
Zhou Xun and Yi Qianxi starred in "There Is Her in the World" set for September 9


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Zhou Xun and Yi Qianxi starred in "There Is Her in the World" set for September 9

The movie "There Is Her in the World" is scheduled to be released in the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 9, and a new role poster is released at the same time.

The film is directed by Zhang Aijia, Li Shaohong and Chen Chong, starring Zhou Xun and Zheng Xiuwen, specially invited by Yi Yanqianxi, starring Xu Di and Feng Delun, and Huang Miyi, Bao Qijing, Bai Ke and so on also participating in the performance. All-age actors, all-vegetarian real performances, all female directors directed.

"There is her in the world" tells the story of 2020, the three directors use their own unique female perspectives to explore and show the difficulties and struggles of people in family, career and love in special periods, the film will focus on the ordinary life full of fireworks, through the emotions and stories of several pairs of characters, reflecting the survival status of thousands of ordinary people in 2020, in the face of multiple impacts of emotions, marriage and life, how ordinary people can resist unexpected accidents and protect the love and persistence of life in their hearts.

Zhou Xun and Yi Qianxi starred in "There Is Her in the World" set for September 9
Zhou Xun and Yi Qianxi starred in "There Is Her in the World" set for September 9
Zhou Xun and Yi Qianxi starred in "There Is Her in the World" set for September 9

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