
Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

author:Genuine product

During the Three Kingdoms period, Eastern Wu had four governors: Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lü Meng, and Lu Xun.

Zhou Yu made friends with Sun Ce at a young age, helped Sun Ce defeat Liu Xuan, pacified Jiangdong, and made a lot of meritorious contributions. Sun Ce was assassinated, succeeded by his younger brother Sun Quan, and Zhou Yu remained a first-class general in Eastern Wu.

He made many plans for Sun Quan, and personally led the army to attack with fire, defeating Cao Cao at Chibi, and from then on Eastern Wu shared a piece of the three worlds.

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

Lu Xun, at the age of twenty, served as an aide under Sun Quan, helping Sun Quan to seize Jingzhou and serving as the governor of Eastern Wu.

At the Battle of Yiling, Lu Xun continued to use fire and burned the camp to defeat Liu Bei. At the Battle of Shiting, Lu Xun, Zhu Huan, and Quan Chun each led 30,000 troops, won the battle against Cao Wei's army, and killed and captured more than 10,000 Wei troops.

After Sun Quan was proclaimed emperor, Lu Xun was made a general of the Shang dynasty, the right capital protector, and assisted the crown prince Sun Deng.

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

Zhou Yu died young, only thirty-six years old when he died, and Lu Xun lived to be sixty-three years old. If Sun Quan hadn't died so early, who would have been better than the two Eastern Wu governors?

The Battle of Chibi and the Battle of Yiling were the battles of fame in which the two governors served in Eastern Wu, respectively. One defeated Cao Cao and the other defeated Liu Bei.

Both wars used fire attacks invariably, and perhaps Lu Xun borrowed from Zhou Yu's experience in those years, both of which were crucial to Sun Quan.

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

These two battles do not seem to be comparable because of the difference in time and background, but they have one thing in common, that is, they have Zhuge Liang in them. The Battle of Chibi was to join forces with Zhuge Liang, and the Battle of Yiling was to attack Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang always suggested that Liu Bei should unite with Eastern Wu to resist Cao, and the Battle of Chibi was also at Zhuge Liang's insistence, and Liu Bei fought a beautiful battle with Eastern Wu. However, the use of fire to attack Cao Jun was not proposed by the extremely clever Zhuge Liang, but The Yellow Gai under Zhou Yu.

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

Zhou Yu thought that Cao Cao was proud and light enemy, so he adopted Huang Gai's advice, Cao Cao's army was not good at fighting on water, at that time many soldiers were already infected, Zhou Yu took the opportunity to burn, Cao Cao's side collapsed.

Although Lu Xun's Battle of Yiling defeated the Shu army, Lu Xun was still turned around by Zhuge Liang's tricks and almost trapped in Zhuge Liang's Bagua Formation.

Seeing that Lu Xun was about to lose, Zhuge Liang did not take the opportunity to kill him, but let his father-in-law Huang Chengyan go and fish him out.

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

Zhuge Liang played Lu Xun at best, he would not kill Lu Xun and Eastern Wu as an enemy, he had always adhered to the strategic policy of uniting Wu against Cao, and it was enough to tease him.

Why was Lu Xun able to defeat Zhuge Liang in the Battle of Yiling?

According to Zhuge Lianglong's plan, how could he be willing to fight Eastern Wu, but Liu Bei refused. Sun Quan took Jingzhou and killed Guan Yu, and Liu Bei could not swallow this evil breath, and vowed to avenge Guan Yu, or to retake Jingzhou. So he personally led a large army to launch a large-scale conquest against Eastern Wu.

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

Eastern Wu and Shu Han had been fighting each other for a long time, and the Shu army was unable to withstand the heat, and Liu Bei was forced to transfer the water army to the deep mountains and dense forests to escape the heat, so that Lu Xun had the opportunity to take advantage of it, and he burned the Shu camp to win a battle.

In such a comparison, Lu Xun was actually not Zhou Yu's opponent at all.

After the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao thought that Zhou Yu was too clever, and wrote a letter to Sun Quan asking him to be careful of Zhou Yu, of course, this is just Cao Cao's jealousy, Cao Cao's so strategic people, so jealous of Zhou Yu, actually want to use such a victorious method of provoking dissension to let Sun Quan get rid of Zhou Yu, he is good to sit and reap the benefits of fishermen, which shows how much of a threat Zhou Yu is to him!

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

In the Battle of Yiling, Lu Xun had many powerful people, and it took more than half a year with Zhuge Liang to win Liu Bei when he encountered the advantages of heaven and place. If you change the time period, Lu Xun really may not be able to persist for so long. Of course, Lu Xun had his superiority in this battle, that is, he could hold his breath.

From the first month to June, Liu Bei was already bored and wanted to fight a decisive battle quickly and have a hard time, but no matter how he sent people to shout at Lu Xun, or even insulted before the battle, Lu Xun ignored it.

Liu Bei sent an additional 8,000 people to ambush in the valley to lure the snake out of the hole, but Lu Xun still insisted on not fighting, and shengsheng destroyed Liu Bei's plan.

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

It was true that Lu Xun's official position was higher than Zhou Yu's.

After he entered Sun Quan's command, he was made a lieutenant and a lieutenant by Sun Quan, which shows the importance that Sun Quan attaches to him. However, this cannot be compared with Zhou Yu, after all, the two started differently, and the people who began to be loyal were different.

When Lu Xun was loyal to Sun Quan, he already had a solid foundation laid by Sun Ce, and before that, Eastern Wu had already lost three governors.

Moreover, Lu Xun entered Sun Quan's command as a strategist, and Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were friends when they were young, and the relationship was different, and Sun Ce did not have to use the high-ranking official Houlu to buy Zhou Yu's heart.

Who is more powerful, Zhou Yu or Lu Xun? According to the analysis of canonical history, the gap is too large, and they are not in the same grade

Zhou Yu and Sun Ce are cooperative partners who conspire to achieve great things; Lu Xun and Sun Quan are part of the relationship between migrant workers and leaders. Being able to cooperate with Zhou Yu and Sun Ce's trust in him is incomparable to that of Lu Xun and Sun Quan.

Zhou Yu belonged to the founding heroes of Eastern Wu, and after Sun Ce's death, it was Zhou Yu who assisted Sun Quan, giving him advice and formulating various strategic guidelines. After the direction of the Eastern Wu regime was clear, Lu Xun joined, so Lu Xun and Zhou Yu were not in the same grade!

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