
In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

author:Starry Time Shop

"Chen Kexin is my boyfriend, and I know what color his socks are."

Tian Pujun proudly wrote an article in the column of "Zhizu GQ", expressing how good her relationship with Chen Kexin was.

"I've seen my parents", "I can call 24 hours", "He's so cute".

However, as soon as the heat rose, Tian Pujun was punched in the face by Chen Kexin himself.

Chen Kexin said: "I am not familiar with this actress at all, and if there is a girlfriend, it will only be Wu Junru." ”

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Tian Pujun wrote the opposite sex of an existing family in the article so ambiguously and evocatively, and the intention behind it was very clear.

Even if she and Chen Kexin were really good friends, such a public and explicit statement was like a provocation to Wu Junru of Chen Kexin's palace.

Wu Junru also replied mercilessly: "Whether it is a girlfriend or a turtle honey, Chen Kexin's heart and property are all here with me." ”

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

And Tian Pujun can get in touch with the big director Chen Kexin, only because she once worked as a producer in "China Partner" and cooperated with Chen Kexin.

How can an 18-line actress who has no experience as a producer be the producer of a big movie?

When I saw that the investor of "China Partner" was Wang Shi, everything was self-evident.

After investing so much, what's wrong with giving your little wife a position? However, Tian Pujun still said: "It is because I am smart, so I can handle so many tasks." ”

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Who is Wang Shi? The founder and former chairman of Vanke almost became the richest man.

Since retiring in 2017, the 71-year-old Wang Shi has stopped worrying about work, receiving a retirement salary of 12 million yuan per year and taking his wife Tian Pujun around.

The love story between Wang Shi and tian Pujun, who is 30 years old, is actually quite "story-like".

Although both of them flaunt their true love, the rumors of "little three on top" in the outside world have not stopped.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Wang Shi, like most successful entrepreneurs, joined the army as a young man and became a transport soldier.

In the army, Wang Shi cultivated the character of self-improvement and daring to take risks.

Therefore, after retiring from the army, Wang Shi only worked as a worker assigned for a few years and went to Guangdong to go to the sea to do business.

The business-minded Wang Shi made millions in just a few months, and the millions in the 80s of the last century were far more valuable than they are today.

While he was pleasantly surprised, he also began to strengthen his desire to deepen his career in the business world.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

At this time, the most pleasing to Wang Shi was his wife Wang Jiangsui.

Wang Jiangsui and Wang Shi had been married as early as when he was a worker.

At that time, Wang Shi could only give Wang Jiangsui a vow of "I love you", but unfortunately, this sentence was also broken by the future Wang Shi himself.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Wang Shi was born into a military family, Wang Jiangsui was born into a political and legal family, and his father, Wang Ning, was the leader of the Guangdong Provincial Political and Legal Committee.

And the two people also work in the Guangzhou Railway Bureau, and they are both surnamed Wang, and this marriage can be said to be very door-to-door.

Soon after the marriage, Wang Jiangsui gave birth to a daughter, and in the face of her husband's idea of resigning and starting a business, she said very generously: "You go, everything in the family has me." ”

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

At that time, the labor industry was a very respected profession, and Wang Shi's resignation was criticized even by his parents, and only his wife Wang Jiangsui unswervingly chose to support him.

However, what is so simple about doing business?

After Wang Shi earned the first pot of gold, the momentum of development became more and more rapid, but there was also a crisis in this.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Once, Wang Shi's chicken feed business suffered a very big blow, when he was reported to have carcinogens in the feed, and the company suddenly lost more than 1 million yuan.

Wang Shi, who was hit, was somewhat mentally apathetic, and everyone was blaming him for his decision-making mistakes as a leader.

Only his wife, Wang Jiangsui, still gently comforted her husband, personally cooked noodles for him, and found her father to say good things to borrow money.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

With the encouragement of Wang Jiangsui, Wang Shi took more than 3 million yuan borrowed, started anew, began to enter the real estate industry, and established vanke group, which is now a well-known enterprise.

Among them, it is also indispensable to the help of Wang Jiangsui's family, and Wang Jiangsui's gentleness and thoughtfulness, taking good care of the family, also solved Wang Shi's worries.

After this, Wang Shi's career began to soar, and in 3 years, the company was listed in Shenzhen.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

While the company is developing better and better, there is also friction in the marriage between Wang Shi and Wang Jiangsui.

In 2003, at the age of 52, Wang Shi climbed the world's highest peak, Mount Everest.

Wang Shi is an adventurous person, when he is not working, he likes to play some extreme sports to relax.

But Wang Jiangsui did not think so, she felt that her husband usually worked outside, originally rarely went home, it was difficult to have time to rest, but ran to do those "dangerous things."

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

In Wang Jiangsui's eyes, he and her husband are elderly people, and their physical fitness is not as good as when they were younger.

Doing these extreme sports, once which mistake has happened, will the parents behind them want to "send the white-haired people to the black-haired people", and what should the daughter Wang Weilan, who just went to college, lose her father?

Wang Shi, who often climbs the mountain, also almost woke up because of lack of oxygen, and his eyes were almost blind once.

