is fat". Autumn is the season of harvest and the time when the meat of the fish is plump and fat.

Because the ambush is after the autumn, this time the perch, carp, small yellow croaker, mackerel is fat and large, it is the perfect time to taste fresh.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

Recommended Method: [Chicken Sauce Perch]

1. A sea bass chops off the head of the fish and breaks it, and the fish body slices from the back and cuts into a wide strip of about one centimeter along the back; A small handful of chives and parsley cut into segments; Ginger cut into strips; Cut the onion into slices; Cut 1/2 lemon into slices.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

2. Put all together with the sea bass, squeeze the remaining half lemon into juice, sprinkle some more salt to catch and mix well, pour in the right amount of pure water and then seal and refrigerate for more than 4 hours.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

3. Put the edamame into a pot of boiling water and cook it, add a little edible alkali to cook the edamame to make the softer noodles, and after the edamame is cooked and returned to green, it is fished out to rinse and control the water for later use.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

4. Place the marinated sea bass on the plate, turn all the fillets in the same direction, then pour the chicken juice into the steamer in the atmosphere, sprinkle the edamame on the fish when steaming for 4 minutes, and then continue to steam for 2 minutes to turn off the heat, delicious.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

Second, eat seafood crab meat in moderation

As the saying goes: "Autumn arrives, crab feet itch", soon usher in the Mid-Autumn Festival, crabs are indispensable. Steaming is the sweetest, but the cold should not be eaten more, in the autumn to eat a moderate amount of some can help people reduce the fire in the body, suitable for people on fire to eat.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

Recommended Directions: [Steamed Pike Crab]

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

1. Prepare a few fresh hairy crabs, which is the first condition for the crab meat to be fresh and tender.

Take a sharp knife and insert it into the crab's mouth to put the crab in a state of suspended animation, which can prevent pinch injuries and prevent the crab from struggling too much during steaming and breaking its legs and turning yellow, which is simpler and more effective than scalding or boiling in boiling water in advance.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

2. Then remove the rope from the crab and brush the crab clean with a brush. Then tie the crab claws up again to prevent the crab claws from falling off during the steaming process.

Cut the ginger into thin slices and put the crab together, then pour in some cooking wine and mix well and marinate for 10 minutes to remove the fishy smell.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

3. After the crab is marinated, we start steaming: after the water in the steamer is boiled, place the shallots and ginger slices evenly in the cage drawer and put the crab on top. Then drizzle with marinade and steam for 10 minutes on high heat, not too long, so as not to lose the umami taste.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

4. Adjust the dipping sauce: pour 20 grams of balsamic vinegar and 20 grams of sugar into the small pot, and then add some ginger and stir evenly, the dipping sauce does not need to be too complicated, so as not to affect the umami taste of crab meat.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

After 5.10 minutes, the crab has been steamed until it is rosy all over the body, the fresh aroma is full of fresh flavor, we take it out and enjoy it, break open the crab shell, golden crab paste DC oil, snow white crab meat is full of umami, people can't help but eat fingers.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

Third, eat more chicken

Folk saying "out of the ambush to eat a chicken, a good body for a year" said, chicken meat belongs to white meat, autumn eat chicken nutrition is not dry and hot, to prevent dry heat caused by physical discomfort, enhance resistance.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

Recommended Recipe: 【Braised Chicken】

1. Prepare a three-yellow chicken, which has been slaughtered in advance, now change it to a knife, cut off the lymph and trachea on the chicken's neck, and then chop the chicken into even small pieces to remove the chicken butt and chicken toes.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

2. Marinate the chicken nuggets. Put the chopped chicken nuggets into the basin, add the appropriate amount of flour, add a spoonful of table salt, grasp and knead with your hands for a while, and use the adsorption capacity of the flour to remove the blood from the chicken nuggets.

Then wash the chicken nuggets and put them next to them to drain and set aside.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

3. Prepare the green onion in one section and cut into horseshoe slices. Prepare a piece of ginger, cut into shredded ginger and place it all in a larger basin.

Squeeze the chicken nuggets dry and put them in. Add two spoonfuls of salt, one spoonful of pepper, one spoonful of chicken powder, pour a little thirteen spices, add 10 grams of oyster sauce to freshen, 3 grams of dark soy sauce to color, grab and mix evenly.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

Prepare a handful of dried shiitake mushrooms, remove the hard roots, cut them from the middle and put them together with chicken nuggets.

After grabbing a handful of starch, drizzle with a little vegetable oil, so that the chicken nuggets will be more oily and bright, mix well and marinate for half an hour, so that the chicken nuggets are more flavorful.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

3. Start steaming below. After half an hour, lay the marinated chicken nuggets flat on a baking or porcelain dish. Then put into a boiling steamer, steam on medium heat for 20 minutes.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

After 20 minutes, remove the chicken nuggets and sprinkle them with parsley. A tender and juicy braised chicken is ready.

Today's ambush, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and it is better to spend the autumn safely

After the ambush, the weather will gradually cool down, but the "autumn tiger" is still there. In dry weather, do not eat "hot" meat, such as dog meat and lamb, eat more warm meat. Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged people: don't be too upset about money after the ambush, eat more than 3 kinds of meat, and make up for the energy to make up for the autumn.

(First Food Editor: Happy)

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