
Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

author:Everyone's Medical Association
Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

Introduction: Durian is a tropical fruit, also known as the king of fruits, and its nutritional value is particularly rich. For example, minerals, vitamins, trace elements, etc., some people love durian.

But there are also some people who find the taste of durian particularly smelly and difficult to accept. In fact, everyone's preferences are different, for people who like to eat durian, it can be described as a kind of enjoyment.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

01 Durian Ingredients:

The flesh of durian has the aroma of cheese and has a sweet taste, and the flesh of the fruit is mostly yellow, white and milky white. The flesh is thick, soft and juicy, rich in fat and protein.

The pulp contains 36% soluble solids, 34.1% carbohydrates, sugar accounts for 2/3,2 - 2.8% protein, 3.9% to 1.2 fat, high in iron minerals, rich in vitamin B, rich in vitamin E, C, G, A, and so on.

Contains 153 calories, 2.6 grams of protein, 3.4 grams of fat, 27.9 grams of carbohydrates, 103.9 grams of minerals, 10.1 mg of B vitamins, and 20.13 mg of B vitamins.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

02 What are the benefits of eating durian?

1. Appetizing and appetite-

Although the special taste of durian is very controversial, many people do not like this taste, but they do not know that the nutritional value of durian is also reflected in this special taste. This rich smell creates a major effect of durian, which is to appetize and promote appetite.

2. Beauty and beauty

Durian is rich in vitamins, and the vitamin C in it, for the human body, can prevent the excessive oxidation of free radicals and achieve anti-aging effects. Together with vitamin A, it can make the skin more radiant.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

3. Improve immunity

Durian pulp is rich in amino acids, and the glutamic acid contained in it is extremely high. Long-term intake can improve the body's own immunity to a certain extent, reduce the probability of people suffering from diseases, and improve the adaptability of individuals to cope with stress.

4. Relieve menstrual cramps

For women who are often troubled by dysmenorrhea, eating durian is a very good choice. At the same time, durian can improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet by adjusting the cold constitution, and for people with cold constitution, durian is also very good for the body.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

5. Strong fitness body

Durian contains 13% sugar and 11% starch. This number shows that durian can better replenish physical strength.

And durian contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which is conducive to the development of the body's bones and good health. Durian is especially suitable for pregnant women and the elderly, and plays a role in promoting development for young people.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

6. Prevention and treatment of hypertension

The physiological function of the vitamins in durian fruit and the therapeutic effect on certain diseases cannot be ignored. Durian fruit also contains essential mineral elements.

Among them, the content of potassium and calcium is particularly high. Potassium is involved in the metabolism and transport of proteins, carbohydrates and energy, helping to prevent and treat hypertension.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore


Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

1. Patients with kidney disease

For some kidney disease patients, in fact, like durian is not recommended to eat more, durian contains a lot of potassium. If you consume too much, it will increase the burden on the kidneys.

Difficulty maintaining the balance of blood potassium leads to impaired kidney function and seriously affects personal health. Therefore, for some kidney disease patients, it is also necessary to pay attention to eating less, so that it is conducive to the healthier kidneys.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

2. Diabetics

The sugar content of durian is very high, and after diabetics consume durian, it will lead to abnormal blood sugar levels and cause a variety of complications of diabetes.

Diabetics try not to eat durian when they can't control their blood sugar. If you can control your blood sugar levels well in your daily life, you can eat some durian in moderation after meals.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

3. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

For patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, durian is not suitable for eating, because durian is a hot thing that can cause blood vessel blockage.

Serious ones can cause blood vessels to burst, stroke and other conditions, so it should not be consumed. Especially when used simultaneously with alcohol, serious adverse reactions can occur.

The general principle of the diet of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should be a low-salt, low-fat, low-sugar diet, and the diet should be light and reduce the intake of salt and fat.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

4. People on fire

Durian is good, but not everyone can eat, especially those who are seriously on fire, it is best not to eat durian. Durian is a fruit that warms the body, and eating too much is easy to produce fire performance.

And eating durian when on fire may have more serious fire performance. Therefore, people with symptoms of fire should take a light and healthy diet and eat more foods that clear heat and reduce fire. Durian, a warm food for the body, is best eaten less.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

5. People who have just had a drink

People who have drunk alcohol can not eat durian, a wine and durian are hot and dry things, if diabetes both eat at the same time will lead to blood vessel blockage, serious will burst blood vessels, stroke situation, so be sure to pay attention to your own diet before and after eating durian.

After drinking, you can eat watermelon, tomato juice, honey water, etc., which can dissolve alcohol, promote the excretion of alcohol, and reduce the absorption of alcohol.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

04 After eating durian, it is not advisable to eat the following foods

1. Seafood

After just finishing eating durian, do not eat seafood foods, otherwise it will cause serious damage to the spleen and stomach. Because seafood is a cold food, durian is a hot food, the two can not be eaten together.

Otherwise, gastrointestinal discomfort will occur, causing diarrhea and gastrointestinal colic. At this time, it must be remembered that durian cannot be eaten with seafood.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

2. Wine

Wine is a hot and dry thing, and durian is also hot, after eating durian, do not drink alcohol or alcohol-containing drinks or food. Due to the same-sex heat of the two, drinking after eating durian will trigger the consequences of hot and dry body fire, which will endanger life in severe cases.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

3. Milk

Many people should know that durian cannot be touched with milk. The calories of milk are very high, and eating durian will cause a greater burden on the body, kidney disease, diabetics are forbidden to eat durian.

The combination of the two will even cause poisoning, and sudden death will occur in the case of eating too much, so it is necessary to go to the hospital for gastric lavage at this time. Similar things are not unheard of, you can watch the news.

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

4. Mangosteen

Because mangosteen will play a role in lowering fire on the human body, both are hot and cold, and both fruits contain dietary fiber, which will absorb water and expand in the stomach and intestines. Excessive consumption can block the intestines, which can cause constipation.

Source: Jiongshen Doctor Liao Shi Jiongkun, Internal Medicine Attending Physician Jinshi Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

Durian can not be eaten casually? Reminder: These 5 kinds of people, it is best not to "join in the fun", do not ignore

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