
Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

author:Fisherman Liu Wenjun

We know that it is not easy to cultivate the industry, and seek the prosperity of the aquatic industry. Not misleading, not exaggerating, not hyping, not headlined the party. With the context of breeders, let you enjoy a fine product in a short period of time!

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Koi is a large and noble ornamental fish, it has a bright and brocade-like color, changeable markings. The koi that returned to their hometown won the love of people after returning to their hometown of China. People like koi, in addition to its body color like a treasure, but also because it symbolizes "good life and auspicious life". At the same time, the koi never fight each other, get along harmoniously, and have the meaning of "harmony and wealth".

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

There are three criteria for tasting koi: color, body shape, and posture. Koi, which is larger, more pure in color and more elegant in posture, is the most valuable. In China, due to the limited breeding conditions of most koi lovers, usually only 30-50 cm, most koi are based on color as the most important tasting standard.

This article shows: Beko koi, light yellow koi, cloth koi, golden koi, writing carp koi, Showa koi, Taisho koi, red and white koi and other eight categories.

First, don't light koi

Koi that shows black spots on different background colors of white, crimson and golden yellow are called bieguang koi. Its varieties are:

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

(1) The background color of the body of the white light koi is white, and the black spots on it are pure black and thick, distributed in the trunk and tail handle, black and white are the same, and the color is extremely bright and clear.

(2) The Akabetsu koi has a red background color and black markings on the back.

(3) The yellow light koi is dotted with black spots on the yellow fish body.

1 white light koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

2 Akabetsu hikari koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

3 Yellow Light Koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

2. Light yellow koi

This type of fish is one of the original species of koi. It has a dark blue or pale blue back, a white outer edge of the scales, and a red color on the left and right cheek jaws, abdomen, and the base of each fin. According to the intensity of its body color, it can be divided into:

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

(1) Cyanosis light yellow koi

The fish body is brightly colored dark blue.

(2) Water light yellow koi

It is the lightest color of the pale yellow koi.

(3) Autumn koi

Its back is glossy, cobalt blue, and the fish body is like a clear blue sky in autumn; Bright red markings grow on the lower abdomen; There is a tightly arranged scale on the back and side of the fish, which leads from the head to the tail.

1 cyanosis light yellow koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

2 water light yellow koi

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3 Minghai light yellow koi

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4 deer light yellow koi

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5 deer spotted pale yellow koi

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6 white light yellow koi

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7 Autumn Koi

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8 German light yellow - autumn green

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9 Akame mesons

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10 Ashkenazi mesons

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11-day meson

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12 golden pine leaf koi

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13 Autumn Koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

3. Cloth koi

The koi is a species produced by the mating of red and white or tricolor with light yellow. The clothes belong to the red and white, three-color system.

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

(1) Blue coat: light yellow and red and white hybrid, erythematous scales with blue half-moon-shaped reticulated veins on the edges.

(2) Ink coat: The red and white red spots are coated with a layer of ink-like markings, and the red spots on the head of the ink coat also have black dots.

(3) Grape three colors: Grape-colored scales gather to become grape-like markings are called.

(4) Three colors of clothing: Blue markings appear on the red spots of Taisho tricolor, which are produced by the mating of blue clothes and Showa tricolor.

1 blue-clad koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

2 ink-clad koi

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3 grape-coated koi

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4 tricolor koi

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5 five-colored koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

6 Five Colors Clothing Showa

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

7 Clothes Showa

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

4. Golden koi

The golden koi refers to a carp whose body is monochromatic golden. Representative species of this type of koi are: Yamabuki golden koi fish body is pure gold color, fish scales are neatly arranged, shiny, glowing golden. The body of the orange golden koi is pure orange yellow. The gray gold koi fish body is silvery gray and scaleless. The body of the platinum koi is silvery white.

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

1. Definition of gold

Carp with a golden yellow body are called golden carp.

2. The history of gold

Gold was founded in 1946 by the Aoki Sawa clan father and son. The golden carp is often used to breed with various species of koi to produce a luxurious leather light carp, becoming the main role of the improved koi.

3. The key points of the golden carp

(1) The head must be bright and fresh, and there must be no shadows.

(2) The outer edge of the scales must be bright golden yellow. It is neat and tidy, and it extends to the ventral side for the top product. The pectoral fins must also be bright.

(3) Pay attention to body shape. Gold is often overweight due to gluttony and cannot grow into a giant carp. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the skeleton and body shape are different.

(4) Regardless of the season, the change of water temperature is always shiny and bright.

(5) German gold must pay attention to whether the scales are neat or not, and there can be no extra scales.

4. Types of gold

(1) Gray gold, white gold

The silvery carp is called "gray gold" because of its silver-gray appearance. Those with whiter hues are called "white gold".

(2) Platinum

The whole body is silvery-white. It was obtained in 1963 by mating yellow carp with gray gold.

(3) Yamabuki Golden

It was obtained in 1957 by mating yellow carp with golden carp, and its whole body is pure gold color, which is a representative species of gold.

(4) Orange gold

The orange-yellow pike carp was created in 1956.

(5) Crimson gold

Crimson leather light carp.

