
Liu Xinwu: Class Teacher | Classic short stories

author:Mu Fengyue read
Liu Xinwu: Class Teacher | Classic short stories


Liu Xinwu


Would you rather meet a little rogue and spend time with him every day? I think you would not be willing, or even angry, at why I asked such a ridiculous question.

However, in the office of the party branch of Guangming Middle School, when Lao Cao, the black and thin and sturdy branch secretary, looked at The teacher Zhang Junshi, the class teacher of the third (3rd) class, with a trusted eye, and asked him this question in another way, Teacher Zhang did not think it was strange and absurd. He only thought about it for a minute or so with great seriousness, and then replied flatly:

"Okay! I'd like to get to know him..."

Here's the thing: A few days ago, the public security bureau released the little hooligan Song Baoqi from the detention center. He was detained for being involved in a collective criminal activity. During the interrogation, he sweated profusely, his lips quivered, made a more thorough confession, and exposed the key crimes of the first offender. Therefore, the Public Security Bureau released him based on his specific circumstances — the circumstances were milder and the confession was better, plus he was not yet 16 years old. His parents felt that it would be difficult to show their faces in front of their old neighbors anymore, so they moved through a house change, just near Guangming Middle School. According to the "nearby enrollment" method implemented in recent years, his parents applied to transfer Song Baoqi to Guangming Middle School. He should be in the third grade, and the third (3) class of the junior high school happens to have an empty seat, plus Teacher Zhang has more than ten years of class teacher work experience, and is the only party member in this grade class teacher, so after the study of the party branch, he accepted Song Baoqi's transfer request, and Lao Cao directly found Teacher Zhang, directly presented the situation, and asked him: "How?" You took Song Baoqi down, right? ”

As you know, Teacher Zhang's thoughtful gaze just met Lao Cao's expectant and encouraging gaze, and he agreed.


What kind of person is Teacher Zhang? When he braved the spring wind and sand and rode to the public security bureau to learn about Song Baoqi's situation, we could carefully observe him. Teacher Zhang is really ordinary. He's 36 years old, of medium build and slightly fatter. His clothes and pants were obviously old, but very neat, and every button was buttoned in a proper manner, even the style buckle of the uniform jacket was meticulously buttoned. His face is long and round, there are three deep wrinkles on his forehead, his eyes are not large, but he can look at people with a glitter, and the lying students are most afraid of his gaze; However, what made the students even more awe-inspiring was Teacher Zhang's mouth. People say that people with thin lips can speak the Tao, but Teacher Zhang is a pair of thick lips, and in winter and spring, he is often blown out of the dry skin by the wind; The words that burst out of this thick lip are always so enthusiastic, vivid, and fluent, like a seeding machine that never rusts, constantly sowing the seeds of knowledge on the students' hearts, and like a broomstick, constantly sweeping away the dust on the students' hearts and minds mercilessly... Along the way, Teacher Zhang's expression seemed to be quite flat, and it was not until after listening to the briefing of the comrades of the Public Security Bureau and turning over the files that his face showed a strong expression - it is difficult to describe, neither all indignation, nor exclusion of disgust and contempt, it seems to have gradually made up his mind, but the worry and heaviness are also obvious.

When Teacher Zhang returned to school from the Public Security Bureau, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He pulled out a neatly folded handkerchief and wiped the sweat from the door of his head as he walked into the grade group office. Obviously, the teachers in the same group already knew that Song Baoqi would come to his class tomorrow. Teacher Yin Dalei, who teaches mathematics, greeted him first, setting off the first wave about Song Baoqi.


Teacher Yin and Teacher Zhang are the same age, graduated from the same normal college, and are assigned to teach at Guangming Middle School, and often teach the same grade. They have always pushed their hearts and minds, that is, they are noisy, and they never contain insinuations, finger-pointing and scolding, always pouring out their ideas, and leaving no "bottom" at all.

Teacher Yin is slender and has compact facial features, which makes him never get rid of the "doll face", thanks to the pair of deep myopic glasses on the bridge of the nose, so that he will not lose the dignity of the elderly in front of the students.

In the spring of 1977, Teacher Yin felt a brilliant sunshine in his heart. He was filled with a flashing vision of the education front, his schools, the curricula and classes he taught. He felt that everything that didn't make sense should and could be improved quickly. He believes that the "Gang of Four" has already been pulled out, and it should not take much time to sweep away the poison of the "Gang of Four" on the education front and form an ideal realm. However, these days he has been a bit out of breath. He was willing to let everything go as smoothly as the Spring River, but he did not think about it but still had to face some complicated problems.

As soon as the news that Song Baoqi was about to "drive" came into his ears, he couldn't help but boil with blood. As soon as Teacher Zhang stepped into the office, he vented his "incomprehension" to his old comrades-in-arms. He scolded Teacher Zhang with a split face: "Why did you promise to come down?" At present, the situation facing the whole grade is to pay close attention to the quality of teaching, you get a little hooligan to come, caught in the mud pit of doing his individual work, where do you have the energy to grasp the quality of teaching? It's not good, and get a 'a grain of rat spoils a pot of porridge'! You, you, don't think calmly, just agree to come down, really people can't understand..." Other teachers in the office, some agree with Teacher Yin's point of view, but do not agree with his blunt attitude; Some do not agree with his views, but feel that he is indeed well-intentioned; Some people are not sure what to think for a while, but they have added such a heavy burden to Teacher Zhang out of thin air, breeding sympathy and worry... Therefore, although they all sat or stood looking at Teacher Zhang, they did not speak for a while. Even the ear model, a physiological hygiene teaching aid placed on the shelf, seems to have deliberately pulled itself into a foot and a half long, waiting intently for Teacher Zhang to answer. Teacher Zhang felt that Teacher Yin's opinion was inevitably extreme, but he did not think that Teacher Yin's words were unreasonable. He quietly considered it for a minute, and then replied, "Now, there is no reason to return Song Baoqi to the Public Security Bureau, nor is there any need for him to return to his original school." Since I am a class teacher, then, when he comes, I will work..."

These are really a few light and tasteless words. If Teacher Zhang had aggressively refuted Teacher Yin, it might have caused a fiery argument, and he had unexpectedly replied in this way, and Teacher Yin seemed to be intimidated. Other teachers were also very impressed, and some of them couldn't help but bow their heads and ask themselves: "If Song Baoqi is assigned to my class, what will I think?" ”

Teacher Zhang really had to work immediately, because, just then, Xie Huimin, the secretary of the league branch in his class, came to him.


