
A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

author:Flower Sounds Gardening


Autumn has passed, the weather will gradually turn cool, and the heat will leave, which is the peak season for plants and the season suitable for raising flowers. Today to take you to know a good-looking and love to flower plants, the flowering period is super long, and the skin is good to raise, the family balcony, yard is still missing flowers friends can see.

1. Know the "Super Hydrangea"

A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

Super hydrangeas

This flower name is "Super Hyacinth", also known as Sambes Hyacinth, New Guinea Hyacinth, etc., for the hyacinth family of perennial herbs, and our common "henna" is a close relative, artificially cultivated horticultural varieties, specially grown for ornamentation, in Europe, America and Japan and other places have been popular for a long time, there are a large number of domestic introductions, is an excellent flower bed, flower plants and potted varieties.

A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

The plant is low and compact

Super hyacinth is a cloned variety selected by the new Guinea hyacinth and other heat-resistant and sun-resistant hyacinths, the plant is low and compact, usually only 40-50 cm high, the branching is very good, without hitting the top can grow into a compact and rounded plant type, the crown width and plant height are similar, it is easy to grow into a piece, the ground can be planted as a ground cover plant, the pot is also very adaptable, the caliber of 15-20 cm pot can be raised.

A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

Beautiful décor

There are many varieties inside the super hyacinth, which are distinguished by the color of the flower. Its flowers are single-petaled, medium size, long peduncle, if the pot is hung up, the flowers will naturally fall, like wind chimes, the flower color has red, pink, purple and a variety of polychromatic varieties, the flower color is gorgeous and beautiful, plus the leaves are also green and oily, green and shiny, the flowers and leaves are beautiful, with high ornamental value.

A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

The flowering period is extremely long

The flowering ability of the super hydrangea is stronger than that of the ordinary hydrangea, which blooms in Many places in the south in April, and can last until late autumn, and the natural flowering period in the north is from May to October, if the winter can be moved to a heated house, and the sun can be basked through the window, the winter can continue to bloom.

A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

Flowers also bloom in winter

In terms of flower volume, super hydrangeas are worthy of the name of "super", the amount of flowers is super, as long as the nutrients are sufficient and properly maintained, it is easy to open the effect of bursting pots, and even the flowers are more than the leaves, densely covered in the branches, see the flowers and do not see the leaves, extremely spectacular!

Second, the growth habit of super hydrangeas

A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

Skinny plants

Super Hydrangea has two significant advantages: sun resistance and rain resistance. This point is very suitable as a flower bed, flower plants, especially in the summer high temperature and rainy season, other plants have "summer difficulties", they can withstand the high temperature bloom, become a rare "highlight" in summer, if you want your garden, balcony in the summer also have flowers to see, you can raise several pots of super hydrangea flowers.

Third, the planting suggestions of super hyacinths

A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

Easy to take care of

Pots: the requirements for cultivation containers are not strict, but it is better to take plastic pots with good air permeability, large pots and small pots can be used, and the effect of pots with larger calibers will be better;

Soil: Like other herbaceous plants, like loose, fertile, fast drainage of horticultural soil, such as peat soil, humus soil, this kind of nutrients, watering can be quickly drained, very beneficial to root growth;

Suitable environment: Super hydrangea is very adaptable to the environment, the south balcony with sufficient light, the terrace, or the half-shaded north balcony and eaves can be cultivated, but it is still necessary to bask in more sun, the more the sun grows, the better;

Watering: This plant has a relatively high demand for water, especially in the summer, and even needs to be watered twice a day (once in the morning and evening), as long as there is a lack of water, the leaves will be faded, and the leaves will be replenished in time;

Fertilization: mainly in spring and autumn, mainly thin fertilizer, fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium can be used, thin fertilizer is applied diligently, and flowering will be more powerful;

Summer, overwintering: very heat-resistant, there is no "summer difficulty" problem, normal summer maintenance, more watering on the line; Not hardy, frost will wilt, overwintering temperature should be above 5 ° C, below 5 degrees recommended to move back indoors or warm greenhouse maintenance;

Propagation: You can use cuttings, take semi-mature branches, first water to insert roots, and then transplant them into pots when the root system grows almost, the survival rate is OK, and a pot can become many pots.

A beautiful and flowering plant, the Super Hydrangea, ranges from late spring to late autumn and is heat-tolerant and easy to feed

"Light up" your balcony

Summary: Super hydrangea is the "rookie" of the hydrangea flower world, known for the strong characteristics of the skin, super flowering ability, the single flowering period may not be long, but people re-flower fast, but also can withstand the hot summer flowering, in the hot summer can also give you as splendid as spring, many advantages, or it is worth planting.

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