
Can Alexander the Great conquer China?

author:Unforgettable love

Alexander the Great of the 4th century BC conquered the mighty Persian forces of the Achaemenid dynasty and literally shook the entire universe. Then a wonderful campaign was launched against India.

Can Alexander the Great conquer China?

However, can the king go further? And, for example, follow India and try to launch a movement against China?

First of all, it is worth mentioning the Macedonian's own plan, if he is still alive after his return to Babylon. The plan of the sleigh is well known – the invincible commander is preparing to conquer Arabia. Then fight carthage, the most powerful force in the western Mediterranean at the time.

Whether Sasha the Great knew anything about China during his lifetime is still uncertain. But if, after the conquest of Carthage, our hero wants to go to the Far East, the task will be extremely difficult for him. And the focus is not only on the road to the Middle Kingdom, full of mountains and wilderness. But in fact, China itself at that time was by no means a peaceful and good country. He lived through the so-called Warring States era— a mighty empire with a powerful army that often met in battle. If they encountered some kind of threat from the West, they would quickly band together against the Macedonians.

Can Alexander the Great conquer China?

I noticed that in the entire history of the world, no Western commander has been able to conquer China. Moreover, until the 19th century and the Opium War era, no Western military leader had launched a war of aggression against China – the Celestial Dynasty was far from the European world. But Alexander could have launched a campaign against China from the territory of his controlled province of Bactria (modern Central Asia).

In general, it can be said that if Alexander was in the 4th century BC. Nevertheless, he overcame the deserts of the Gobi and Taklamakan, and he would manage to bring up to 20-30 thousand soldiers to China. One would have to face at least a dozen powerful Chinese states at the time—the Song, Qing, Hai, and other Eastern Zhou.

With the Macedonians extremely isolated from their supply bases, they were unlikely to defeat the Chinese war machine — thousands of armored fighting vehicles, good archers, and experienced spearmen. Chinese was also equipped with crossbows—something the Macedonians had never seen before.

Can Alexander the Great conquer China?

With a strong force, Chinese easily entered the rear of the boastful Macedonian phalanx. The fate of Alexander's army will soon be decided... Although, of course, the Macedonians had some chances - for example, their infantry was much superior to Chinese in any case. Yes, Alexander's military talents had a say.

In short, Macedonia has a chance to defeat Chinese. But only good luck.

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