
Bitten by the "five-step snake", can the five steps die? How to save myself after being bitten by a snake?

author:Beautiful girl to see the world

With the arrival of summer vacation, the temperature began to rise slowly. Snakes and rats that have been hibernating for a long time also come out to move their bodies, and april to October every year is a frequent period for snakes to come out and move. As the temperature progresses, the number of snake bites increases.

Bitten by the "five-step snake", can the five steps die? How to save myself after being bitten by a snake?

According to the statistics of fire rescue in Guangdong Province, more than 3,000 snakes were caught in the province in July 2022. It has brought a lot of influence to firefighters.

On July 5, 70-year-old Wang Dabo in Guangzhou was working in an orchard when he was bitten by a snake covered in pure black on his calf.

The well-informed Wang Bo immediately recognized that this was a highly poisonous "mountain wind", which is what we often call the king cobra. Wang Bo immediately took his shoelaces and tightly tied them to the part where the snake had been bitten to prevent the venom from spreading. Even if Huang Dabo did first aid measures in time, there was redness and swelling in the place where he was bitten half an hour later, accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, and chest tightness.

Afterwards, Uncle Wang's son quickly drove Wang Uncle to the hospital for emergency treatment, and after the doctor's clever hand rejuvenated and played anti-snake venom, Huang Dabo was out of danger of life.

Bitten by the "five-step snake", can the five steps die? How to save myself after being bitten by a snake?

On the same day, Grandma Li in Huizhou, after eating lunch and cleaning up weeds at her doorstep, was bitten by a small pure green snake that suddenly sprang out, and the wound after being bitten became red and swollen, accompanied by severe pain.

Grandma Li's daughter recognized that the pure green snake was bamboo leaf green, Grandma Li's daughter drove Grandma Li to a nearby hospital for treatment, fortunately it was sent in time, after hitting the snake, Grandma Li was out of danger.

Recent "snake bites" have occurred frequently, and snakes are not only active in forests. Now that the weather is warmer, it is a good day to go out and play, but it is also a good time for poisonous snakes to come out and bite people.

Today I will publish a phase of science for "snakes", hoping to help everyone, especially friends who like outdoor sports, to watch it several times.

One. What are the classifications of snakes?

There are more than 3,340 species of snakes in the world, of which there are more than 660 species of venomous snakes alone and more than 200 kinds of deadly venomous snakes. Snakes like to live in tropical and subtropical areas, there are more subtropical areas in the mainland, and there are currently more than 400 kinds of snakes in our country, accounting for ten percent.

Snakes prefer to roam in the shade, and the rainy southern regions of the mainland are home to most snakes. There are 80 to 100 species of snakes in Fujian and Guangxi provinces. There are no more than four kinds of snakes in Qinghai, Tibet and Xinjiang, and there are few pitiful ones.

There are more than 400 kinds of snakes in China, only more than 60 kinds of venomous snakes, and only ten kinds of highly venomous snakes. To everyone's common five-step snake, there are many areas jokingly called it "hundred-step snake" or "seven-step snake", if it is not treated in time after being bitten by this snake, it will lose its life in 30 minutes to three hours, and it can be seen that the five-step snake is very toxic.

What are the common characteristics of venomous snakes?

Most people distinguish between poisonous snakes and look at the head of the poisonous snake. In fact, this view is wrong. Many people think that the head of the poisonous snake is triangular, but in fact, there are many poisonous snakes whose heads are the same as normal snakes.

For example, there is a kind of blocked, the whole body is pure green, the name is called "green skinny snake". This snake is very common in cities, and many people mistake it for "bamboo leaf green". The snake has a slim appearance and a triangular head. If you look closely, you can tell it's a poisonous snake.

When this kind of reality is attacked by the outside world, the body will pose in an S shape. The head will swell very much. It makes people look scared. But you don't know, this is just his life-saving skill, and the reason why he does this is only to be able to scare off the enemy.

So later when everyone is identifying poisonous snakes. You can't judge it by the head of a snake alone.

So, how to distinguish between a venomous snake and a non-venomous snake?

1. Look at the snake's head.

For example, the five-step snake, the silver ring snake, the bamboo leaf green and other poisonous snakes, the heads of these poisonous snakes are all triangular.

Bitten by the "five-step snake", can the five steps die? How to save myself after being bitten by a snake?

2. Look at the tail of the snake.

Want to judge whether this snake is a poisonous snake. Look at the snake's tail first, if the snake's tail is short and thick. Then stay away from this snake. The tail of the eye snake began to get thinner and thinner from the anus.

