
Emergency doctors took the initiative to expose: after the misdiagnosis, I began to save myself...

author:The medical road is forward

Original: Weizi

It was something I personally experienced, that day was my 120 bus class...

The weather has been humid and hot lately, don't go out, leave the air-conditioned room is the heat wave. In the morning of 10 a.m., I received a task from the 120 Center: a man in his 60s, dizzy.

After arriving at the scene, once entering the patient's room, it can only be described by the word "stuffy", and the patient's wife has been muttering: "It must be heat stroke, it must be heat stroke..."

According to the patient's symptoms at that time, my initial judgment was also heat stroke. The patient has air conditioning at home but it is not turned on, to be honest, what I will think in my heart is: what is the purpose of buying air conditioning, such a hot day is not willing to take a few degrees of electricity money. Later, we took the patient to the hospital and gave him treatment to relieve his symptoms.

Then I was at the scene of two more car accidents, and to be honest it was so hot that my clothes were soaking wet, and the heat wave outside made me dare not catch my breath.

At noon, we had just finished eating and then went on to 120 first aid missions, one after another, and I felt irritable, thirsty, and unwell in the car. At 4 p.m. I started a stomach ache with paroxysmal colic, then I started diarrhea, watery stools, and by dinner I had diarrhea 3 times.

At first, I didn't care, thinking that the takeaway I ate at noon was not clean, so I ate some noodles at dinner, which made me feel dizzy, but because I didn't take it too seriously in class, I continued to be busy treating patients.

I was busy until the next morning, we ate the bun early, I felt that I had no appetite, during this time I had diarrhea, probably more than 10 times, and finally came home from work.

When I got home, I had diarrhea again, once every half an hour, my stomach hurt and then I felt that there was liquid rushing from the colon to the rectum to the anus, and then I rushed to the toilet, fortunately at home, I had diarrhea more than 10 times in the morning, and the stool was all watery. Then I started to have nausea, vomiting 2 times, the vomit was stomach contents.

At this time I still thought that what I ate yesterday was not clean, I picked up my phone and called the nurse and driver who went to work together yesterday, because we ate the same thing, I wanted to ask them if this happened, but they did not show any discomfort.

Food poisoning? I felt that I could deny this diagnosis, and then the disease came to my mind for an instant: heat stroke. I lean on, I won't be heat stroke anymore.

Take out the thermometer, the body temperature is 37.5 ° C, slightly higher than the normal body temperature;

Multiple times of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;

Dizziness, headache;

Muscle weakness, weakness of the limbs;

Thirst, sweating...

I have all these symptoms, isn't this the early symptom of heat stroke? At this time, I realized that I was not a simple diarrhea, but a heat stroke. As a doctor, I actually misdiagnosed myself...

But why would one of my grandfathers suffer from heat stroke and the 120 female nurses in my class be okay? I asked myself, and then I tried to think about the causes of heat stroke, one of which was lack of sleep, excessive fatigue. It's true that I haven't slept enough lately and haven't rested well.

I gave myself a diagnosis: heat stroke!

Common causes of heat stroke: High heat, high humidity weather is easy to make people heat stroke. Because old age, malnutrition, lack of sleep, excessive fatigue, mental stress, wearing tight trench coats and pants, drinking alcohol, etc. are common triggers for heat stroke.

Early manifestations of heat stroke: thirst, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, hyperhidrosis, fatigue, weakness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, palpitations, dry redness or pallor, normal or elevated body temperature, etc.

Serious consequences of heat stroke: Heat stroke can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Among them, the fatality rate of heat stroke caused by heat stroke is extremely high. The mortality rate of severe heat stroke above 40 °C is 41.7%, and if it exceeds 42 °C, the case fatality rate is 81.3%.

Fortunately, my body temperature was 37.5 ° C at the time, but I was really uncomfortable, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches...

Emergency doctors took the initiative to expose: after the misdiagnosis, I began to save myself...

So I started "self-help"!


I began drinking warm boiled water cup after cup. Thirst caused by heat stroke is a manifestation of dehydration, I want to quickly replenish water, this time can not drink cold water or ice water, warm boiled water is the best choice. Don't eat any cold watermelon, because my gastrointestinal tract is very fragile at this time, and cold things can aggravate diarrhea.


More than 20 times of diarrhea left me sore and weak, and I began to use oral anti-diarrhea drugs. Because I know that frequent diarrhea can lead to dehydration, and severe diarrhea can cause electrolyte disorders.


I turned on the air conditioner to 25°C and then showered with water at 37°C. At this time, you can't use too cold water to cool down, because I am only a precursor to heat stroke, but if the heat stroke person has unconsciousness and convulsions, this time should use a lot of cold water, or even ice water to quickly cool down.


After taking a shower, I sat on the couch and drank boiled water with the air conditioner, and I found the oral rehydration salt, mixed it with a good ratio, and drank it. Then I went to the kitchen and cooked a big bowl of rice porridge, and drank it all into my stomach. At this time, it is not recommended to eat greasy food, and you should eat something light to replenish your strength.

After this treatment, I felt that the symptoms of discomfort were obviously alleviated, and then I had diarrhea 2 times, but the interval was very long, and at the same time, because I drank a lot of water, I went to urinate 3 times, and the color of the urine changed from dark yellow to yellowish. I also had strength in my body, and this time I knew that my "self-help" method was working.

Humid and sweltering weather can easily lead to heat stroke, and the mortality rate of heat stroke caused by heat stroke is extremely high.

Prevention of heat stroke

1. Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep.

2. Avoid long-term outdoor work, outdoor work should wear long sleeves, avoid naked upper body.

3. Indoor ventilation, avoid doors and windows closed for a long time.

4. Wash your hands and face with cool water every 2 hours.

5. Enhance resistance, regulate emotions, and pay attention to rest.

First aid measures for heat stroke

1. Stop moving and rest in a cool, airy environment.

2. Remove excess or tight clothing.

3. Physical cooling (cool cool wet towel on the patient's head and torso to cool down, or place ice packs under the patient's armpits, neck side and groin).

4. In severe cases, muscles will twitch involuntarily due to heat stroke. When this happens, do not put anything in the patient's mouth, do not deliberately bind his convulsive limbs, and can use soft objects to pad under the patient's body. If vomiting occurs, tilt the patient's head to one side to ensure that the airway is unobstructed and to prevent aspiration.

5. Regardless of the severity of symptoms, you must seek medical attention in time.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone again: don't feel that heat stroke is far away from us, my experience is an example. Don't think that heat stroke has no serious consequences, there are really many cases of death due to heat stroke caused by heat stroke every year. Good prevention of heat stroke and early treatment of heat stroke are quite critical.