(6) Golden pine leaves, silver pine leaves

It was created in 1960 by the Eizaburō clan of Maeno. Each scale on the back of the golden carp becomes a bright stripe, and the white gold base is called silver pine leaves.

(7) German gold

The golden carp of the German system.

(8) German platinum

The Platinum Carp of the German System.

(9) German orange gold

The German system of orange golden carp.

(10) Mizuho yellow lord

The scales of the orange gold ridge are shiny black.

(11) Gold pocket, silver pocket

The head of the real carp has spade-like gold or silver markings, and the body scales are black with gold-silver scales. Gold mating is often produced in large quantities, has no ornamental value, and is eliminated at the first time.

(12) Gold rod, silver rod

A carp with a black body and a golden or silvery base of its spine fins. Like the gold and silver pockets, there is no ornamental value.

1 mountain blowing golden koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

2 platinum gold koi

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3 platinum koi

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4 orange gold

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

5 crimson gold

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6 golden pine leaf koi

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7 silver pine leaf koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

8 German golden koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

9 German platinum koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

10 German orange gold

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

11 classical gold

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

12 mizuho gold

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

5. Writing carp (Utsuri)

The body color of the writing carp is based on black, with triangular white or yellow spots or red spots.

There are triangular white markings on the black background, which are called white writing.

There are triangular yellow markings on the black background, called yellow writing.

The yellow thickness of the yellow writing is close to the orange-red color, which is called the crimson writing.

White is written white like red and white, and the texture should be pure white. The pectoral fins should be black-free. White writing, yellow writing, and silk writing are the same as the texture and markings of the black spots required by the showa three colors, and the stronger the color, the better, and the pectoral fin is a beautiful striped spot.

In addition to the above three types of writing carp, there are also German systems of writing carp, such as German white writing.

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Things to pay attention to when watching and writing carp

(1) Like showa three colors, it is advisable to have a face to cut ink on the head, or to have mouth ink.

(2) No matter what kind of writing carp, the ink on the fish body does not have any small pieces of ink or sesame ink.

(3) The ink pattern part is exactly the same as the Showa three colors, such as the charm of the ink amount is pleasant and quite heavy, and the ink amount is light and smooth and beautiful.

(4) Yellow writing will be different due to the different yellow tones of the yellow pattern and the charm is different.

1 white writing koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

2 yellow writing koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

3 silver scales yellow written koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

4 Silk koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

6. Showa Sanshoku

Showa Misa (Showa for short) is named after the Showa period in Japan in the 1930s. Unlike the Taisho three colors, the Showa three colors have a thick inkjet base color, while its red and white colors are evolved on the inkjet muscle ground. Usually people refer to the Showa with fewer white bits as the traditional Showa, while the ones with more white bits are called modern Showa.

Showa's appreciation points: its ink quality should be thick and glossy, and on the basis of the ink, it should be appreciated from a red and white perspective. The three colors with red and white stripes on the black background and black spots at the base of the pectoral fin are called Showa tricolor, which are called "Mizoya" together with red and white and Taisho tricolors, and are representative species of koi.

The Showa Tricolor was created in 1927 by Hoshino Shigeyoshi's Eje Yellow and Red and White. In the early days, the red spots of Showa Tricolor were orange, but after kobayashi Fuji clan was paired with Yagozoemon red and white, he successfully improved his red color to become as bright and thick as it is now.

The head must have large erythema, uniform redness, clear edges, and a strong color. White ground requires pure white, and those with white spots on the head and tail have higher taste. The ink spots are preferably those with faces cut on the head, and the ink lines on the torso must be lightning or triangular, thick and rolled up to the abdomen. The pectoral fins should be meta-black and should not be all white, black, or have erythema.

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

The difference between Taisho Tricolor and Showa Tricolor:

Koi with red, white and black stripes are divided into two types: Taisho Tricolor and Showa Tricolor. The former is on the white background with erythema and black spots, and the latter is on the black background with erythema and white spots. The specific differences are as follows:

(1) There are no black spots on the Taisho tricolor head and black spots on the Showa tricolor head.

(2) Taisho's three-colored black spots are round and lumpy and exist in the upper part of the fish body, and showa's dark spots are continuously striated or banded, sweeping to the abdomen and even the whole body.

(3) The Taisho tricolor pectoral fin is white or has black stripes, while the Showa tricolor pectoral fin has round black spots at the base, which is called no black.

People who know the fry stage of the two can clearly understand that there is an essential difference in their ink spots, so they can be identified by looking at the quality of the ink spots.

1 pale black Showa koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Pale Black Showa Koi: On the black spots of Showa Tricolor, all the scales appear light black, so the fish is called light black Showa koi.

2 Akane and koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Akane and Koi: The whole body is called a person with a continuous red pattern.

3 Modern Showa koi

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Modern Showa koi: White stripes occupy a large area, which at first glance looks like the Taisho three colors.

4 German Showa tricolor

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

German Showa koi: The German system of Showa tricolor is called.

