
Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

author:Little Dragon Audio-Visual Workshop

"Ride the Wind and Waves" has reached the third season, although many viewers no longer feel fresh about the model of the show, but there are still many topics around the 30 sisters. After going through round after round of performances, the show finally came to an end, but it is clear that the impact of this journey on the sisters will not end immediately. Without this show, perhaps many sisters would not have established contact, such as Zhang Qiang and Zhao Yingzi.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

In the third season of "Riding the Wind and Waves", there is an anti-internal volume master, she is Zhang Qiang. Although she is the same age as Na Ying, it is obvious that Zhang Qiang did not show so much momentum in the show, and there was very little presentation in the dance aspect of the show, and she also publicly said in the live broadcast that she wanted to retire prematurely. When the sisters prepared for the last time, the other sisters showed reluctance, but Zhang Qiang directly and happily said that it was finally over, obviously she had long wanted to "leave work".

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

Although there are also some viewers who are accustomed to watching the sisters work hard to understand Zhang Qiang's performance, there are still many viewers who like Zhang Qiang's real and unpretentious personality. Although she does not "fight" much, her performance in several programs in which Zhang Qiang participated is quite good and has a lot of memory. And although she did not show too strong sense of competition, it did not mean that she and other sisters did not establish friendships, many sisters still like her, Zhao Yingzi is one of them.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

Although in the first few episodes of the third season, Zhao Yingzi's performance was controversial, many viewers felt fortunate that she was eliminated in the second round, otherwise they did not know what kind of unexpected "surprises" it would bring. But there are also some viewers who later feel that the show without her seems to be a little dull, and the days of not seeing her are a little missed. There were still some spectators who watched the hilarity and did not expect Zhao Yingzi to be resurrected, but there was no resurrection match in the schedule of the third season.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

When "Riding the Wind and Waves" was first broadcast, Zhang Qiang had posted a photo with Zhao Yingzi and encouraged Zhao Yingzi alone. In fact, at that time, the second round of public performances had been recorded, and Zhao Yingzi had been eliminated. Zhao Yingzi called Zhang Qiang "Mommy", and Zhang Qiang also called Zhao Yingzi her daughter that time. Later, Zhang Qiang also introduced the process of her relationship with Zhao Yingzi in the live broadcast, and once Zhao Yingzi was afraid that Zhang Qiang leng took the initiative to give a dress to Zhang Qiang to wear, which was actually a love story.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

Although based on the impression of Zhao Yingzi, many people try their best to portray Zhao Yingzi as an image without her sister interacting with her, in fact, Zhang Qiang, Zhang Xinyi, Tranquility, Zhong Xintong, Zhao Meng and others have interacted with her, and she also has courtesy exchanges, and everyone is not as embarrassed and undignified as many people say. And every time Zhao Yingzi took the initiative to comment on Zhang Qiang, in fact, it was because she appeared in Zhang Qiang's picture, and she did not "have nothing to offer" as some malicious interpreters said.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

After the end of the group night recording of the third season of "Riding the Wind and Waves", Zhang Qiang also couldn't wait to post on the social media platform, saying that she was very happy that night. Zhang Qiang said that her fifties are the age for women to retire, but she has just begun. She said that her husband said that she could live to be 115 years old, and she herself felt that even if she lived to be more than ninety years old, she was already satisfied. These sentences seem to have little logic, but they reveal Zhang Qiang's ease.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

Zhang Qiang's post was accompanied by a total of 18 pictures, all of which were pictures during the recording process of "Riding the Wind and Waves", which also had a photo with Zhao Yingzi, who also commented: "Love you, Mommy!" I'm lucky to have met you so happily on this journey. Zhang Qiang also generously replied: "We all have to be happy!" Riding the wind and breaking the waves, being a woman is still the happiest. And with a flying kiss expression, it looks playful and cute.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

Zhang Qiang's reply to Zhao Yingzi has also triggered various interpretations of netizens, and some people think that this is just a sentence written by Zhang Qiang with her own mood, because it can be seen that Zhang Qiang is actually not adapted to the competition, so the calm and calm is just her own wish. But some people feel that this is a advice to Zhao Yingzi, telling her not to think too much about "making waves", or it is better to calm the wind and waves. This is obviously the interpretation made by some netizens on behalf of their own evaluation of Zhao Yingzi.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

Showbiz is naturally a circle where personal relationships are amplified by viewers. Because they live under the public eye, every tiny interaction of an artist is likely to be interpreted by the audience in a variety of ways. And "Riding the Wind and Waves" gathers 30 female artists at one time, and the relationship between everyone inside and outside the show is also talked about by the melon eaters, but sometimes these discussions will have some speculative implications, and some speculation is actually unnecessary, and it does not have to be so true.

Zhang Qiang replied to Zhao Yingzi: Being a woman is still the happiest

Some people advise Zhang Qiang not to pay attention to Zhao Yingzi because she likes Zhang Qiang and does not like Zhao Yingzi, but Zhang Qiang obviously has her philosophy of life, she still treats Zhao Yingzi kindly, and is not affected by the outside world, which is also the embodiment of open-mindedness and wisdom. Fans want to teach artists to do things, fans quarrel to affect the relationship between artists, such a situation occurs in the show business circle. Although it may not be malicious, sometimes fans and netizens do not need to be too sincere to try to coerce the artist's social networking, and the sense of proportion is very important.

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