
Spitting water in the flock is not simple, and finding out the problem is the key! Chicken glandular muscles and stomach inflammation, Ji Egg Princess has something to say

author:Highlights legends

If the chickens appear in the flock to eat picky food, spit water, like to eat powder, the amount of food intake is not up to standard, fried hair, pull thin strips of feces, easy to panic, fried flock, etc., this indicates that the chickens may be infected with adenomeritis.

For chicken farms, the incidence of adenomeritis in chickens is on the rise. Many times it will not be a single adenomitis. There are many causes of adenomitis and there is no obvious seasonality.

Spitting water in the flock is not simple, and finding out the problem is the key! Chicken glandular muscles and stomach inflammation, Ji Egg Princess has something to say

First of all, we must understand what adenomitis is.

At present, there is a common misconception in farms that many people think that adenomitis is a disease. In fact, adenomyogasciitis is two diseases.

It is well known that chickens have two stomachs, a glandular stomach and a muscle stomach. However, adenosenteritis and myomegasitis often occur at the same time, so it is called adenomitis. Therefore, adenomogasciitis is two diseases.

Spitting water in the flock is not simple, and finding out the problem is the key! Chicken glandular muscles and stomach inflammation, Ji Egg Princess has something to say

In the actual feeding process, the onset of the disease in the flock after 20 days is the most obvious, such as the continuous increase or increase in the amount of food intake is not up to standard, the increase in drinking water is not obvious, the phenomenon of over-feeding occurs, and after dissecting the sac, the glandular stomach is found to be enlarged, such as the muscle stomach, the glandular stomach has a large amount of feed stored in the stomach, and the chicken spitting water is more serious.

How can I tell if it is adenitis or myometritis by the appearance of symptoms?

First of all, chickens with myogasciitis will not be able to keep up with the amount of food they eat. The uniformity of the large group is very poor, and the three generations of chickens are uneven in size;

Second, after chickens are infected with myomegasitis, it is an inflammatory response, and symptoms of low-grade fever will occur. Low-grade fever can cause the flock to be very sensitive to temperature, resulting in a very good state of the flock during the day; At night, after the temperature is low, there will be neck shrinking, sagging, pulling over and other phenomena;

Spitting water in the flock is not simple, and finding out the problem is the key! Chicken glandular muscles and stomach inflammation, Ji Egg Princess has something to say

Third, after the erosion of the muscular stomach (chicken inner gold), the muscular stomach loses the ability to grind large pellets of feed (corn, soybean meal). These unground corn and soybean meal cannot be absorbed by the intestines, and they are directly excreted from the body, showing the phenomenon of over-materialization;

Fourth, chicks with adenomyogeritis will pull fish intestine-like feces and slender strips of feces. When the chick pulls out such feces and the water and feces are separated, myogasciitis must be considered. Through dissection, if the symptoms of erosion and ulceration of the musculature are found, it can be proved that it is myomegasitis;

Fifth, a small way to quickly determine chicken glandular gastritis. Enter the chicken coop and hold the wings of the chicken up, and the state of sagging and relaxing the chicken feet is a healthy chicken; If the chicken legs and claws are hooked upwards, it is an early sign of adenitis.

Spitting water in the flock is not simple, and finding out the problem is the key! Chicken glandular muscles and stomach inflammation, Ji Egg Princess has something to say

What are the dangers of adenomitis?

On the one hand, adenomeritis can cause chickens to grow slowly. Raising chickens is all about creating more economic value for chickens. Once the frozen chicken is formed, not only can not create economic value, but also waste materials, waste of medicine, resulting in certain economic losses, and it is very easy to lead to uneven size.

There is also a aspect, chicken glandular myatitis is an immunosuppressive disease, which will cause the chicken population to have a decline in immunity, weak disease resistance, and easy to get sick. Once the flock has adenomyolitis, Newcastle disease will be very easy to occur. If you often raise chickens, you will find that chickens that have had adenosenteritis, after a period of time, there will be Newcastle disease, pulling thin stools, green feces, which is a complication caused by immunosuppression.

Spitting water in the flock is not simple, and finding out the problem is the key! Chicken glandular muscles and stomach inflammation, Ji Egg Princess has something to say

Prevention and control measures:

1. Strengthen feeding management, material control and net trough;

2. Drugs tonic spleen deficiency, drive away stomach cold, lower stomach acid, and promote digestion;

3. Increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote the secretion of digestive glands, improve feeding intake, improve feed conversion rate, and quickly eliminate stool;

4. Add auspicious egg princess to the chicken flock in a timely manner, regulate endocrine imbalance, reduce symptoms such as thin-shelled eggs, broken eggs and deformed eggs caused by stress and disease;

Contributed by: Lin Li

Edit: Niu Ruirui

Image: From the Web

Typography: Cow Rui Rui

Reviewer: Lü Longgang


Li Lin, senior avian disease lecturer, has been practicing for more than 20 years, serving more than 500,000 customers, has rich clinical and breeding experience, and is good at poultry anatomy, pathological testing, avian disease prevention and control;