
Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

author:International football cold snow

Today,m. Inter is not going well and has encountered a lot of unexpected troubles.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

For example, in the first round of the league, a large number of fans in the North Stand wanted to go to the away game to help the team, but there was a problem in the middle, resulting in Inter receiving far less cheer than expected.

For example, on the referee scale, Lautaro's legguards were broken by the flying shovel, but the referee was reluctant to actively protect the players.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

Another thing, equally crucial for the current Nerazzurri, is that Inter milan did not take the most radical measures in the face of defaulting on their fees and defaulting on their promises, but could only choose to compromise.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

Before the match against Lecce, one of Inter's highlights was whether the newly launched away shirt would "run naked".

The Inter Jersey Chest Sponsor is a unit specializing in cryptocurrencies. The industry is in a difficult position to see its market value shrink by 95% over the past period. At the scheduled payment node, Inter did not receive sponsorship fees.

The three-year, 85 million euros sponsorship contract has once relieved Inter, who were in financial difficulty. But if you can't leave the bag for safety, it doesn't make any sense.

Before the game, italian media pointed out that in the face of such a situation, Inter has two choices: either choose to be radical, let the jersey "run naked" as a countermeasure, or even sue for compensation, and use the law to defend their rights and interests; Or choose "compromise", even if the other party defaults, Inter still hopes to negotiate and communicate to solve the problem.

For now, Inter have opted for compromise.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

Why compromise? The answer is simple: Because Inter can't find another generous sponsor to replace it.

"Milan Sports Newspaper" introduced: In fact, Inter's plan was originally to "ride a donkey to find a horse", on the one hand, communicate with Digtalbits, collect debts, and give the other party time to raise funds and pay; On the other hand, as early as a month ago, the team instructed the relevant departments to find new sponsorships, and if they could find them, then replace the sponsorship and sue for compensation.

But so far, Inter have made little progress in finding new strong sponsorships.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

Then again, in the past year, if Inter can find a company willing to sponsor a reliable traditional industry of 20-30 million euros, it will not sell chest advertising to the electronic money industry. Everyone knows the industry's prospects are uncertain, and Inter knows it. However, the financial pressure is too great and there is no other choice.

In short, Inter is currently choosing to compromise and continue to communicate with the defaulting sponsors, hoping to receive some money, even if it is not enough, to collect a part. On the other hand, cast a bigger net and go to find other new sponsors, hoping for good news.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

The current environment of Serie A cannot provide enough help for Inter to improve the current situation of operation.

Financial expert Bellinazzo pointed out that Serie A is currently entering a vicious circle of "the more difficult the operation, the more the relevant departments are rotten".

Serie A's overseas TV broadcast fees today are only about 1/10 of that of the Premier League. More than a decade ago, the relevant revenue was more than 3 times that of the Bundesliga, and now, the broadcast fee is far away from the Bundesliga and can only be looked up.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

If this situation continues, the future competitiveness of the Apennine League will only deteriorate – the poorer it is, the less competitive it is, which is the constant axiom of football.

Can Serie A blame others? Today's Premier League often arranges the game time in China's evening golden viewing period in order to take care of the fans in the Middle East and the Far East, and la Liga and Bundesliga also have several games a week, but today's Serie A, almost all the matches are arranged in the evening of local time - there is no seriousness about whether fans in the Middle East and the Far East can watch the ball.

The more unwilling Serie A is to change the time, the fewer overseas fans will see Serie A; The more Serie A's overseas influence shrinks, the more series A's overseas broadcast will not sell at a high price in the future.

So-called: vicious circle.

In such a business environment, high-quality and powerful sponsors naturally lack enthusiasm for investing in Serie A. Inter wanted to find strong new sponsorships to solve the problem, which was very difficult.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

That's the situation. The Zhang family has made it clear that it will not inject any funds into Inter in the short term. The Italian media ridiculed Zhang Kangyang every day, hoping that a new powerful owner would appear, but in such a business environment, "Oil Daddy" may not be able to look at this small temple.

Under the current situation, the means of Inter's future operation are nothing more than three: one is open source, the other is throttling, and the third is selling blood to raise funds.

With the departure of Sanchez, Vidal, Besino, Pinamonti and others, The Milano Sport pointed out that the team can save 50 million euros + expenditure on last season's salary scale (those who are not in the team last season but still receive money from Inter are also Inter's financial burden), due to the new players either enjoy tax benefits or ultra-low salaries (such as Aslani, BellaNovana's salary is less than 1 million), Therefore, it is expected that Inter's salary expenditure including tax will be reduced by 25-30 million euros, which is basically the completion of the task of reducing salaries by 10%-15% arranged by Zhang Kangyang.

However, because Vidal, Sanchez and others lost money to terminate the contract, in addition to the compensation, Inter's actual cost of savings, to be discounted.

But if the sponsor pulls the crotch, the sponsorship income shrinks or even becomes a bad debt, then... If you don't save enough money, the difficulties have not improved.

Inter's house leaks in the overnight rain and the debt collectors are forced to choose a compromise

Today, Inzaghi Jr. has repeatedly asked the team not to sell the main force, but Marotta still pays lip service to the words "while retaining competitive strength, but also considering the sustainable development of the economy".

Why didn't the Inter CEO dare to put his words to death, and why is it still ambiguous to this day? Because Inter finances are really difficult. Horses are thin, naturally long hair, poor people, and it is inevitable that they will be short.