
She is Trump's sworn enemy, vowing to fight to the end and throw Trump into the garbage heap of history

author:Big Dragon Brother Kan World

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Liz Cheney, a former senior Republican official who was Trump's nemesis within the party, lost his congressional seat in Wyoming after being defeated by Donald Trump-backed challengers in last week's primary. For now, she is threatening to shift her political power against other prominent Pro-Trump politicians in the party.

She is Trump's sworn enemy, vowing to fight to the end and throw Trump into the garbage heap of history

In an interview with ABC News, which aired Sunday, she said some of the most prominent Republican figures were now in her sights. She named Kevin McCarthy, Ron deSantis, Ted Cruz and Josh Holly — all of whom openly supported Trump's lie that "election crooks stole the 2020 presidential race from him and ceded it to his Democratic rival Joe Biden."

Cheney announced plans to form a new political organization after losing the election in Wyoming and said he was considering running for president in 2024 to prevent Trump from re-entering the White House. The analysis said her remarks on Sunday showed that her plans to fight election deniers were much broader than Trump himself. "I will be very focused on making sure that we do everything we can to keep election deniers elected," she said. I'm going to go against these people, I'm going to support their opponents. ”

She is Trump's sworn enemy, vowing to fight to the end and throw Trump into the garbage heap of history

Cheney said two Republican senators — Cruz, Texas and Holly, Missouri — both consider themselves "unfit for future positions." "Both knew what role Congress played in the presidential election, but both took steps that fundamentally threatened the constitutional order," she said. Cruz, who played an important role in the Senate, orchestrated a conspiracy to prevent Biden from winning the 2020 election in 6 key states; Hawley was the first senator to oppose Biden's election. On January 6, shortly before the violence erupted, he raised his clenched fist to protesters outside the U.S. Capitol. It was later revealed that he fled the Capitol at the beginning of the uprising.

In an interview with ABC News, Cheney also made harsh criticism of Florida Governor DeSantis and current House Minority Leader McCarthy.

She is Trump's sworn enemy, vowing to fight to the end and throw Trump into the garbage heap of history

If Republicans take back the House in November, McCarthy will be the main candidate for speaker. McCarthy initially criticized Trump's role in sparking a storm of violence in Congress, telling party leaders privately that "I've had enough of this guy." But since then, he has turned to supporting Trump's anti-democracy movement. Cheney said, "I'm very clear about Kevin McCarthy, who is completely disloyal to the Constitution. I don't think he should be Speaker of the House. She also accused Desantis of rebellion for the campaign. Cheney said, "It's something that people have to think about seriously."

She is Trump's sworn enemy, vowing to fight to the end and throw Trump into the garbage heap of history

Cheney also said that the fact that those who oppose Trump's subversion of American democracy have been almost universally expelled from the party has exposed this, adding, "It shows that people continue to believe lies, they continue to believe what [Trump] says, which is very dangerous." "It also tells you that most of our party, including our leadership at the state level in Wyoming and the Republican National Committee at the national level, is very ill." ”

Cheney did not specify whether she would run for president in two years' time. In that case, she would not say whether she would run as a Republican or an independent. She did, though, say that if she ran, she would win.

She is Trump's sworn enemy, vowing to fight to the end and throw Trump into the garbage heap of history

The former president is in increasing danger at a time when Cheney directly threatens Trump and his small circle of the most senior Republicans in Congress. The FBI searched his home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, infuriating his supporters but also increasing the risk of prosecution for hiding classified documents that could endanger national security.

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