
"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

author:General Directorate of Cold Knowledge

Prisons are meant to be places to punish prisoners and educate them so that they can be rehabilitated.

But in Israel, criminals enjoy special VIP treatment. Inmates can give orders to prison guards, whether they are eating, drinking, or wanting to date women.

Even the prison chief personally helps the prisoners to "pimp", the prisoners can play with the female prison guards in the prison at will, when the female prison guards are violated and reported to the criminals expect that they can be punished occasionally, the prison chief not only ignores the report, but also in turn gives the female prison guard's phone number to the criminal, so that the criminal can contact the female prison guard at any time.

The female prison guards who have been violated have no way to complain, and they have to endure all this if they don't want to lose their jobs.

It was not until a brave female prison guard stepped forward to expose the media that many of the dirty inside stories that occurred in Israeli prisons were gradually revealed.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

What happened to sheila, a female prison guard

Hila was a former Israeli soldier who served in the army for five years.

In 2014, when Sheila retired from the army, Sheila, who wanted to continue to contribute to the motherland, decided to become a prison guard to watch over criminals for the motherland and make criminals change their minds and become people again.

The prison where Sheila works is called Gilboa Prison, and when Sheila came to the prison full of hope, she didn't want it to be the beginning of her nightmare.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

The prison where Sheila works

After reporting to Gilboa Prison, Sheila and several retired female soldiers were assigned to the men's prison together.

It is not particularly common for female prison guards to be assigned to male prisons, because most prison managers need to take into account gender differences, but Sheila did not care too much after a little surprise, because she had served in the military for five years, and her strength and physical strength were much better than many male prison guards, so Sheila had no objection to the prison arrangement.

When she first entered the prison, Sheila was indeed very satisfied with the job, because she was a newcomer, many male colleagues would take care of Sheila a little, most of the intense work did not need Sheila to do, Sheila's daily work was more on patrol in the prison, to ensure that there were no fights and other incidents in the prison.

Until one day, Sheila's superiors suddenly ordered Sheila to interrogate a prisoner, and specifically emphasized that it was a separate interrogation, and it was not allowed to seek help from colleagues.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

The sudden arrival of the order puzzled Sheila, because there were not a few interrogation veterans in the prison, why she would be asked to do it by a newcomer without any interrogation experience, and even stressed that colleagues were not allowed to help.

But Sheila didn't think much about it, because this was the prison, the prisoners would be restricted from moving, and if something really happened, they could call their colleagues for help, perhaps this was the boss's intention to cultivate her, with such an idea, Sheila walked into the interrogation room designated by the boss alone.

As soon as she entered the interrogation room, Sheila was preparing to organize the language to interrogate the prisoners inside, when the prisoner, who did not want to be handcuffed, suddenly impulsively rushed to Sheila's side and pressed Sheila to the floor.

After being controlled by the prisoners, Sheila's first reaction is to struggle, she has been a soldier for five years and has received a lot of strength training, but the prisoners who control Sheila are far greater than Sheila, and all of Sheila's countermeasures have become futile.

After failing to break free, Sheila remembered the cry for help, knowing that it was in prison, and there were many male colleagues on patrol around her, and if someone heard the cry for help, she would be saved.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

Sheila did call for help, but she was desperate to find that her colleagues who were supposed to be on patrol had disappeared without a trace, and half a figure could not be found around the interrogation room.

The criminal who controlled Sheila said very arrogantly: "Save some effort, no matter how you call for help, no one will respond to you, only if I am satisfied you can leave here." ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the criminal rudely stripped Sheila of all her clothes and then violated Sheila in the interrogation room.

Sheila struggles desperately, but to no avail in the face of the strong criminal, who, under the control of the criminal, can only watch herself being violated.

After violating Sheila, the criminal not only did not have the slightest fear of being exposed afterwards, but instead very arrogantly told Sheila: "I am very satisfied with you, and the next time I need you, I will call you in advance to tell you." ”

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

Sheila walked out of the interrogation room blank, not knowing what to do.

Israel is a conservative country, and being violated is an indescribable shame for women, and if word spreads about the violation, Sheila will be so ashamed that she will no longer have the face to stay in prison and work.

After going through this incident, Sheila took a long vacation, and she needed to take a break for a while to think about what to do.

But when Sheila hesitates and reports to her superiors, she is still patient, and the arrival of a phone call makes Sheila completely lose the initiative.

On the 5th day after the incident, the criminal who had assaulted Sheila called Sheila and told her, "I ask you to go back to work in prison, or I will send you the pictures taken that day to your house." ”

Under the threat of criminals, Sheila had no choice but to return to the prison to continue her work.

Although Sheila still could not make up her mind to report the violation to her superiors, she did not intend to succumb to the criminal. Sheila decided not to meet the criminal alone in the future, and if it was really necessary to communicate with the criminal, she must bring a few male guards with her.

When Sheila met the criminal again, Sheila was no longer afraid this time, because she was followed by several tall and strong male guards, and Sheila believed that the criminal would never dare to do anything to herself in front of several male guards.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

What Sheila couldn't believe was that the daring criminal still walked up to her without handcuffs, taking several male prison guards as air and touching her buttocks in front of several prison guards.

When the criminal flirted with Sheila in public, several male prison guards looked in the eyes, but they all did not say a word, no one came out to stop the criminal's behavior, but watched the criminal leave the cell laughing after flirting with Sheila.

Sheila felt angry, frightened, and puzzled, she didn't know why the male prison guards who were with her wouldn't stop the criminal's behavior, and she didn't know what she had to do to get out of the criminal's control, and finally she had to leave the cell in shame.

