
The US government is anti-Iranian, but why is the US people "pro-Iran"?

author:Liu Jiyao said history

Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the United States has adopted a policy of hostility toward Iran, and has also adopted military and economic means to impose sanctions and containment on Iran. Iran is also very dissatisfied with the wanton interference of the United States in the internal affairs of other countries, and some Iranians with high revolutionary sentiment have also planned the Tehran hostage incident. To this end, the United States and Iran turned their faces.

In the following forty years or so, although the United States has repeatedly adjusted its policy toward Iran in accordance with changes in the situation, it has never given up the fundamental strategy of "sanctioning Iran." Especially during the Trump and Biden periods, the pressure exerted by the United States on Iran was very serious, not only brazenly and unilaterally withdrawing from the Iranian nuclear agreement, but even repeatedly shouting slogans about the use of force against Iran, which can be described as arrogant. But what is interesting is that while the US authorities are working intensively to impose measures such as "re-sanctions", "assassination infiltration", "threat of force" and other measures against Iran, the US people are speaking differently.

The US government is anti-Iranian, but why is the US people "pro-Iran"?

"Cut continuously" folk exchanges

When Iranian general Sulaimani died in an assassination in January 2020, anti-war demonstrations broke out in more than 70 cities in the United States, and people held up signs opposing the United States and Iran. On January 6-7, 2020, an international pollster also conducted a survey, which showed that 53% of respondents opposed Trump's policy toward Iran, and 39% of respondents "strongly opposed" the US military's military action against Iran. With the unpopularity of the US policy in the Middle East, the opposition of the people has not stopped.

What is even more jaw-dropping is that although the United States and Iran are fiercely sword-fighting at the official level, the American people disdain the Ban on the White House and are willing to communicate with Iran in secret. In fact, throughout the 42-year history of the united States and Iran, the people-to-people exchanges between the United States and Iran have never been completely interrupted. During President Khatami's tenure, Iran also put forward slogans such as "dialogue among civilizations", vigorously developed relations with China, Russia and the United States, and promoted people-to-people exchanges between Iran and the United States through "wrestling diplomacy" and "football diplomacy" in the field, thus attracting many American non-governmental organizations to visit Iraq.

The US government is anti-Iranian, but why is the US people "pro-Iran"?

"Infiltration" vs. "Reverse Osmosis"

In response to the "evolution" and "infiltration" of private goods entrained by the United States in exchanges, Iran has also taken "anti-infiltration" measures. As early as 2007, Iran opened an English-language news television station to counter and even counter the Western public opinion offensive. On this basis, Iran can take a non-Western view and export ideology to the People of Europe and the United States in English, and even achieve some results, so that the US official is so angry that it uses the "seal victory method" to block it in June 2021. Overall, Iran's penetration capability is far inferior to that of the United States, but it is also a small achievement.

After the "evolution war" between the two countries was fought back and forth. Many changes have taken place in the domestic situation between the two countries. Among them, many young Iranians like American culture such as Hollywood and Apple mobile phones. But as the saying goes, "the effects of forces are mutual," so many young Americans are gradually falling in love with Iranian ideas and civilization. These young Americans are only hostile to the Iranian regime, but they favor Iran's people, people, food, and historical sites. These American people "contradicted" the White House: not only did they not hate Iran, but they wanted to go to Iran to appreciate the "ancient civilization".

The US government is anti-Iranian, but why is the US people "pro-Iran"?

Americans dressed in Iranian costumes celebrate Persian Day in New York

The blossoming of Iranian culture on the other side of the ocean

Dig deeper and you will find that the history, language, civilization, and customs carriers of Iran have all been extended and variants within the United States. Iranian poet Rumi, known as "the most popular poet of the mind in contemporary America", has sold more than 500,000 copies of his poetry in English in the United States, far surpassing other poets and even influencing many celebrities in the United States. In addition, many Iranian masterpieces such as the Book of Kings, the Collection of Rubai, and the Garden of Roses can also be found in English translation in the United States. This includes the credit of American "Iranian studies" and Iranians of descent, as well as the value input of Iran's foreign media.

Obviously, in the era of the information explosion, Iran, in the inferior situation, tried to use all available means to resist the "infiltration" of the United States. Although many people joke that "Iran has been infiltrated into a sieve", the United States is not "monolithic". On the issue of dealing with Iran, the OFFICIAL and the people of the United States are relatively separate, and the official position is anti-Iranian; However, due to the influence of information warfare, complex ethnic composition, and unique anti-war traditions, the people are relatively "pro-Iranian" in their positions.

The US government is anti-Iranian, but why is the US people "pro-Iran"?

The reason why the American people are "pro-Iran" is because there is a similar position to determine the criterion: if Iranian young people love to watch Hollywood blockbusters and love to use Apple mobile phones to call "pro-American"; So are American young people who love to watch "Rumi's Poetry" and yearn for Iranian historical sites "pro-Iran"?

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