
After the autumn, the osmanthus blossoms, and before flowering, they are fed full of fertilizer, and the flowers bloom more and the flowering period is longer

author:Sunny gardening

After entering the autumn, the weather becomes slightly cool, the high temperature gradually decreases, the temperature in autumn will continue to be around 20 degrees, during this period the temperature is the fastest stage of osmanthus growth, because autumn is the main flowering period of osmanthus flowers, when the temperature drops to 25 degrees, the osmanthus demand for nutrients will also increase, and the light at this time just happens to enhance the photosynthesis of osmanthus leaves.

After the autumn, the osmanthus blossoms, and before flowering, they are fed full of fertilizer, and the flowers bloom more and the flowering period is longer

In this stage of autumn, osmanthus for nutrients is the most, especially iron, osmanthus this plant has a special need for a large number of trace elements, insufficient iron in the flower soil, its leaves will be yellowed as a whole, the color of the leaves is biased towards light green, rather than the dark green of normal plant leaves.

After the autumn, the osmanthus blossoms, and before flowering, they are fed full of fertilizer, and the flowers bloom more and the flowering period is longer

Many friends of the family of osmanthus flowers, time for a long time, after three or five years, the color of the leaves is not so green, in fact, is due to the lack of iron in the flower soil, to properly supplement the osmanthus trace elements, the leaves can become dark green, in addition, alkaline flower soil, will also lead to osmanthus leaves biased towards light green.

After the autumn, the osmanthus blossoms, and before flowering, they are fed full of fertilizer, and the flowers bloom more and the flowering period is longer

Before the osmanthus does not flower, we need to add nutrients to it, fertilizer can use water-soluble fertilizer effect is better, water-soluble fertilizer is more conducive to osmanthus absorption than granular fertilizer, the fertilizer is dissolved in water, directly irrigated roots, or sprayed on the leaves with a watering can, about 20 days with a water-soluble fertilizer, basically in September to October of each year, osmanthus can flower.

After the autumn, the osmanthus blossoms, and before flowering, they are fed full of fertilizer, and the flowers bloom more and the flowering period is longer

At the same time of fertilization, a small amount of ferrous sulfate can be added to the water, supplementing the iron element, while acidifying the soil, creating an acidic growth environment for the osmanthus flower, the purpose of fertilization and supplementing trace elements is to allow the osmanthus flower, better photosynthesis, in order to facilitate more absorption of nutrients.

After the autumn, the osmanthus blossoms, and before flowering, they are fed full of fertilizer, and the flowers bloom more and the flowering period is longer

Indoor osmanthus flowers appropriately bask in the sun, enhance the sun illumination, the period of plant flowering is necessary to be sunlit, otherwise the chlorophyll in the leaves can not complete photosynthesis, the use of fertilizer no matter how many roots can not be absorbed, the outdoor osmanthus can be more rainy, the rain itself is acidic, the new leaves of the osmanthus after the rain can grow faster.

After the autumn, the osmanthus blossoms, and before flowering, they are fed full of fertilizer, and the flowers bloom more and the flowering period is longer

Potted osmanthus is relatively easier to maintain, more convenient in management, plus osmanthus this plant, it is not rotten roots, as long as the management is proper, in the autumn can flower, but the number of flowers is more or less, proper fertilization, flowering will be more, blooming period, time will be longer.

After the autumn, the osmanthus blossoms, and before flowering, they are fed full of fertilizer, and the flowers bloom more and the flowering period is longer

The purpose of fertilization is to improve the flowering quality of the plant itself, not to mention that the osmanthus is about to bloom, fertilization is also an urgent matter, may be the temperature in the southern region is high, the flowering period of the osmanthus will be extended, according to the actual situation of the local decision, the northern region can now be fertilized.

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