
The king cobra, the world's largest venomous snake, 12 mg of venom can kill people and eat poisonous snakes for a living


We know that the king cobra is very big and poisonous, how big is it, how poisonous is it? Like friends, add a concern, click a thumbs up, we continue to talk, king cobra, also known as, big cobra, blowing snake, mountain biao, big flat head wind, etc., is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world, mainly distributed in Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan and other places, foreign distribution in Southeast Asia and South Asia.

The king cobra, the world's largest venomous snake, 12 mg of venom can kill people and eat poisonous snakes for a living

Although it is called the king cobra, unlike the real cobra, it is not a member of the cobra genus, but a separate king cobra genus, so how big is the cobra? The largest recorded 3806 mm in China and 5580 mm outside of China, the king cobra prefers to live alone, and it comes out to hunt during the day, hiding in rock crevices or tree holes at night to rest

The king cobra, the world's largest venomous snake, 12 mg of venom can kill people and eat poisonous snakes for a living

King cobra, when in danger, will lift the front 1/3 of the body, and then it will open its mouth, show its poisonous fangs, while staring at the opponent, while paying attention to the surrounding environment, once it thinks that it is in danger, it will not hesitate to launch an attack, then the king cobra, how poisonous is it, the general venomous snake feeds on birds, rats, but the king cobra is fed on venomous snakes, like cobras, golden ring snakes, silver ring snakes, are its food

The king cobra, the world's largest venomous snake, 12 mg of venom can kill people and eat poisonous snakes for a living

Because the king cobra has an anti-venomous serum in the body, so when other venomous snakes bite the king cobra, the king cobra is usually safe and sound, and the king cobra is still a snake with a high IQ, when hunting other snakes, the king cobra, and will not easily use the venom, because it can distinguish whether the other party is poisonous, when facing the non-venomous snake, it will directly bite the prey, when facing the poisonous snake, it will constantly provoke the other party, make the other party exhaust its strength, and then bite the head, release venom to kill it, the king cobra, There is about 100 mg of venom, while the average lethal amount is 12 mg

The king cobra, the world's largest venomous snake, 12 mg of venom can kill people and eat poisonous snakes for a living

, human beings after being bitten, there will be nausea abdominal pain, respiratory paralysis, language disorders, coma and other symptoms, if unfortunately bitten, please go to the nearby large hospital in a hurry, if there is no serum timely treatment, can only say that there is no doubt that they will die, if in the wild, met the king cobra, please do not be like the third brother, playing the flute, dancing, and then, then there is no then ... In fact, I don't know what to do? Do you have any good way to do it?

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