
The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

author:The lights of the world

Mentioning the name Saddam Hussein may not be so famous, but if you talk about the Iraq War, it can be described as a sensation around the world and everyone knows it.

At that time, the US-led army united with other countries to launch a war against Iraq on the grounds that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam Hussein was the president of Iraq.

According to U.S. military reports, Saddam Hussein has six stand-ins, which is why he survived several times under the encirclement and suppression of the U.S. military. So how did Saddam Hussein use a stand-in to fake the real thing? Was it Saddam Hussein himself who carried out the hanging?

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein

Fish-eyed stand-ins

Among Saddam's many stand-ins, there is only one person who has truly made public the identity of the stand-in, and that is Mehail Ramadan. After immigrating to the United States, he blew himself up as a stand-in for Saddam Hussein for 19 years.

In fact, Mehail was able to be Saddam's stand-in by chance. After all, he was only a young teacher in a public school, and he did not have access to a big man like Saddam Hussein, mainly because his brother-in-law worked in the Baghdad municipal government and was a middle-level cadre.

At a party, the brother-in-law had drunk too much, so he joked with his colleagues: "My brother-in-law looks very similar to the president." ”

Just because of his unintentional words, Mehail fell into a dual life situation for 19 years and embarked on the road of control as the shadow of "Saddam Hussein".

Saddam Hussein, known as the lion of the Middle East, is Iraq's brutal ruler.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein

During Saddam's reign, through the extensive exploitation of oil, the development of oil trade, and the vigorous development of Iraq's economy, the quality of life of the population was greatly improved, and free medical care and free education were also developed.

During his tenure, Saddam Hussein also established good relations with the Soviet Union, purchased military equipment and weapons from the Soviet Union on a large scale, and Iraq's military strength was greatly improved, and at that time it could be said that it became a Western military power.

But Saddam Hussein was warlike by nature, trying to solve everything through war, and during his reign, he often had friction with some countries and even launched wars.

Under his dictatorship, the Iraqi people suffered greatly from war. Therefore, many people and neighboring countries also hated him, and he became the target of public criticism, and Saddam Hussein suffered many assassinations for this purpose.

Saddam Hussein knew that his unscrupulous behavior would cause him endless trouble, and in order to ensure his own life and avoid being killed, he sent his men to spy on people who looked like him.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Figure丨 Saddam's army

Let them become their own stand-ins, go to some high-risk places instead of themselves, such as attending some public places, attending meetings, going to the front line to direct the war, inspiring people's hearts and minds. He himself hid in the shadows to protect himself.

At first, Saddam Hussein's requirements for a stand-in were not high, but the requirements were similar, but with the increase in the number of assassinations, Saddam Hussein not only had to maintain the morale of the people at home, but also to go to the front line to direct the war and stabilize the morale of the army.

In order to make these stand-ins confused and fake, Saddam Hussein's requirements for stand-ins are getting higher and higher, and he asks his men to look around for people who look like him.

Saddam's college classmate Omar, because of his resemblance to Saddam, was also arrested and asked to act as a stand-in for Saddam.

Hearing this request, Omar initially refused, not wanting to live in the shadow of others, putting himself in danger, facing countless unknown dangers, and becoming Saddam's substitute ghost.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

The picture is suspected of being Saddam's stand-in

But for Saddam Hussein, a tyrannical ruler, no one could disobey his orders. Omar was put in jail, and Saddam Told him that as long as he didn't agree for a day, he would stay in jail.

Omar, who was free, eventually gave in, and Omar became one of Saddam's stand-ins. As mentioned earlier, Mehail was soon targeted by government officials because of a careless remark from his brother-in-law.

One day in October 1979, he went home as usual, but did not want to be immediately surrounded and blocked, indicating that there was no malice, and After Mehail was taken to Saddam's palace to wait.

Saddam Hussein personally chose a stand-in every time, and when Saddam saw Mehail, he couldn't help but sigh that there were people who looked so similar to him, jokingly saying: "We are not brothers."

Mehail did not dare to answer, but stood there straight, waiting for his fate.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

The picture is suspected of being Saddam's stand-in

Mehail thought to himself, the president came to me for sure, it is not as simple as talking to me. After a brief greeting, Saddam Hussein bluntly stated his intentions, bluntly saying that he needed Mehail to be a stand-in for him.

Mehail certainly knows that many national leaders have stand-ins to attend some dangerous places in their places. He also knows that once he agrees to the president's request, his life will no longer be controlled by himself, and he may be assassinated and killed at any time.

Mehail knew that the president had found him, and if he did not agree, his relatives or himself would be in danger. He had long heard of the brutal and bloody president, who had killed the former prime minister in order to achieve his goals.

In the face of power, Mehail knew that he could only bow his head and ask for peace, nodded his head in agreement, saddam Hussein was relieved to see the situation, and even clapped his hands and said yes.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein

To fake the real secret

Despite his repeated cautions, Saddam Hussein was arrested on 13 December 2003 in a cellar in his hometown of Tikrit for betrayal by his cronies.