5 clothes Showa koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Yi Showa and Koi (classified as clothing). Yi Showa is a breed produced by the mating of the blue-clad koi with the Showa tricolor koi. Blue markings appear on the red spots of the Showa tricolor koi. For Yi Showa, "clothes" are nothing more than always wearing a blue neon dress to charm. Yi Showa has the meaning of recruiting talents. Because it was produced in the Showa era in Japan, it seems to have invisibly put a faint political color on this special object, and it has become a favorite pet of many sages and inkers, and its name alone has the momentum of being praised by the stars. Yi Showa can be raised, and as an adult, his muscular physique swims freely in the soft water, and has become the leader of the fish.

6 Shadow Showa Koi

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7 Showa Autumn Koi

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8 Golden Showa koi

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9 Silver Showa Koi

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10 gold and silver scales Showa koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

11 Danding Showa koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

12 deer tricolor

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

7. Taisho sanke

Those with red and black markings on a white background are called "Taisho Tricolor". The head has erythema without black spots, and there are black stripes on the pectoral fin, which are basic features of this fish.

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

The Taisho tricolor koi was produced in 1915 during the Taisho period in Japan. Its main feature is the red and black markings on the pure white background of the fish body. The best thing about this fish is that the black part is as black as ink, and there are large crimson spots and black spots on the back side arranged harmoniously. All colors must be displayed on the back to be genuine. Some Taisho tricolor koi win with their novel color; Some of them attract attention with their elegant posture, plump body shape, and strange style.

1 lipstick tricolor koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

The lipstick tricolor koi has a round bright red spot on the lips of the fish, which is extremely handsome.

2 red tricolor koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Red tricolor koi refers to the Taisho tricolor koi with continuous red markings on the handle from head to tail.

3 Fuji tricolor koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Fuji tricolor koi, in the snow white background of the fish body, in addition to the red and black two kinds of markings, the head appears silver white granular markings.

4 German tricolor koi

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

The German tricolor koi, based on the koi, has no scales on the fish body, and shows red and black markings on the white skin, and the fish body is particularly gorgeous during the juvenile period.

5 gold and silver scales tricolor

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

6 Dan-top tricolor koi

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7 German red tricolor

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

8. Red and white koi

The red and white koi are fish with red patterns on a white background. Considered authentic koi in Japan, there is a motto that says "it starts with red and white and ends with red and white", illustrating the authority of red and white varieties.

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

There are a red stripe, a lightning pattern red and white, a small red and white, a German red and white, and so on.

1 Two paragraphs red and white

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

There are two crimson stripes on the white body of the fish, which are like red sunset glow, bright and dazzling. The erythema of the trunk should be symmetrical left and right to be considered a good product.

2 Three paragraphs red and white

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

There are 3 red markings on the back of the white fish body, which are very eye-catching.

3 Four paragraphs red and white

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

There are 4 bright red spots scattered on the silvery white fish body.

4 a strip of red

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There is a red band from the head to the tail stalk.

5 Lightning Red white

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The fish body has a red stripe from beginning to end, which is shaped like the lightning light of a thunderstorm, which is bent and curved, hence the name.

6 Fuji red and white

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There are silvery-white granular spots on the head, like snow on the top of Mt. Fuji. However, this spot generally only appears on the body of fish as old as 1 or 2 years old.

7 Goten cherry blossoms red and white

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Small red spots gather in grape-shaped patterns that are evenly distributed on both sides of the back of the fish.

8 golden cherry koi

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The red bright scales of the Goten Sakura Koi are inlaid with golden threads on the edges, called the Golden Sakura Koi. This is a precious variety with a very beautiful appearance.

9 German red and white

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Red and white from Germany are generally scaleless or less scaly.

10 Napoleon red and white

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The abdomen on both sides of the German red and white koi resembles a Napoleon's hat.

11 nose pay red and white

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The red and white koi on the head is connected to the silk on the mouth.

12 covered koi

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The entire head is covered in red and white koi.

13 pills dot red and white

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The center of the head is a separate circular red spot of the red and white koi.

14 lipsticks red and white

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A red and white koi with small round red spots and warm stripes on the upper part of the mouth.

15 Red and White Feathers

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The body is red and the pectoral fins are white koi.

16 Terra nullius

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Commonly known as red stick, the whole body is red, generally excluded when the red and white varieties are selected in the primary.

17 white landless

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Commonly known as the white stick, the whole body is white, and it will generally be eliminated when the red and white varieties are selected in the primary.

18 gold and silver scales

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The scales of the gold and silver scale koi body are mixed with gold and silver radiance called gold and silver scales, referred to as silver scales, and the body of the koi fish has gold or silver scales, which are shining. If the scales are on the red stripe, they have a golden luster, called the golden scale koi; On a white or black background, it has a silvery luster and is called a silver-scaled koi.

Picture and text appreciation: 76 species of koi in eight categories

Aquatic practitioners, conspire for the prosperity of the fishery! Please pay attention to my headline number @ Fisherman Liu Wenjun, for more wonderful content, please log on to the southwest fishery network and fish farming first-line public number, this article original if you need to reprint please indicate the source, if there are different opinions or content supplements, please share private messages or messages or comments! #Variety ##Aquatic Products##Fish##Aquaculture##喂鱼 #


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