
Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

author:Orchid bar

The world of orchids is strange, especially in small grass plants such as chunlan, which are not more than a foot tall, have few leaves, and the flower color includes almost all the colors of various plants, which is not to mention, the various pigments commonly used by humans are expressed in her. The leaf art of orchids is only the color expressed on the leaves of orchids, making the leaves more beautiful artistic appreciation. The leaf art of the orchid makes people marvel, regret the dryness, and more wonderful crystal leaf art, like a dragon like a phoenix, vivid, the different beauty on the leaves is vividly displayed, such as the ancient fossil-like scales make this kind of green grass more magical. I'm here to talk about the crystal art of orchids, and the use of throwing bricks and jade.

Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

The crystal art in orchids is rare among the art grasses, which is really rare. But there are crystals that do not necessarily bloom crystal flowers, and the genetic inheritance of nature is so strange that people are unpredictable. Orchids without crystal expression also have the possibility of blooming crystal flowers, but they are only a very small part of them, and they can meet unattainable fate. The art color of orchid art grass, as long as it is commonly found in the leaves of orchids. The flower color of orchids is even more wonderful, as long as it is the flower color of other plants in nature, orchids and other plants have it. This is the mysterious secret and style of orchids.

Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

The crystals in orchids are rarer than those in the art of the canker, and most people do not have the opportunity to encounter them in the mountains. Crystal grass is not only rare but also difficult to grow, why? Crystal art grass has higher requirements for the growth environment than leaf art grass, the same cultivation management leaf art grows well and crystal art is poor, the more difficult people like it, the more fascinating. Crystal art is inherently charming in art color, and the flowers also have the same art color embellishment as highlights, which is more mysterious and unpredictable.

Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

The difference between crystal art and spotted art

All the art of crystal art is found in the orchid art. Spot art includes edges, claws, silk, middle through, middle spot, middle spot, middle spot, spot in the spot, in the spot, snake spot, tabby, etc., the biggest difference between these two arts is that the art color of the blue orchid can only make the green orchid leaves add beautiful colors, green with white, gold, red and other colors, so that the orchid leaves have a rainbow-like sense of brilliance, increasing people's visual beauty enjoyment. Piece by piece, as if painted with a pen, the same thickness and thickness, the same width and narrowness, year after year, passed down from generation to generation. However, the art color is dull and dull, like a carved drawing board. In addition to the field of spot art, although there are changes in the art of silk, it is also a change of different faces. The performance of the art is clear and transparent than that of the crystal art, and the boundary between the art color and the art color is clear and not ambiguous.

Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

Crystal art is a kind of crystal like an emulsion, there are also milky white, red, yellow art color, when it appears on the orchid leaf, it often deforms the leaf, so that the art color forms a beauty of dynamic and static combination. The art of the spotted is like gold and silver, and the art of crystal is like the gemstone agate. It forms a certain gap with the beauty of the leaf art, which makes the orchid art more magical. Although the spot art in the orchid is not neat, the grain is clear and not mixed with each other, but no matter what kind of spot art can not deform the leaves. The biggest difference between cantata art and crystal art is that crystal art can deform the leaves.

Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

The performance of orchid crystals on the leaves is also different, due to the appearance of crystals on the leaves, orchid leaves will appear widening and thickening or shrinking wrinkles, such as ravines, like sinks, orchid leaves will be twisted, reversed, deformed, so that the orchid as a whole appears a dynamic sense of painting, but she is also a living object that grows, making the orchid leaves like dragons flying phoenix dance, thick places like dragon heads, thin places like phoenix tails, endless changes.

Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

The crystal art of orchids is different from that of scaly bodies, which make orchid leaves look antique, with large heads, wide bodies or wide lower feet. If you don't understand it, you can buy it when you buy it, and you really pick up the treasure and sell it as a grass.

Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

Crystal art and scaly bodies are the amount of crystal in the body of the orchid, the reaction performance of what part of the orchid appears on the leaves, and the uneven distribution changes the leaves, thus determining the shape of the leaves. These two types of art reflect the magic of nature's miraculous creation and make people even more fascinated. The orchid crystal art I am talking about here refers to the crystal grass of the spring orchid class, and other orchids can only be used as a reference.

Talk about orchid leaf art - crystal art

Wing Ye Art

The leaves are like lines, and the length is uniform.

Colorful and colorful, the flowers and leaves are Zongzheng.

Crystals are like floating clouds, floating without a trace.

Transform like a dragon and phoenix, immersive.

The art color is dazzling, and the shape is matched with the face.

Time has faded from the trail, and now the direction is fixed.

The viewing intention is not exhausted, and the love is nowhere to be found.

Zunyi, Guizhou Province - FuRui authorized orchid bar to post.

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