After the arrest of the real Saddam Hussein, Mehail, who lived in seclusion in the United States, openly confessed his identity on social media, and he bluntly said that he had served as Saddam's stand-in for 19 years, and the secret of Saddam's stand-in was also made public.

It's not so easy to be Saddam's stand-in. Once elected, they hide their real names for various other reasons.

The stand-in was also required not to go out, nor could he actively contact his relatives and friends, and could only live in a gorgeous palace, being monitored by soldiers every day, and having no freedom in life.

Imprisoned in Saddam's palace, they not only face unknown dangers, but also require very similar shapes, appearances, limbs, looks, and movements.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein and the stand-ins

These stand-ins, first of all, will undergo plastic surgery and plastic surgery to achieve similarities in appearance and body shape. Saddam Haddam had a black mole on the outside of his left eyebrow, and the stand-ins implanted a black mole.

In order to confuse the public, looking the same age as Saddam, the young Mehail added some wrinkles to his face, and in order to maintain a high degree of consistency with Saddam, Mayhail was also filled with the bridge of his nose to make him look the same height as Saddam.

The similarity in appearance is not enough, and the stand-ins will also undergo a series of systematic devil training, just to be the same as Saddam's body and language. Every day they would be taken to the room by soldiers to watch videos of Saddam's speeches, mimicking Saddam's every move.

In order to look almost the same as Saddam, the stand-ins had a fixed time with Saddam Every day, imitating Saddam's tone and movements, and gradually, they became accustomed to the life of being a stand-in.

After a series of renovations from the inside out, when Saddam Hussein felt that the stand-ins were almost indistinguishable from himself, they could replace Saddam Hussein.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein and the stand-in

When Saddam Hussein saw that Mehail, a young man who looked like himself, was almost indistinguishable from himself, he could not help but praise and be very satisfied.

Saddam Hussein also jokingly said, "If you appear next to my mother now, I don't think she will recognize you as a fake." This shows how similar Saddam's stand-in can be after being reshaped twice.

According to the US military, before the last arrest in 2003, they had caught "Saddam Hussein" a total of four times, but each time they were arrested as counterfeit goods, and the US military was angry.

Another important reason why these stand-ins can be faked is that these stand-ins, sometimes inadvertently, indulge in this role-play and feel that they are Saddam Hussein and the supreme president.

Whether it is their appearance or language, demeanor, and movements, they can almost be completely consistent with the real Saddam, so ordinary people can't see the clue and can't distinguish between true and false.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein

Mehail fleeing Saddam

It has to be said that Mehail is the best one to play Saddam Hussein's stand-in. On a visit to a wounded soldier in a military hospital, he happened to run into a doctor who had neglected his duties and ignored the soldier's pain.

Mehail scolded the doctor fiercely, and afterwards Mehail realized that he had just crossed the line and had exceeded his duties, and his heart was full of remorse, knowing that he would definitely be punished when he went back.

Unexpectedly, his actions were filmed by the media, and the next day, the newspaper reported: "The president personally visited the wounded soldiers and denounced the doctors who ignored the hero." ”

As soon as this incident was reported, he did not expect that he would win the support and trust of the people for Saddam Hussein and boost the morale of the combat soldiers.

Saddam Hussein did not expect such a result, he was so excited that Mehail's heart hanging in his throat fell after seeing it.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein

Because Mehail knew that if he did not do well or did wrong, he could die at any time, and he must always be careful and careful, otherwise his relatives would also be implicated.

Mehail was also rewarded by Saddam Hussein for this unexpected move. The stand-in is always a stand-in, a shadow of Saddam, a pawn of Saddam.

In front of them, they are a high-ranking president, calling the wind and rain, but behind them they live a life of "man-made knife tricks, I am fish meat".

Because of these two unforgettable things, the young Mehail completely saw the inhuman and cold side of Saddam, and this good-natured young man had the heart to escape from Saddam.

The first incident occurred in September 1983, the day before the military parade, Saddam Hussein fell ill. This was a critical time in the Iran-Iraq War, and President Saddam Hussein was needed to attend the speech on the front line to boost morale.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein

This attendance brought Mehail to represent Saddam Hussein. On the way to the parade and during the speech, the guards were tight and did not give the rebels an opportunity, and the speech ended quite quickly without error.

However, on the way back from the parade, they were attacked by rebels who had been ambushed for a long time, and they captured Mehail, who thought he was the president, and killed the rest.

The rebels, who were still in a state of excitement, saw the real Saddam Hussein in Baghdad the next day, and when they realized that this was not the real Saddam, they jumped to their feet in anger.

The rebels took Mekhail hostage to negotiate with Saddam Hussein, and it was clear that Saddam did not abandon Mehail, and the two sides did not negotiate for several months.