Xie Huimin's head is taller than the average boy, and her waist is always straight and straight, looking very strong. Once, she walked outside the fence wall of an amateur sports school and was caught in the eye of the basketball coach inside. The coach enthusiastically invited her in, full of thought that he had found a rare training object. Who knew that after letting this girl with a long round face and big eyes try to run the basket a few times, she was particularly disappointed--it turned out that her bouncing power was very poor, the joints of her arms and wrists were too stiff, and when asked, she was not interested in any ball activity at all.

Indeed, Xie Huimin has almost no hobbies except to watch movies with everyone and sing recommended songs at each stage. Her homework is uneven, and sometimes her homework is not completed, mainly because social work takes up too much energy and time - so she can get the understanding of teachers and classmates.

In the summer of the first year, when Teacher Zhang took over as the class teacher, Xie Huimin was already the secretary of the league branch. Soon after Teacher Zhang arrived, it was the turn of this class to go to the countryside to learn farming. On the day of returning to school, the team was more than two miles away from the village, xie Huimin suddenly found a boy with a wheat ear turning in his hand, and she couldn't help but run over and criticize in shock: "How can you take away the wheat of the poor and lower middle peasants?" Give me! Gotta send it back! The boy argued unconvincingly: "I want to take it home to show my parents and let them know how good the wheat here is!" As a result, there was a controversy, and most of the classmates did not side with Xie Huimin, some saying that she was "dead-eyed" and some saying that she was "too much". In the end, it was naturally Teacher Zhang's turn to express his position. Xie Huimin held the plump ear of wheat tightly in his hand, slightly opened his lips, and looked at Teacher Zhang expectantly. To the surprise of many students, Teacher Zhang agreed to Xie Huimin's request to send back the wheat ear. With the sound waves of a loud argument and a murmur of low discussion ringing in his ears, looking at the unique back of Xie Huimin, who ran back to the village on the muddy driveway after the rain, Teacher Zhang once thought movingly: The question is not whether the little ear of wheat must be handled in this way; Behold, this branch secretary, who is only three months old, is using all her pure and noble feelings to uphold the belief that "we must not let the poor and lower-middle peasants lose a grain of wheat" -- what a precious shining quality she has!

However, after that, until the "Gang of Four" was pulled out, a thick cloud hung over the land of our motherland, and the shadow of the cloud was naturally projected onto the small junior third (3) class. The Youth League Municipal Committee, which was controlled by the female gangster of the "Gang of Four", had sent a liaison officer to Guangming Middle School, supposedly to cultivate some kind of "typical"; Whether to set up a point in the third (3) class of the junior high school is already under their consideration. Xie Huimin was naturally often asked by them to talk. Xie Huimin could not understand their "teachings" because she did not have the slightest political opportunism, she was simple and sincere. However, from this time on, a contradiction between Teacher Zhang and Xie Huimin began to show that seemed to be inexplicable. For example, Xie Huimin came to complain that when the regiment branch lived an organizational life, two of the five regiment members dozed off. Teacher Zhang did not criticize the two disfigured members, but suggested to Xie Huimin: "Why do you always read the newspaper in your organizational life?" Won't it be possible to have a mountain climbing competition next time? Make sure they don't doze off! ”

Xie Huimin narrowed his eyes, almost did not believe his ears, and waited for a while before he protested: "Climbing a mountain, what is that called organizational life?" For example, that day was so hot that it was like being locked in a steamer, after class, the girls all ran to the window to breathe, Teacher Zhang called Xie Huimin aside, looked up and down and said, "Why are you still wearing a long-sleeved shirt?" You should take the lead in changing into short sleeves, and you girls should wear skirts! Although Xie Huimin was breathing heavily, she was so surprised that her face was flushed, and she couldn't understand what style Teacher Zhang was advocating! Only Shi Hong, a member of the Propaganda Committee, wore short-sleeved shirts with small flowers and short skirts with pleats, which in Xie Huimin's view was a manifestation of "tainted with bourgeois style"!

After the "Gang of Four" was pulled out, the contradiction between Teacher Zhang and Xie Huimin could naturally be explained clearly, but it was not completely eliminated.

Now, Xie Huimin found Teacher Zhang and reported to him: "The classmates all know that Song Baoqi is coming, and some boys say that he was originally the 'fourth old man of Caishikou', which is particularly powerful; some girls are afraid, saying that tomorrow Song Baoqi really comes, and they will not go to school!" ”

Teacher Zhang was stunned, he had not yet had time to anticipate these situations. Now that these situations have arisen, he feels that he needs the cooperation of the regiment branch in particular, so he asks Xie Huimin: "Are you afraid?" What do you say to do? ”

Xie Huimin shook his little braid and said, "What am I afraid of?" It's class struggle! If he dares to go crazy, we will fight him! ”

Teacher Zhang's heart was hot. Suddenly, the back of the big muddy driveway jumped alive on the screen of memory. He said affectionately to Xie Huimin: "You quickly find the people of the regiment branch and the class committee, and let's go to the classroom for a cadre meeting!" ”


At about 4:20, the cadre meeting was over. The other cadres all left, leaving teacher Zhang, Xie Huimin and Shi Hong in the classroom.

Shi Hong sat facing the window, and the afternoon spring sun shot onto her round face, making her cheeks more rosy; Her pen-wielding hand was on her cheek, her eyes were wide open, her sparkling eyes were swimming slowly, and her plump chin was slightly upturned—a look that was familiar and loved by her math teacher whenever she came up with a more ingenious way to solve a math problem. But at the moment, she was not solving math problems, but thinking about how to write a "trumpet poem" that she would meet with everyone tomorrow morning, including Song Baoqi.