But this time, Sheila did not choose to be patient, but spoke out loud what had happened to her.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

Victims who have no way to defend their rights

When Sheila made up her mind, she immediately wrote a report on her experience of assault and handed it over to her boss.

According to common sense, the vicious incident of the criminal violating the prison guard must be dealt with seriously, but the report sheila submitted to her superiors is a sea of stone, and there is no further follow-up.

Sheila is not willing to give up, and she finds several colleagues who witnessed the criminal flirting with her, hoping that they will stand up and help accuse the criminal.

But several of Sheila's colleagues refused Sheila's request, and Sheila's desire to make the criminal accept the punishment he deserved was once again in vain.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

Sheila still has no dead heart, since the conventional way of reporting does not work, this time Sheila decided to sort out her own experience and post it on the Internet, hoping to use the power of public opinion to bring the criminal to justice.

Not surprisingly, Sheila's experience attracted the attention of many netizens, and many local Israeli media also approached Sheila and reported on Sheila's encounter in prison.

Not only that, in the process of Sheila speaking up for herself through the Internet, she found that she was far more than one female prison guard who had been violated by criminals.

It is only these female prison guards who have been violated, either with thin skin who dare not disclose their experiences to outsiders, or who have completely died after experiencing complaints, so bad cases like criminals violating female prison guards have not attracted attention.

But after Sheila bravely came forward to expose them, the female prison guards also came forward to testify against the criminals for their violations.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

An anonymous interviewee who was violated

Shirli, a female prison guard, was also assaulted by criminals in prison, and at first she reported to her superiors with great expectation that the perpetrators who violated her would be punished accordingly.

But Sydney was soon disappointed, and her boss simply told Sydney that she already knew about it, and then there was no follow-up.

And just a few days after Sydney reported to her superiors, the criminal who violated her suddenly asked to have a conversation with Sydney in an area without a camera, where the criminal grabbed Sydney's hand and then controlled Sydney's body, and the criminal told Sydney: "Don't make any more useless attempts, it is useless for you to report, no one in this prison can control me." ”

Sydney was desperate, and after that she had been violated by criminals more than once, and there was no one to help her, and even she had to compromise with the criminal who violated her to avoid more unfair treatment.

Many of the female guards who have been violated are reluctant to stand up and accuse these criminals because of their reputation or fear of reprisals, but there are also female prison guards who said in anonymous interviews: "In prison, the criminal controls all the managers, and the chief who should protect us becomes a pimp." ”

So what is the origin of this criminal who can control the prison manager and can wantonly violate the female prison guard, and who has committed so many illegal acts not only without punishment, but can be protected by the prison chief?

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

What the hell is going on with this criminal?

The criminal, named Mahmoud Atallah, was a former member of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement.

Atala holds a lot of important intelligence about the group, and Israel can only find a way to find a breakthrough from Atala if it wants to obtain this information.

Because he knows his importance, Atala has no fear, and because of this, Atala makes many unreasonable demands, including letting Sheila and Sydney, the policewomen, provide him with fun.

In order to obtain this important information, many female prison guards were unknowingly sold to Attala by the prison backhand. Sheila and Shirley were just one of the victims, and many more female prison guards who were reluctant to stand up were also betrayed by the prison.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

When Sheila and Sydney tried to report to their superiors in exchange for a fair sentence, it naturally became nonsense, and even when the matter was aggravated, the prison officer came out to warn the victims and asked them not to talk to the media about attara's abuse.

But Sheila did not want the prison officers to do so, and she contacted several female prison guards who had the same experience and took the prison to court.

The scandal received more attention from Israelis after it was put in court, and many Israelis were looking forward to a fair verdict for Sheila and many of the victims.

This also attracted the attention of the Israeli investigative services, which found that the culprit behind all this was Rani Basha, the intelligence officer at Gilboa Prison.

Faced with conclusive evidence, Basha confessed his crime very simply. In order to pry open the intelligence in Attala's mouth, Barsha and Atala reached a deal, Basha provided Atala with many female prison guards for his entertainment, and Basha was able to obtain a lot of important information from Atala.

Freddie Stritter, the warden at Gilboa Prison, also acknowledged the existence of "pimping" in the prison, and even acquiesced to all of Basha's actions.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping

The warden of Gilboa Prison

By now, Sheila's encounter is actually very clear.

In order to obtain information, the intelligence officer Basha sent the female guards to Attala, and the prison director acquiesced to everything. Logically, Sheila deserves a fair trial, sending Basha and even the warden to prison, so that the criminal Atala deserves the punishment he deserves.

But things are not so simple, in the face of such a well-documented case, Sheila and several female police officers have lost the case several times, until when several female prison guards are desperate, there are anonymous victims who have more evidence willing to come forward to testify.

But the case still hasn't worked out for a definitive outcome, and Sheila and many of the victims are still waiting for justice to come.

"Pimping" incident in Israeli prisons: Female prison guards are toyed with by prisoners, and the chief is responsible for pimping


The "pimping" incident in Israeli prisons is not over, and if Sheila, Sydney and other victims want justice, more victims need to stand up and testify against the perpetrators in order to get a fair verdict.

Many of the victims feared Basha's power or were too ashamed to speak out about the killers. But we must know that it is never the fault of the victim to be violated, and if the perpetrator is afraid to come forward to testify, the abuser will laugh triumphantly.

Only when the victims unite and stand up and boldly testify against the perpetrators can the perpetrators be brought to justice and the perpetrators be punished as they deserve.

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