
The German health minister announced that the vaccination status is identified by color, German media: China has been implementing it for two years

On the 10th local time, German Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach announced through Twitter that Germany will add "different color certificates" to the "new crown warning" software to represent different vaccination levels.

The German health minister announced that the vaccination status is identified by color, German media: China has been implementing it for two years

Screenshot of Lauterbach's Twitter

Immediately after the policy was announced, it was compared with the "health code" implemented by China by many parties, ridiculing Germany's double standard. "Berliner Zeitung" pointed out in a report on the 10th that the new crown mobile phone software based on different color certificates has been implemented in China for two years.

The German health minister announced that the vaccination status is identified by color, German media: China has been implementing it for two years

Screenshot of the Berliner Zeitung report

Some netizens found a report by the German "Today News" on the Chinese health code last month, which was titled "Implementing Political Control Through the New Crown APP", and when reporting on the scheme of different color vaccine certificates of Lauterbach, it was labeled "Lauterbach defended as an 'exception'".

The German health minister announced that the vaccination status is identified by color, German media: China has been implementing it for two years

@argonerd points out the German double standard

The number of comments under Lauterbach's twitter is greater than the number of likes, and most netizen comments are negative about the plan, and believe that this is inconsistent with Germany's previous criticism of China's epidemic prevention policy.

Chinese netizens took the opportunity to ridicule Germany, spent a lot of money, and finally had to "copy the work", and "copied the work" to a country that the German media had previously criticized as a so-called "human rights violation".

Germany's different color certificate systems and China's health codes do not record the same data. Most of China's health code systems show whether they have passed through the place of new crown infection or the person with the confirmed symptoms, as well as the nucleic acid test. Previously, the German Ministry of Health announced the new crown prevention and control plan for the next year or so on the 3rd, in which the point of contention is that people who are vaccinated within three months do not need to comply with most mask orders, so the population vaccinated three months ago is equivalent to not being vaccinated. In an interview with the Daily Topic, Lauterbach said that a distinction can be made by the color of the vaccination certificate on the "new crown warning" software to immediately see whether the most recent vaccination was recent.

The "New Crown Warning" software, jointly developed by the German "Siepp" and "Deutsche Telekom" and operated by the German Ministry of Health, allows Germans to download voluntarily, and reminds passers-by to pay attention to protection through people's initiative to upload confirmation reports. According to German government data. By the end of June, the software had cost 150 million euros (about 1 billion yuan).

Just two days after the announcement of the new covid-19 prevention and control plan, Lauterbach personally infected the new crown on the 5th. Lauterbach said on the 9th that he had not yet recovered, and the symptoms were "more serious than expected." At this moment, he is being isolated.

The German health minister announced that the vaccination status is identified by color, German media: China has been implementing it for two years

Lauterbach confirms covid-19

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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