Teacher Zhang and Xie Huimin talked on the side. The work that needs to be carried out around the reception of Song Baoqi has been fully implemented. The boys went to the boys to do work, telling them that Song Baoqi was not a "hero" who threatened to shock the market, but a person who had made a mistake and needed help. Don't be curious or even in awe of him, nor can you discriminate against him, everyone should work together to help him. The female cadres will go to the homes of the girls who, either out of timidity or out of gambling, announce that they will not come to school tomorrow, and make it clear to them and their parents that the school will ensure that the girls are not bullied by Song Baoqi; For a small hooligan like Song Baoqi, passive avoidance can only encourage his vices, and only by uniting to fight against him and conducting education can we turn harm into harmlessness, and gradually turn harmlessness into benefit. Teacher Zhang will visit Song Baoqi's home, get a preliminary understanding of him and his parents, and carry out the first ideological work. Shi Hong's "trumpet poem" will emphasize to everyone early tomorrow morning: Let our classroom resound with the footsteps of marching towards the 'four modernizations'! ”

When Shi Hong's "trumpet poem" was about to be written, Teacher Zhang's conversation with Xie Huimin ended. Teacher Zhang put together a few things that had been spread out on the table and had just been shown to the cadres. It was the items that Mr. Zhang had retrieved from the police station that Song Baoqi had recovered after committing the crime: a bicycle spring lock used for fighting, a pair of broken and greasy playing cards, a nickel-plated cigarette box with a lighter in a novel style, and a novel with a torn cover. The small cadres were so disgusted with these things that they wrinkled their noses and skimmed the corners of their mouths. Xie Huimin proposed: "The regiment branch will hold an on-site meeting tomorrow after class, and activists will also participate, put out these things, and criticize them fiercely!" Everyone agreed, and Teacher Zhang nodded and said, "Yes." It is necessary to take advantage of this opportunity to further grasp the anti-corrosion education. ”

Unexpectedly, when Teacher Zhang collected these items, there was a sudden contradiction and a quite stiff.

Everything else was packed into the bag, and only the novel remained. Teacher Zhang originally couldn't care about turning it over, but when he picked it up and checked it, he couldn't help but "ah" a sound. It turned out that it was a novel published by China Youth Publishing House before the Cultural Revolution, "Oxfly".

Xie Hui was sensitive to teacher Zhang's expression and was busy turning the book over. She hadn't heard of it before, much less seen it. When she saw that there were illustrations of foreign men and women falling in love, she couldn't help but exclaim: "Oops! Really yellow! Tomorrow I have to criticize this yellow book! ”

Teacher Zhang frowned and pondered. He recalls his high school days. At that time, the regiment branch had recommended this novel to the classmates... Sitting around the campfire, everyone took turns reading it with youthful enthusiasm; Leaning on the great wall of the city, everyone has warmly discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the character of "bullfly"... This work written by the British novelist Voynich once thrilled Teacher Zhang and his contemporaries, who had drawn upward strength from the image of the protagonist of the novel... Perhaps, the criticism of the shortcomings of this novel was not enough? Perhaps, the understanding of the essence of the novel was not accurate and profound enough? But, no matter what—Teacher Zhang thought of this, he couldn't help but argue with Xie Huimin: "This "Oxfly" can't be said to be a yellow book..."

Xie Huimin's two eyebrows almost flew out of her head, and she narrowed her eyes to look at Teacher Zhang and asked fiercely, "What?" Not the Yellow Book? This book is not a yellow book What is a yellow book? In Xie Huimin's mind, an iron logic has long been formed, that is, all the books that are not sold in bookstores and borrowed by libraries are all black books and yellow books. She really can't be blamed for this. The years she began to work with books coincided with the fiercest years of fascist cultural absolutism practiced by the "Gang of Four." Lovely and poor Xie Huimin, she simply believed in everything newly typeset in lead, and in the years when the "Gang of Four" controlled the tools of public opinion, the newspapers and periodicals she read with a pious attitude were filled with how many of their "helper articles" and how much poisonous juice that killed teenagers was spilled! If someone among Xie Huimin's closest people pointed out to her in time: Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan's two "important articles" that claim to "expound the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat" can be doubted, and that large articles such as "Liang Xiao" and "Tang Xiaowen" are by no means "authoritative treatises" of Marxism-Leninism. How nice that would be! However, for various subjective and objective reasons, no one pointed this out to her. Her parents often instructed Xie Huimin and her younger siblings to listen to Chairman Mao's words, listen carefully to the radio, and read the newspapers; Require them to be disciplined and respectful of their teachers; Ask them to do their homework... Xie Huimin has benefited greatly from such family education, and has a strong proletarian feeling and the temperament of the descendants of laborers; However, in the struggle environment in which the bourgeoisie and revisionist white bones are refined into beautiful women, it is easy for simple proletarian feelings to fall into credulity and blind obedience, and the "white bone elves" are desperately taking advantage of the credulity and blind obedience of some people to sell their adultery! In this way, Xie Huimin was in his prime, full of satisfaction and wanted to become a good revolutionary, and wanted to fight for the goal of communism, but he was blinded by the "Gang of Four" and was confused by the "Gang of Four". At the time of our story, "Song of Youth" had been reprinted, but Xie Huimin still maintained the habit of forming before the "Gang of Four" was pulled out -- seeing those students who were keen on spreading "literary and artistic news", what will be a new movie staged, and what new songs will be broadcast on the radio, as "contaminated with bourgeois ideas". Just a few days ago, she found Shi Hong reading a thick novel in a self-study class, and she confiscated it after class. It was the "Song of Youth" published in 1959, she casually flipped through a few pages, making her heart beat in a heartbeat - it was determined that it was a "yellow book", and she was about to take it and hand it over to Teacher Zhang, Shi Hong smiled and grabbed it back, and patted the cover and said: "It's exciting!" Take a look too! As a result, the two had a quarrel. Later, she was busy going to the Youth League Committee for a meeting, but forgot to reflect to Teacher Zhang, and she did not expect that today Teacher Zhang was even more ShiHong than Shi Hong - personally denying that this foreign "yellow book" is not yellow! In Xie Huimin's mind, of course, the foreign "Yellow Book" is always more yellow than the Chinese "Yellow Book". In the face of such a teacher Zhang, she reminded herself of many trivial conflicts from before. As a result, the sense of respect that used to dominate suddenly decreased a lot. She pouted slightly, and the eyebrows that "flew" away fell back and twisted into a dead knot.

