
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...

author:Bright Net

35 species of rhododendrons!

This is after 5 field data acquisitions

Giant Panda National Park Chengdu Area

The background survey of rhododendrons in the Hongkou area of Longxi was completed

Every year, when the flowers bloom, the mountains are full of flowers

Such a giant panda national park

I think...... think...... Can't think of the right adjective!


There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...

There are about 576 species of rhododendron plants in China, and most provinces in China have the distribution of rhododendrons, of which nearly 200 species of wild rhododendrons are plants in Sichuan. Wild rhododendrons have high ornamental value, are important resources for ecological tourism, and are of great significance to the economic development of ecotourism.

The longxi-Hongkou area of the Giant Panda National Park has complex landforms and diverse types, deep river valleys, rocky rocks, streams, waterfalls, mountain springs, snowy peaks, and a large area of rhododendrons distributed from the middle mountains to the high mountains, forming a complete and diverse vertical band spectrum of rhododendron communities, which is one of the most characteristic landscapes in the region.

This survey will clarify the taxa and distribution characteristics of rhododendron in the region, and provide a scientific basis for scientific protection and rational use of rhododendron resources.

There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...


There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...

The small partners participating in the survey used the sample line survey method to set up special sample points for the special terrain or small environment on the sample line for investigating some special taxa or sporadic distribution species. Rhododendron ecological habits, taxa more, ecological environment is more complex, for the survey peaks divided into Yin Mountain, Yang Mountain set up two survey sample lines, from the foot of the rhododendron distribution to the top of the mountain.

The above is a professional expression

The total meaning is

The survey is comprehensive and detailed!


There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...

Rhododendron survey work map

This is the focus: this survey found a total of 35 species of Rhododendron plants (including 1 subspecies and 2 variants) belonging to 2 subgenera, 3 groups and 10 subgroups.


Subgenus 1.Subgen.Hymenanthes)

Rhododendron subgroup (Subsect.Fortunea)

Rhododendron macrophylla subgroup (Subsect.Grandia)

Rhododendron twist subgroup (Subsect.Maculifera)

Silver-leaved rhododendron subgroup (Subsect.Argyrophylla)

Dali rhododendron subgroup (Subsect.Taliensia)

Subgenus 2.Rhododendron

Rhododendron group (Sect. Rhododendron)

Subgroup of Kawanishi Rhododendron (Subsect.Moupinensia)

Rhododendron triflora subgroup (Subsect.Triflora)

Subgroup of Rhododendron brightened (Subsect.Heliolepida)

Subgroup of Alpine Rhododendron (Subsect.Lapponica)

Subgroup of Grey-backed Cuckoos (Subsect.Tephropepla)

Rhododendron tana (Sect.Pogonanthum)

There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...


Trekking through mountains and waters, wind and food camping

When the survey partners complete the field investigation work

And don't forget to surprise us!

The "Giant Panda National Park Dujiangyan Longxi - Hongkou Rhododendron Atlas" starts from "Understanding Rhododendrons", introduces the classification of rhododendrons and the details of various species with simple and easy-to-understand texts and exquisite pictures, and the graphic arrangement of "Atlas" is colorful and pleasing to the eye, even if it is just flipped through, it is also a kind of enjoyment.

Rhododendron Illustrated


There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...
There are 35 species of rhododendrons hidden here! Beauty turned over...


Strengthen protection publicity and prevent indiscriminate mining and digging

Wild rhododendrons are very demanding on the environment, they are resistant to severe cold, prefer shade and humidity, but the roots are afraid of standing water. Once the wild rhododendron resource is destroyed, the natural recovery time takes at least tens or hundreds of years. For the masses around the distribution area of rhododendrons, we should strengthen publicity and science education, and for areas suitable for the growth of rhododendrons, we can scientifically guide flower farmers to expand the number of seedlings through seed propagation and breeding to meet the needs of the community to plant rhododendrons.

So many beautiful azaleas

Do you all know each other?

Not only to recognize them

And protect them

The source | Luyingdu Jiangyan

Chengdu published an editorial | Meng Wei

Disclaimer: This article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. If there is a source labeling error or infringement of your legitimate rights and interests, please contact the author with the proof of ownership, we will correct and delete it in time, thank you.

Source: Chengdu Release

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