Wang Jiangsui, who had such a thought, advised Wang Shi more than once, but Wang Shi did not care, climbing more frequently, regardless of how worried his wife waited at home.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Wang Shi's acquaintance with his second wife, Tian Pujun, stemmed from a trip when Tian Pujun was just an intern at a real estate company.

Because the boss Feng Lun invested in a new company, a high-end travel agency specializing in providing services for high-level people in society, Tian Pujun, who followed Feng Lun to participate in this trip, met Wang Shi in this way.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

At first, Wang Shi did not have the slightest impression on Tian Pujun, but just listened to his friend's introduction and wrote a face.

Later, the two did not have any communication, until 2011, they invariably chose to study in the United States, which missed some clues.

Although one went to New York and one went to Boston, it was in two different cities.

However, in the modern society with convenient transportation, the distance between cities has long been different from the "different places" of Wang Shi and Wang Jiangsui's era.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

At that time, Wang Shi and Tian Pujun not only took the same flight, but also behaved very intimately.

Tian Pujun has also posted braised pork made by Wang Shi himself on social platforms.

However, all this did not get a response from Wang Shi, and at first netizens thought that Wang Shi still cared about Wang Jiangsui, who had been married for decades.

But what I didn't expect was that Wang Shi was simply waiting for his father-in-law to die!

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Wang Ning, the father-in-law who once held an important position, has a temperament that is not angry and arrogant, and as long as he is still alive, he will not allow anyone to bully his daughter.

Therefore, shortly after Wang Ning died of illness in 2013, Wang Shi, who had long been unable to hold back, quickly filed for divorce with Wang Jiangsui.

And Tian Pujun's hint of showing love also began to get a response from Wang Shi.

Some careful netizens even turned over photos of Wang Shi and Tian Pujun going abroad together in 2009.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

I have to say that Wang Shi hid it really well.

At this point, Wang Shi's insults of "cheating in marriage" and "abandoning his wife" could not be shaken off.

However, Wang Shi was not in the accident world at all, and became engaged and married to Tian Pujun, and then gave birth to a daughter at the age of 71.

Wang Shi said: "I like and thank you very much, my wife Tian Pujun appeared in my life. ”

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

In the program "Common Talk" founded by Tian Pujun, she "coerced and seduced" her husband Wang Shi and said: "If you don't come, we won't be there." ”

Wang Shi had to obediently come, Wang Shi actually rarely participated in interview programs, before tian Pujun can become a columnist of "Zhizu GQ", but also Wang Shi promised to accept their interviews often in exchange.

In "Common Talk", Wang Shi and Tian Pujun sit face to face, and Tian Pujun asks with a smile: "Why do they all say that I am not an independent woman?" ”

Wang Shi spoiled a smile, "The two of us are husband and wife, this is unavoidable, in my heart you are an independent woman." ”

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Why is Tian Pujun so obsessed with the reputation of "independent women"?

Married to a rich man who is 30 years older than himself, and also saddled with the insult of "Little Three", Tian Pujun said that he just liked Wang Shi's appearance.

When the two met, Wang Shi was nearly 60 years old.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

After marrying Wang Shi, Tian Pujun persistently emphasized that she was an "independent woman" everywhere, saying that she gave Wang Shi spiritual dependence.

Tian Pujun has been an actress, claiming that she is from Chinese opera, but in fact, she only studied in the higher vocational class, and was also dropped out of school because of too much absenteeism.

But in her description, the withdrawal became "for not wanting to betray the same truant classmates", such a righteous anger.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Tian Pujun's most famous role may be the character "Prince Fujin of Dun" in "The Biography of Zhen Huan".

However, even if many people remember the role of "Prince Fujin of Dun", they do not know who she is playing.

When he did not know Wang Shi, Tian Pujun could only rely on "bare chest" to gain heat.

In the photo with Liang Chaowei, even though Liang Chaowei has tried his best to lean to the side, Tian Pujun, who is wearing a low-cut suit, still leans over without hesitation.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

There was no splash in this aspect of acting, Tian Pujun became a producer, and naturally he only mixed up by Wang Shi's name.

Tian Pujun, who claimed not to rely on Wang Shi, began to write again, positioning himself as a "writer".

However, the articles written by Tian Pujun and the views expressed by Tian Pujun really cannot be agreed.

"The British nobility paid great attention to etiquette, and wiFi passwords were sent by butlers in tuxedos and silver plates."

"The quality of Chinese is too low, only knowledge, and our parents did not teach us the etiquette of eating."

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Tian Pujun once wrote about Chu Shijian, the king of Chinese tobacco, in a column, and also posted a photo of himself and the big guy.

However, Chu Shijian blackened his face and said directly in the interview afterwards: "It's not that I want to shoot, Wang Shi can't help but give him face." ”

Tian Pujun, who was mercilessly ridiculed by netizens, continued to do his own thing as if he did not feel it.

In order to marry her, Wang Shi abandoned his wife and abandoned his daughter's name, and fell out of the house, how attractive is Tian Pujun?

Such a performance of "standing again and standing" naturally caused many netizens to complain, and some netizens joked to ask her to publish a book on "how to attract Wang Shi", what do you think?

Edit: Anmu

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