So much so that Mehail sometimes thought he had been abandoned, and just when he was about to lose hope, the Iraqi army suddenly attacked the rebels, surrounded them, caught the rebels by surprise, fled in a panic, and there was no one to guard Mehail.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Mehail who was captured

Fortunately, he escaped from the chaos of this war and recovered a life. Mehail, who had escaped the disaster, had not yet returned to his senses, and another thing that made him sad, desperate, and almost collapsed ensued.

Mehail's brother-in-law, because he participated in the activities of the anti-Saddam organization, Mehail's wife and son, also regarded as anti-Saddam Hussein, were arrested.

Upon hearing the news, Mehail immediately contacted Saddam, who was distraught and begged him to spare his relatives and show him the innocence of his wife and children.

Saddam Hussein ostensibly agreed to him, but behind the scenes, he sent someone to secretly dispose of Mehail's relatives, and Mehail waited for a few days to wait for the bad news of the death of his wife and children.

He was told that his wife and children had died at the hands of robbers, and of course Mehail would not have believed it, knowing that his loved ones had been assassinated by Saddam Hussein.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein

But he could not change all this, he could only continue to seek perfection, act as a stand-in for Saddam, and live under Saddam's shadow.

After experiencing these things, I let Mehail know in my heart that freedom is his best choice, and continuing like this can only be a dead end.

When the Gulf War broke out in 1990, Mehail was assigned to replace Saddam Hussein to visit soldiers on the front line and direct the war. Unexpectedly, the car exploded, and Mehail was also injured in this accident.

The injured Mehail was taken to the local hospital to recuperate, where he was blessed to meet his second wife, Sophia.

Sophia, a nurse at the hospital, fell in love with the middle-aged man at a glance, and during the hospitalization, the two had feelings for each other, developed feelings, and soon married.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Picture 丨 Mehail

With love, Mehail is more eager for freedom, and under the influence and support of Sophia, Mehail is more determined to escape the cage of the substitute and regain his freedom.

Mehail told her story one by one, and to her surprise, Sophia, who grew up in the United States, was very supportive of her husband's attempt to escape from the stand-in, and she became a bridge for Mehail to escape from Iraq.

Sophia knew that the United States and Iraq had never been compatible, so she secretly found the U.S. Intelligence Bureau and used its power to help them. The U.S. Intelligence Service, of course, was happy to help, advising Mehail, looking for opportunities to escape time and time again.

Finally, in 1999, when Saddam Hussein was not paying attention, Mehail evaded Saddam's surveillance and control, and successfully fled to the United States, ending a 19-year life as a puppet.

However, in order to escape Saddam's persecution, Mehail still had to choose to hide his name and live an anonymous life with his wife.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Pictured by Saddam Hussein

Is Saddam Really dead?

In March 2003, when the U.S. military bypassed the United Nations and openly launched a war against Iraq, Saddam Hussein learned that the war was coming and did not fear it, but inspired the army to brave the war.

However, in this war, the US army won the war in only 42 days, and Saddam's army was defeated and fled in all directions.

Bush, who had been deceived by Saddam Hussein several times, ordered that saddam must be captured this time, and even dispatched the US ace army to launch an overwhelming search, claiming that it was bound to capture Saddam this time.

Behind the defeat of the war, saddam's regime also fell, Saddam Hussein also hid in order to survive, and the US military directly offered a huge bounty of $25 million in order to capture Saddam.

For the sake of profit, Saddam's cronies betrayed him, and Saddam hussein was caught hiding in the cellar of his hometown.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Figure: Saddam Hussein was arrested

According to the U.S. military at the time, Saddam Hussein was arrested as an old man in his sixties, with a beard and tattered clothes, who did not look like a president at all.

After seeing this Saddam Hussein for the first time, the US military could not believe that this was true, and thought that it was a stand-in again. Fortunately, before this, the U.S. military successfully captured Saddam's son and grandson, and through DNA comparison, they confirmed that this was the real Saddam.

On December 30, 2006, Saddam Hussein was hanged by the U.S. military in Baghdad, and Saddam, known as a war maniac, disappeared completely.

Of course, in any case, it is undeniable that Saddam Hussein once made Iraq a Middle Eastern power. Under Saddam Hussein's rule, Iraq's economy developed rapidly, vigorously developing education and medical care, seeking the welfare of the people and gaining popular support.

During his tenure, Saddam Hussein vigorously purchased military weapons and equipment, continuously expanded his army, and increased his strength, but did not bring peace to the people. The war with Iran alone lasted for eight years, leaving the Iraqi people suffering from war for many years.

The Undead Saddam Hussein: The secret that has been hidden for 19 years has surfaced, and 6 stand-ins have done it with falsehood

Saddam Hussein was executed

Over time, he lost the hearts of the people, and he was doomed to a sad end in life.

All peace has not come easily and should be cherished even more.

Only when war brings endless harm to the people, can we only live a happy and peaceful life if we strengthen ourselves, arm ourselves with strength, and adhere to the path of peace.