At this time, Shi Hong finished writing the "trumpet poem" and was preparing to recite it to Teacher Zhang and Xie Huimin, when she suddenly heard Teacher Zhang say: "This "Oxfly" cannot be said to be a yellow book..." She knew that the broken book was originally "Oxfly", and hurriedly gathered around Xie Huimin to read it. As soon as Xie Huimin's words loudly questioned Teacher Zhang, she shook Xie Huimin's arm enthusiastically and said, "Don't say that! I've heard my mom and dad say that the book "Oxfly" is worth reading! These two days I was reading "How Steel is Made", in which Paul Kochakin is a proletarian hero, but he especially admires the 'oxfly'..." Shi Hong has long wanted to find a copy of "Oxfly" to see, but has not borrowed it, so when she took the book from Xie Huimin's hand to flip it, her heart was churning with a strong curiosity: What era is this book about? Where does the story take place? What kind of person is a "bullfly"? Is there really something to admire? When she returned the broken book to Teacher Zhang's hand, she couldn't help but ask, "What should I pay attention to when reading this book?" What to learn? Xie Huimin bit her lip, squinted her eyes, and looked at Shi Hong with dissatisfaction, her heart pounding.

Teacher Zhang flipped through the "Cattle Fly" that had been full of vicissitudes. He had wanted to patiently explain to Xie Huimin why it could not be counted as the "Yellow Book", but the book was copied from Song Baoqi, and, lo and behold, on the illustrations, any female protagonist Qiongma appeared and savagely added a beard to her. Do you know that Song Baoqi did not read it as a "Yellow Book"? The phenomena of life are complex. The encounter of this "Bullfly" is also strange enough. For a child like Xie Huimin, who is actually still very naïve, analyzing the overly complex life phenomena and literary and artistic works that coexist with the essence of the dregs requires plenty of time and suitable occasions.

Thinking of this, our teacher Zhang put the worn-out "Oxfly" into his bag and said to Xie Huimin kindly: "About this book, let's talk about it another day." Look, it's almost five o'clock, let's hurry up and listen to the 'trumpet poem' written by Shi Hong, and act according to the plan after listening to the split. ”

The poem that Shi Hong read, Xie Huimin did not put a word into his mind. She looked painfully and confusedly at the dappled shadows of the trees reflected on the desk. She was very, very willing to respect Teacher Zhang, but Teacher Zhang's strange attitude towards such a book made her unable to help but mutter: "Still the teacher, how can this be?!" ”


Just after five o'clock, Teacher Zhang rode to the song family's new home. In the two east rooms of the small courtyard, things were not too late to be carefully sorted out, and they looked very messy. For example, a pot of "Ling Arrows" that began to hang flowers was inappropriately placed on a sewing machine covered with a plastic sheet.

Song Baoqi's mother, a sales clerk, was on a break for moving the house on this day, busy picking up the house. Seeing teacher Zhang coming, she was a little relieved and a little ashamed, and she was busy shouting Song Baoqi out of the house, asking him to salute the teacher and let him pour tea. We are not busy with Teacher Zhang's eyes to look at Song Baoqi, first sit down with Teacher Zhang to talk to Song Baoqi's mother to understand the general situation of this family.

Song Baoqi's father works in the nursery yard of the Garden bureau and has been in the "normal class", that is, he can run home after six o'clock in the afternoon. But he often didn't come home until eight or nine o'clock every day. Why? Song Baoqi's mother sighed continuously, it turned out that he had developed a bad habit over the years: on the way to work, he always had to pick up his bicycle, sit on the ground with some people in the grove, play poker for recreation, sometimes fight until it was dark, move to the street lamp and then fight, and only then did one of them get up and rush to the factory to work the night shift, and then they dispersed.

Obviously, since such a father lacks a rich and meaningful spiritual life, then the lack of educational discipline of Song Baoqi can be imagined. As for being a mother, from her resentful account, it is not difficult to see how she has eaten the bitter fruit of coddling and letting go of her only child.

Never think this family is bad. Teacher Zhang noticed that although they still had a lot of cleaning and placement work to make the room clear and clean, two mirror-framed portraits of Chairman Mao and President Hua had been hung side by side on the north wall, and a slightly smaller portrait of Premier Zhou, installed in a homemade mirror frame surrounded by silver and white plum blossom patterns, was solemnly placed in the middle of the small wardrobe. This shows that this ordinary couple who are nearly half a hundred years old also has the same emotional waves as hundreds of millions of people in their hearts. Who, then, is responsible for the poverty of their spiritual life, apart from their own weaknesses?

At six o'clock in the morning, Teacher Zhang asked the mother to go to her housework, and he took Song Baoqi into the back room and began the first conversation with the little hooligan. Now we can take a closer look at what Song Baoqi looks like. He wears only a nylon elastic vest on his upper body, a lump of horizontal flesh, and a white and red complexion, which fully shows that he is fortunate to live in our society that does not worry about eating and wearing, how full of nutrition is, and how full of energy is contained in the body. Alas, his face, even Teacher Zhang, who is accustomed to often looking directly at the educated, can't help but shudder at first glance. It is not that the facial features are not improper, but chilling from the facial muscles, from the upper lip that has been cracked and sewn from the beating, from the neurotic fanning of the nose wing, and especially from the eyes that are clearly filled with emptiness and stupidity, you will immediately feel as if a soul who has been deformed by sewage is standing naked in the spotlight.

After more than thirty rounds of questions and answers, Teacher Zhang has already made the following estimate of Song Baoqi in his mind: lack of minimum political awareness, the level of knowledge is only about the first grade of junior high school, don't look at a body of meat, in fact, it is not good at any kind of formal sports activities. Teacher Zhang thought that some people who were satisfied with labeling criticized a little hooligan like Song Baoqi and would definitely say that he was "full of bourgeois ideas." However, with further inquiries, Teacher Zhang felt more and more deeply that to say that a small hooligan like Song Baoqi had bourgeois ideas in general would be almost aimless and would not help guide him to the right path.

Song Baoqi does have serious bourgeois ideas, but what kind of bourgeois ideas are they?

The bourgeoisie flaunts "freedom, equality, and fraternity," pays attention to "personal struggle" and "fame and family," and uses the hypocritical "theory of human nature" to cover up their crimes of pursuing exploitation and oppression. And Song Baoqi? Since he fell into the rogue group, he has been in strict restraint all the time, and has been repeatedly "scratched by the ears" of the big hooligans and burned the back of his head with cigarette butts. Is he angry? Resist? No, he neither pursued the thought and action of "a ***** call sign" of "freedom and equality", nor did he ever think of "fraternity"; On the one hand, he is superstitious about "buddy righteousness" and willingly acts as a "urger" for the big hooligan, and on the other hand, he slaps the rogue who is smaller than him as the greatest pleasure.