3. Look at the pattern and color of the snake.

If this snake is particularly good-looking and conspicuous, then please stay away from him. In particular, some of the darker-colored snakes are the most venomous. For example, the land is the four major poisonous snakes "silver ring snake". The back of this snake is black or bluish-black. And his abdomen is white. The staggered patterns on the body are particularly dazzling.

4. Look at the aggressiveness of snakes.

In general, the timid are non-venomous snakes. Take the skinny green snake I exemplified above, when he sensed danger. The head will swell and become larger, just to scare off the enemy. Non-venomous snakes will run away when they touch humans. But when a poisonous snake encounters danger, it will attack you.

Venomous snakes have a strong crawling ability. Aggression is also particularly deadly. Take the world's most aggressive venomous snake, the Black Mamba. As long as there is someone on his turf. He will choose to attack actively. Until the other person is not breathing.

Three. What are the symptoms of the body after being bitten by a poisonous snake?

There are more than ten kinds of poisonous snakes commonly found in the mainland, such as the five-step snake, the bamboo leaf green, the silver ring snake, etc., and it is fatal to pick out a snake at random.

Up to 100,000 people on the mainland are bitten by venomous snakes each year. Four youths account for 73%. Among them, 5% to 10% are fatal after being bitten by a venomous snake. Like I said earlier. Whenever the temperature rises, the snakes will come out and move. Even if you live in the city, you can't escape being attacked by snakes.

At this time, some people are curious, the five-step snake is bitten and then dies after taking five steps, is it true?

When bitten by a snake. The snake's toxin will flow into the person's body along the wound. Toxins spread throughout the body along with the bloodstream. Blood is distributed in various organs of the human body. This can lead to symptoms of poisoning. The process takes only half an hour. Therefore, this half an hour is the best rescue time.

There are also some particularly toxic deaths. When you accidentally get bitten by this snake. If you can't get rescue for a short time. Your life will be threatened.

So after being bitten by a poisonous snake, what kind of symptoms will appear in the body?

1. Neurotoxin damage.

Golden ring snake, silver ring snake, cobra and so on. Neurotoxin damage occurs after being bitten by this snake. The injured person does not feel anything after being bitten by these snakes.

2. Blood toxin damage

Five-step snakes, bamboo leaf greens, cobras, etc. can cause such damage.

Bitten by the "five-step snake", can the five steps die? How to save myself after being bitten by a snake?

After being bitten by these snakes. Swelling will occur in the wound, but there will also be a sharp pain sensation.

When these toxins enter the human body along with the bloodstream. If not rescued in time, it will lead to organ necrosis and threaten life.

How do I save myself after being bitten by a snake outdoors?

The community comes out every summer for activities. July and August is a high tide, and spring snake bites are snake-venomous.

Math had just woken up from hibernation, and when he woke up he would feel particularly hungry. This hunger will force the snake to go out in search of food. When the snake touches a human, it will release all the poison in its poisonous fangs.

So, people who like outdoor sports should save themselves if they are bitten by a snake.

1. Stay calm and don't move around.

When you are bitten by a snake, do not move, the time for snake venom to spread is half an hour, if you are bitten, sit down immediately. Call someone else for help.

Bitten by the "five-step snake", can the five steps die? How to save myself after being bitten by a snake?

2. Timely bandaging to block the spread of venom.

You may have heard of the practice of sucking out the venom with your mouth after being bitten by a snake. But don't do it after you've been bitten by a snake in reality. When you finish taking the drug, you yourself will be poisoned to death.

After being bitten by a snake, you immediately look for bound items, such as shoelaces, belt-type ropes, and if there is nothing around, tear the clothes into the shape of cloth strips. Tie it up nearest to your bitten wound to your heart.

Bitten by the "five-step snake", can the five steps die? How to save myself after being bitten by a snake?

After bundling, untie it every half an hour. The release time of each time should not be less than 1 minute. Necrosis of organ tissues can be effectively prevented.

3. Determine the breed of snake to facilitate the treatment of doctors.

When you are bitten, the snake will not go away immediately, and you must remember the shape and color of the snake at this time. It is best to take a picture with your mobile phone, it is more convenient for the doctor to perform the treatment.

4. Call the emergency number in time.

Do not handle it yourself after being bitten by a snake. Whether it is toxic or non-toxic. Immediately call the emergency number to the hospital for treatment.

Write at the end

The weather is getting warmer every day. There are a lot of families who are starting to go out outdoors. Especially those with small children at home, they like to take their children to play in the park and on the grass.

When playing outdoors, don't get too close to the lush areas. I recommend wearing long pants when you go out for outdoor activities and carry a snake stick with you when you want to walk through the grass.

If you encounter a snake, don't panic, don't attack the snake, look for an opportunity to escape, if you can't run, think of other ways.

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