He didn't even think about what "became famous and became a family", because from the time he understood things, all the specialists - scientists, engineers, writers, professors... Almost all of them have been beaten as "stinky old nine", on the ranking, it seems that they are still under their hooligans, for him, why envy? What is the need to struggle for it? One of the typical ideas of the bourgeoisie is "knowledge is power", and sorry, our Song Baoqi has no such concept. What is the use of knowledge? It is best to "rebel" endlessly. Zhang Tiesheng was said to have won a "big duck egg" in the exam, but didn't he become a high official instead? Therefore, we can't label Song Baoqi with a "bourgeois ideology full of heads" in general, and then stop, we must prescribe the right medicine! The ideas and viewpoints of the bourgeoisie in the ascending stage are not much or even nothing in his mind, but what he has is the influence of the "brothers' righteousness" of the feudal era and the reactionary ideological influence of the bourgeoisie in the stage of decline and hedonism... Please don't close your eyes and plug your ears in front of Teacher Zhang's analysis of Song Baoqi, this is a fact! And, unfortunately, if you love our motherland and worry about the future of our lovely motherland, then you must also admit that this kind of problem reflected in Song Baoqi is not unique to a certain extent! With the attitude of solving practical problems and treating local carbuncles on the robust body of our motherland, together with our teacher Zhang, please consider how to educate and transform teenagers like Song Baoqi!

Teacher Zhang took out the ravaged novel from his bag and asked Song Baoqi, "What is the name of this book?" Do you remember? ”

Song Baoqi had just experienced a harsh interrogation and a mandatory reprimand by a dictatorial organ, and the taste was of course far worse than the inquiry and education of a homeroom teacher, so he replied with the most deferential attitude as possible: "Remember." This is the 'death of cattle'. He did not know the word "虻", and according to his literacy convention, he read only half of it.

"It's not the cattle that die, it's the 'cattle fly.'" Do you know what those two words mean? ”

Song Yuqi had no expression on his face, and his eyes looked directly at a pink butterfly fluttering outside the window glass on the other side, and replied very frankly: "I don't understand." ”

"So, have you finished reading this book?" "Flipped through a few articles. I don't understand. "I don't understand, what do you want it for?" Where did this book come from? "We stole it."

"Where did you steal it?" What is it for? "It turned out that our school's scrap library had been stolen." I heard that the books there are not allowed to borrow or read. It's all bad books. We pried open the lock and stole two big hugs. We stole it out to sell it. ”

"Why didn't you sell this book?" "It wasn't sold later. We have heard that if we sell books with library stamps, people will catch us. "What else are in the books you stole?" Can you name a few more? "Yes!" Song Baoqi was very happy to be able to show that he was not stupid and ignorant, and for the first time he had a focused look, blinked his eyes, and laboriously recalled: "There is "Red Rock", there is ... "Peace and War", or "War and Peace", yes, there is a book called ... It's called "The Words of the Wedding Car"..." This surprised Teacher Zhang. He thought about it, took out a pen and wrote the words "Xin Jiaxuan's Word Selection" in the palm of his hand, and stretched it out for Song Baoqi to see, and Song Baoqi quickly nodded: "It is!" Yes! ”

Teacher Zhang's heart ached. A few little hooligans stealing books, but it is not heart-palpitating. The question is, why throw all these valuable books, even books that are not poisonous weeds, but also fragrant flowers, all thrown into the warehouse and locked up, declared banned books? One of the reasons for the fall of Song Baoqi and his rogue companions is that outside the logical reasoning of ordinary people, it is not necessarily because they are poisoned and victimized by reading toxin books, but precisely because they believe that they can "pull out their share" by tossing and turning, and they have fallen into the abyss of ignorance without reading any books!

Teacher Zhang flipped over "The Bullfly" and asked Song Baoqi: "What do you do when you paint all the women on this illustration with beards?" What do you think? ”

Song Baoqi lowered his eyelids and confessed, "We are competing, one person takes a copy, flips the painting, turns over the woman's painting, who paints more, who has luck ..."

Teacher Zhang looked at Song Baoqi indignantly, unable to speak for a moment. Song Baoqi raised his eyelids and stole a glance at Teacher Zhang, thinking that his attitude was not honest enough, and added busily: "We are not right, we should not read this yellow book... We tell fortunes to see who gets a girlfriend first... I...... I don't dare anymore! He remembered the interrogation in the public security bureau, and the day his mother picked him up, two red eyes intertwined with pain and hatred.

"We shouldn't read this yellow book." ——This sentence is like a drumstick falling on the drum surface, making Teacher Zhang's heart "bang". Is it weird? It is not strange that Xie Huimin's good boy with good behavior and song Baoqi's inferior bad boy should be so big, but in the recognition that "Oxfly" is a "yellow book", it coincides with it - and they all "naturally" came to this conclusion without reading the book. What a shocking social phenomenon! Who caused it? Who?

The Gang of Four, of course! An unprecedented hatred of the "Gang of Four" erupted like a volcano in Teacher Zhang's heart.

So far, in the history of human civilization, how many examples, such as the "Gang of Four", have used the most revolutionary "logic" and slogans to cover up the most reactionary policy of ignorance?

Looking down at this Song Baoqi who was sitting on the bed with his two muscular arms propped on the edge of the bed, his eyes boredly staring at each other's feet, wearing white-rimmed lazy shoes, refusing to accept all the beneficial knowledge and beautiful artistic crystallization in the history of human civilization, Teacher Zhang only felt the flame in his heart flutter and jump upwards, an invisible force hit his throat, and he almost shouted out - save these children who were harmed by the "Gang of Four"!


Spring days are short. As the seven bells of the telegraph building in the distance drifted leisurely with the wind, twilight had enveloped the streets and alleys near Guangming Middle School.

Teacher Zhang pushed the bicycle and consciously turned into a small park that was free to enter and exit and was open day and night. He found a bench in a secluded place, got into the car, sat on the bench, lit a cigarette, and his eyebrows were raised, deliberately letting the surging waves of emotion in his chest concentrate on the floodgates of reason, run out through reasonable channels, and turn into powerful actions to carry out the duties of his class teacher.

The evening wind blew the willow silk that had been dragged to the back of the chair, and some dried elm money that swirled with the wind fell on the body, and in the invisible place, the lilac blossoms bloomed, and the fragrant smell of the heart fluttered.

The initial contact with Song Baoqi himself and his family actually plucked the love and hate strings in Teacher Zhang's heart strings so violently that it was difficult for him to control himself. He hated that he could not immediately gather the whole class and come to this bench for a class meeting. He has many profound and moving thoughts, many sincere and severe ideas, many heartfelt and deep instructions, suggestions, criticisms, guidance and calls, and at this time, he can express them vividly in the most unrestrained emotions, in the most contagious way, including the use of many rich and peculiar examples and metaphors that can certainly be blurted out, which are easy for children to accept... He felt that he loved our dear country more than ever.

Thinking of her future, thinking of her bright future, and thinking of the charming realm of the "four modernizations" that began to take shape at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, he developed a strong feeling that no one would be allowed to insult or tease the motherland, and no one was allowed to strangle or suffocate the future of the motherland! He thought of his duties -- the people's teacher, the class teacher, what he has cultivated, not to say just some students, some flowers, that is, the future of the motherland, that is, to make the Chinese nation in this 9.6 million square kilometers of land, strong and prosperous continuation, development, standing tall in the world's national forest of the future!

He felt that, more than ever before, he hated the Gang of Four, the cockroach thieves who had brought calamity to the country and the people. Not only to see the tangible harm caused by the "Gang of Four" to the national economy, but also to see the invisible filth that the "Gang of Four" has thrown on the souls of hundreds of millions of people; Not only to notice that the "Gang of Four" has cultivated a handful of ugly species with "long horns on their heads and long thorns on their bodies", but also to notice how many Song Baoqi-style "deformed children" have appeared! Moreover, even a child like Xie Huimin, who is pure in essence, has the black brand of the "Gang of Four" with its cruel policy of ignorance! The "Gang of Four" not only ruins the present of the Chinese nation, but also harms the future of the Chinese nation!

Hatred of the ugly deepens the love for the people, and love for the people deepens the hatred of the ugly, and when love and hate are intertwined, people have infinite courage to fight for the truth, and they have infinite strength not to be afraid of sacrifice to win victory. Teacher Zhang stood up sharply, he looked at his watch, seven o'clock. He thought of dinner. It wasn't that he was hungry and wanted to go home to dinner himself, he had simply forgotten that he needed dinner too, and he had gone to Java. He planned to personally go to the homes of several classmates to find out how they reacted to Song Baoqi's coming to the third (3rd) class of junior high school. At this time, the students must be eating at home, and it is not appropriate to make home visits during meals. He thought about it for a moment, then he put his hands behind his back and paced through the woods of the small park, and at the same time made sure that he would leave here at about half past seven... The fragrance of the lilac flowers is more intense. The rich aroma is reminiscent of the most satisfying things. When Teacher Zhang thought that the "Gang of Four" had been swept into the garbage bin, that the Party Central Committee had opened up a brand-new situation in just half a year, and that the dear motherland not only had a reliable guarantee today, but also had more hope for the future, he felt that Song Baoqi was not a rotten tree that could not be carved, and Xie Huimin's confusion and misunderstanding and disgust for herself were simply not a difficult ice and snow to melt than the fine qualities and socialist enthusiasm hidden in her.


When Teacher Zhang pushed the cart out of the small park, he happened to encounter a plastic bag carrying a bulging bag and hit Teacher Yin who walked by the door of the small park.

Teacher Yin was astonished: "Junshi, why do you still have Yaxing visiting the park?" Teacher Zhang smiled and did not explain. He also did not ask Teacher Yin where he came from or where he was going. He knew that Teacher Yin had insisted on it for more than a month, and every day after four o'clock in the afternoon, in addition to organizing some make-up classes for students who were late in mathematics at the school, he also had to take turns to go to their homes for individual tutoring. He was familiar with Mr. Yin's temperament, especially during the period when the "Gang of Four" controlled the cultural and educational front, he was often full of complaints, dissatisfied with the Ministry of Education, dissatisfied with school leaders, dissatisfied with students, and dissatisfied with parents. If he is an outsider, listening to his indignant words, he will definitely think that he is a person who is accustomed to picking and throwing off his sleeves; In fact, Teacher Yin complained and complained, work returned to work, no matter when, no matter what blows, obstacles, difficulties and setbacks he encountered, he never gave up his hard teaching. It was when the "Gang of Four" incited the anarchist trend of thought among the students to the extreme, and the classroom was often chaotic like a pot of boiling porridge, although he was able to say the complaining words in the office to the point of "let's just quit teaching", as soon as he heard the class bell ringing, he immediately rushed to the classroom, still doing his best to knock on the chalkboard with chalk, and using persuasion, shouting, persuasion, and intimidation to let the students listen to him talk about the equations and polyhedra.

Teacher Zhang knew that he had finished his individual tutoring and was going to go to the bus station outside the hutong and take the car home. Since he was busy with his work, the complaint must have been triggered. Sure enough, without waiting for Teacher Zhang to speak, he patted the seat of Teacher Zhang's bicycle, sighed and said, "What kind of students have the 'Gang of Four' created for us?" If you think about it, I am teaching the third year of junior high school, but just now I am still talking about the Pythagorean theorem for two students... You are more 'blessed' than I am - a 'new illiterate' Song Baoqi! To be honest, I can't understand you, right now it's a 'waste to be done', there are so many things to do, and this afternoon alone, you have spent so much effort to take in a small hooligan, can you commit it?! Let Song Baoqi get out of the egg! The public security bureau will not accept it, let him go back to the original school! The original school didn't want it, just let him stay at home! ”

Teacher Zhang said to him sincerely: "After this afternoon, I realized more and more consciously that the crux of the matter was not whether it was necessary to accept Song Baoqi - indeed, perhaps it was necessary to set up a school for students like him, or to organize him into a special class with similar students; If you don't follow his education level, simply demote him to the first year of junior high school and start from scratch... But that's not the main thing. What's the sticking point? This afternoon's events around the custody of Song Baoqi are like a mirror that illuminates the evils of the 'Gang of Four' in killing our next generation; some of the poison and influence of the 'Gang of Four' I have either not been aware of before, or I have not felt as shocking as I am today, I think of a lot, a lot... Dalei, it is now the spring of 1977, what a beautiful and happy spring, but it is also a spring that requires us to face deeper struggles and pay more arduous labor, and therefore a spring that requires us to be more stringent! Look ahead, Dalei! ”

Teacher Yin could not have felt everything that Teacher Zhang had already felt from these simple words, but when he met Teacher Zhang's moving eyes full of awakening, deep thinking, confidence and strength, his grumbling and irritability suddenly disappeared. The evening wind of the spring of 1977 blew the two ordinary, obscure people's teachers, and for a minute or two they let their thoughts soar and did not talk.

Teacher Zhang thought that in a few days, in view of the shortcomings of Teacher Yin's thinking methods that are partial to simplicity and impatience, we must talk to him well: feelings can never replace policies; The eagerness to move forward in the revolutionary cause cannot simply be expressed as agitation and complaints; While persevering in the struggle, we should have a corresponding positive attitude of waiting for the development of things; The hatred of such a small hooligan as Song Baoqi can also be transformed into pity and love for the seedlings of the motherland who have been killed by the "Gang of Four"... In short, we must talk to Teacher Yin about philosophy, dialectics, the present and the future, love and hate, life and work, and even talk about "Red Rock" and "Oxfly"... In the distance, a bell sounded that had arrived at half past seven, and Teacher Zhang withdrew his boiling thoughts, patted Teacher Yin on the shoulder, and said, "Let's find another time to have a good chat." I'm going to go to a few of my classmates' homes. ”

"Let's go to Shi Hong's place," Teacher Yin suddenly remembered, and quickly told Teacher Zhang, "I just came out of their building, and I heard a classmate in my class say that Xie Huimin had a fight with Shi Hong. ”

Teacher Zhang was shocked, and he immediately got on the car and raced towards the residential building where Shi Hong's family was located.


Shi Hong's father is a cadre in the district, his mother is a primary school teacher, and both of them joined the party during the vigorous "Four Qing" movement; From before and after joining the Party, especially after the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, they formed a very good habit of persistently studying the works of Marxism-Leninism-Chairman Mao. On their shelves are the four volumes of Marne, Lenin, the four volumes of "Mao Xuan" and many single books of Marxist-Leninist and Chairman Mao of varying thicknesses, almost all of which have light gray handprints on the edges, and there are many creases, key lines, and certain symbols that mean deep thinking... Shi Hong was deeply influenced by this atmosphere of serious reading, and she also became a small book fan.

Shi Hong is lucky. "After dinner" became a special phrase in her family, which meant sitting around a large square table, urging each other to study the works of Marxism-Leninism and Chairman Mao, and doing their own thing in an atmosphere of mutual care—Dad sometimes read the history books he loved to read, Mom corrected students' compositions, Shi Hong pursed her lips, intently thinking about a physics problem or solving an inequality... Sometimes the family analyzes current events or talks about literary works together, and there are pleasant, fierce arguments between father and mother, parents and daughters. Even in the most ferocious case of the "Gang of Four" to promote fascist cultural absolutism, the family's bookshelf still stands "The Tempest", "Red Rock", "Mao Dun Anthology", "Heydar Anthology", "Eugenie Grande", "Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty"... Some books like this. Teacher Zhang once took the "Communist Manifesto", "Three Sources and Three Components of Marxism" and the four volumes of "Mao Xuan" that Shi Hong had read, as well as two of her study notes, to the class meeting and the parents' meeting and uploaded it. However, he felt even more pleased that this child was often able to think and analyze some problems according to the principles of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and these thinking and analysis were often more correct and reflected in her positive actions.

On the day of our story, Teacher Zhang knocked on the door of Shi Hong's unit and found that the room that greeted the door was full of people. Shi Hong was sitting at the dining table in the room, reading a book, and there were five other girls, all of whom were students in Teacher Zhang's class, sitting in different places in the room, some with their right hands on their cheeks and their eyes wide open, looking at Shi Hong with great concentration; Some have their arms stacked on the back of the chair and put their heads on top; Some of them are rubbing their pigtails with their heads down... Apparently, they were all listening intently. According to Xie Huimin's report in the afternoon, these were precisely those students who threatened not to go to school tomorrow when Song Baoqi went to school because they were afraid or gambling.

Shi Hong read intently and did not realize the arrival of Teacher Zhang; Two or three girls looked up at Teacher Zhang, and they only smiled at him shyly, and did not call him "Teacher Zhang", which was obviously not to forget the politeness, but not to bear to interrupt the moving story into which they had been immersed.

Shi Hong's mother, who came to open the door, led Teacher Zhang to the next room, invited him to sit down, and gently explained: "The children are reading Lu Xun's translation of the Table..."

The Table is a work of children's literature written by the Soviet writer Bandailayev shortly after the October Revolution, which depicts the transformation of a street child in a Soviet correctional institution. Mr. Lu Xun translated it with great enthusiasm. Although Teacher Zhang has not turned over this book for many years, Shi Hong's mother mentioned that some of the characters and fragments in this book suddenly appeared in Teacher Zhang's mind. In just a few minutes, Teacher Zhang had already guessed the ins and outs of this situation in Shi Hong's home. Sure enough, Shi Hong's mother told him: "As soon as Shi Hong came home, she told me about Song Baoqi. At dinner, she blinked her eyes vigorously, and when she washed the dishes, she consulted with me: 'Mom, if I make an appointment with Xie Huimin and find all the students who are afraid and gambling, how about reading the book "Table"? I'm in favor. I told her: 'With the leadership of the Party, the socialist system, and the right line, as long as teachers and classmates play a collective role, the little hooligans can also change!' Later, she went to her classmates—but Xie Huimin somehow didn't come..."

As she was speaking, Shi Hong finished reading a paragraph, knew that Teacher Zhang was coming, jumped into the back room with the book, and shouted happily: "Teacher Zhang, you have come just in time!" Tell us about it! ”

Teacher Zhang was pulled to the outhouse by her, and several little girls stood up and called "Teacher Zhang", and before he could speak, various questions were scrambled to be raised:

"Teacher Zhang, can we read this book?" "Teacher Zhang, how can the little hooligan in this book provoke people to be angry and sympathetic?" "Teacher Zhang, Xie Huimin said that we read poisonous weeds, can this book be called poisonous weeds?" "Teacher Zhang, have you seen Song Baoqi?" Compared with the little rogue in this book, is he better or worse? ”


Teacher Zhang was not busy answering, but asked them back: "Why didn't Xie Huimin come?" Shi Hong quarreled with her? You should all work together to pull her in!" The little girls answered excitedly in unison, arguing, and as a result, they couldn't hear a word, or Shi Hong calmed everyone down and explained: "I can't pull it!" Unless there is a special article in the newspaper now declaring that the Table is a good book..."

It turned out that when Shi Hong first found Xie Huimin, Xie Huimin was very happy to see that Shi Hong was working so actively. But as soon as she heard that she had found a way to read a foreign novel, she was disgusted. Shi Hong explained to her that this book is quite good, and reading it can be enlightening to solve the problems of those classmates... Xie Huimin did not wait for Shi Hong to finish speaking, and immediately asked: "Has it been recommended in the newspaper?" This question made Shi Hong stunned, and only then did he reply, "I didn't recommend it." "Aren't you afraid of poisoning when you read a book that's not recommended?" Now that we are on the contrary, our cadres can't take the lead in being corroded! Xie Huimin, with a wary look, warned Shi Hong, not only refusing to participate in this activity, but also persuading Shi Hong not to "make mistakes"... This annoyed Shi Hong and quarreled with her, but when she left, she still took her hand and told her to "listen and say it again", and she brushed Shi Hong's hand away. After Shi Hong left, Xie Huimin walked out of the room excitedly, the evening wind blew on her hot cheeks, she was in pain, and her upper teeth bit out a deep mark on her lower lip... In Shi Hong's home, the next scene appeared: Teacher Zhang sat at the table, Shi Hong and the little girls surrounded him, teachers and students talked together without restraint, from the "Table" to the evolution of the Soviet Union, from the "Table" to the wandering children to Song Baoqi, from how to transform the little hooligans to talk about most of the little hooligans can be educated, and finally gradually talked about the new situation facing the class after tomorrow, Teacher Zhang smiled and asked the little girls: "What, are you still on strike?" ”

After exchanging glances with each other, they all looked at Teacher Zhang and said almost in unison, "No! ”

When Teacher Zhang left Shi Hong's house, the sky full of stars was shining in the royal blue night sky.

Without thinking, after pedaling on the bicycle, he naturally rushed to Xie Huimin's house. To tell the truth, when he talked with Shi Hong and those little girls, Xie Huimin was always in his heart; He loves Xie Huimin like a doctor loves a healthy child who is unfortunate enough to suffer from an infectious disease; He believed that with Xie Huimin's upright character and simple feelings, as long as she devoted all her efforts to treating her, the germs sown by the "Gang of Four" on her body would definitely be killed.

The closer to Xie Huimin's home, the heavier the guilt in Teacher Zhang's heart. In the past, he always felt that it was difficult for Xie Huimin to take responsibility for becoming such a state -- he had implicitly pointed out to Xie Huimin not long after taking over, don't just study sporadic quotations, don't superstitiously believe articles explaining the leader's thoughts, seriously study the original works, think independently... But Xie Huimin did not understand. Today, Teacher Zhang has a new feeling, and he asks himself, although the semester before October last year was a situation of dark clouds, can't he be braver and more resolute in fighting against absurd and reactionary things? Can't we talk to Xie Huimin more directly and with all our strength, guide her to polish her eyes and identify the true and false?

When he was about to reach the door of Xie Huimin's house, a plan had begun to appear in Teacher Zhang's mind: he was going to leave the copy of "Oxfly" in his bag to Xie Huimin today, persuade her to read the book, and allow her to publish any after-reading feelings about the book. Then, starting from the analysis of this book, Xie Huimin is guided to use the positions, viewpoints, and methods of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought to answer a series of interrelated questions: How should we understand life? How should history be understood? How should all the achievements of civilization produced by human society be treated? How should we critique the dross of past cultural heritage and extract its essence? How should we look at the problem comprehensively and dialectically? How should we distinguish between fragrant flowers and poisonous weeds, and distinguish between true and false Marxism-Leninism? What kind of person should I make myself? How should we fight for the "four modernizations" of the motherland and for the brilliant future of communism?

Teacher Zhang's heart stirred with passionate emotional waves. When he braked and stood in front of Xie Huimin's house, the plan in his heart became clearer: not only to start from this incident to help Xie Huimin eliminate the poison of the "Gang of Four", but also to carry out guided reading activities to educate the whole class, including Song Baoqi, with the "Gang of Four" as the guideline... He decided to go to the party branch early tomorrow morning. Will you get support? In front of his eyes, he saw the face of Lao Cao speaking with his eyes burning at the branch meeting: "Now, it is time for Zhen Ge'er to carry out education according to Chairman Mao's ideological system!" "He just wants to do a big job "really", and he will definitely get the support of the organization! He flashed in his mind some questions that the teacher might raise, so he decided to strive to speak at the teachers' meeting and expound his ideas: Now, we must not only strengthen classroom teaching, enable children to master the scientific and cultural knowledge in textbooks and classrooms, and obtain all-round moral, intellectual, and physical development, not only to continue to lead them to study work, to learn agriculture, and to combine theory and practice, but also to guide them to focus on the wider world, so that they will be interested in all the achievements of human civilization and have higher analytical ability. Thus becoming a more powerful successor to the socialist revolution and socialist construction ... At this time, the spring breeze sent a fragrant fragrance of flowers, full of stars, all blinking and laughing, as if to give affirmation and encouragement to Teacher Zhang's beautiful ideas...

(Originally published in The People's Literature No. 11 in 1977, the novel won the first place in the 1978 National Outstanding Short Story Award.) )

Liu Xinwu: Class Teacher | Classic short stories

Liu Xinwu, born on June 4, 1942, is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and researcher of red studies. Pen names Liu Liu, Zhao Zhuanghan and so on. He has served as a middle school teacher, editor of a publishing house, editor-in-chief of People's Literature, director of the China Writers Association, member of the All-China Youth Federation, etc., and joined the China Center of the International PEN Association. His works are characterized by their attention to reality, and he is famous in the literary world for "Class Teacher", and his novel "Bell and Drum Tower" has won the Mao Dun Literature Award. After the 1990s, he became an active researcher of "Dream of the Red Chamber" and gave a series of lectures in the "Hundred Tribunes" column of CCTV, which promoted the popularization and development of red studies in the folk. In 2014, he released his latest novel , Bay Window . On September 23, 2019, Liu Xinwu's novel "Bell and Drum Tower" was selected into the "New China 70 Years and 70 Novels Collection".

Liu Xinwu: Class Teacher | Classic short stories

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