
In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

author:Walking Luoyang shovel history video

In March 1933, Zhang Xueliang came south to Shanghai, and the purpose of his trip was only one, that is, to quit the drug addiction that was harmful but not beneficial.

The reason why he chose to come to Shanghai to rehabilitate himself was because he had heard about du Yuesheng's precedent of successful drug rehabilitation. And Zhang Xueliang himself has not rehabilitated from drugs, but due to the environmental restrictions in which he is located, his detoxification has repeatedly failed!

But when du Yuesheng came here, Zhang Xueliang had a strange appearance in the process of detoxification, and on the night of the first day of detoxification, Zhang Xueliang actually had no pain and slept very sweetly. This is obviously abnormal, and there must be a reason for it.

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

So the next day, Du Yuesheng said: "Young marshal, in order for you to get rid of drugs as soon as possible, please change your bed today!" ”

So, why did Du Yuesheng replace Zhang Xueliang's bed? What is Zhang Xueliang's detoxification process?

Zhang Xueliang became addicted to drugs

In fact, Zhang Xueliang has been smoking opium for a long time. In 1928, Zhang Zuolin's Emperor Gutun was killed by the Japanese Kwantung Army, and Zhang Xueliang was urgently appointed as the commander-in-chief of the security of the three eastern provinces and began to govern the northeast.

At this time, he was only 27 years old, he ruled the vast territory of the northeast at a young age, and there were thousands of troops and horses under his command, and the heavy pressure on his shoulders could be imagined, so in order to alleviate the mental pressure during that time, his demand for drugs was extremely amazing.

But in fact, Zhang Xueliang's first exposure to drugs began in 1924! At that time, the Second Zhifeng War broke out, but after several fierce battles, it could not be won. Zhang Xueliang, as the supreme military commander in this battle, was extremely nervous and had no way to vent, so he began to smoke opium for the first time to anesthetize himself.

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

The first time he smoked opium, Zhang Xueliang was not addicted, but the ethereal and otherworldly feeling brought about by opium smoking made him unable to extricate himself for a long time.

In 1925, Guo Songling was killed in a failed rebellion against Feng, causing a huge blow to Zhang Xueliang.

The friendship between Zhang Xueliang and Guo Songling can be said to be intimate, and he is almost unreservedly delegating power. Zhang Xueliang once said: "I am Maochen (Guo Songling character Maochen), and Maochen is me." ”

In that chaotic era, Guo Songling could not only strictly demand himself, but also supervise Zhang Xueliang and ask Zhang Xueliang: Don't get involved in the bad habits of warlords and bureaucrats.

Guo Songling's teaching to Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Zuolin also saw in his eyes, and also said to Zhang Xueliang: "Han Qing (Zhang Xueliang character Han Qing) in addition to his wife you can not share with him, even eat a fruit to share him." ”

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Guo Songling

For the death of his best friend, Zhang Xueliang used poison to dispel his sorrows and smoked opium again. Zhang Xueliang's personality is unrestrained, and he has no ability to restrain himself, coupled with the fact that after Guo Songling's death, there is one less person to discipline him, and since then Zhang Xueliang has gradually become addicted to opium.

In 1928, after the Huanggutun Incident, Zhang Xueliang hated Japan to the bone, and after seizing the power of the northeast, he repeatedly drew his sword against the Japanese army, but he lacked qualifications, limited prestige, and could not convince the public, and most of the officers under his command were yang and yin. Several battles with the Japanese army failed, which made Zhang Xueliang even more bored, and he could only anesthetize himself with drugs.

Zhang Xueliang was drugged for the first time

In fact, would Zhang Xueliang not know the harm of opium? He also admitted that opium smoking was a disgraceful act, so in the summer of 1928, Zhang Xueliang decided to quit drugs and said to others: "How can a living person be restrained by a dead object." "So an order was also issued prohibiting soldiers from smoking opium.

But what he didn't know was that by this time the three eastern provinces were full of Japanese spies. After Japan learned of Zhang Xueliang's need to rehabilitate from drugs, a conspiracy against him was formed.

At that time, Japan released a message saying that there was an injectable drug in Japan called Pavonnauru, which had an excellent effect on quitting opium.

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

After Zhang Xueliang knew about it, he immediately ordered his personal doctor Ma Yangwu to inject him. After the injection, it was really useful at the beginning, Zhang Xueliang not only smoked less opium, but also gradually improved his spirit.

But over time, Zhang Xueliang found a problem, although he could not smoke opium for the time being, but he could not do without this injection drug. Once stopped, the symptoms produced were very similar to the episodes of opium addiction, and more seriously, as the number of injections increased, Zhang Xueliang's symptoms of addiction became more pronounced, and in order to satisfy Zhang Xueliang, he injected more times a day than the previous day.

Even when Zhang Xueliang met guests and held banquets, Zhang Xueliang had to leave every once in a while for injections, and his body gradually began to weaken and his spirits were weak.

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Zhang Xueliang after drug abuse

Once, Wang Jingwei, then president of the Executive Yuan of the National Government, came to Beiping to work, passed by Zhang Xueliang's home, and wanted to come in to visit. And Zhang Xueliang injected a shot to boost his spirit and came out to talk with Wang Jingwei, which lasted for about an hour before and after, when the addiction came up again, Zhang Xueliang went to the toilet as an excuse and came out to call the doctor to give himself an injection. After the injection was completed, he quickly went in to talk to Wang Jingwei.

However, Wang Jingwei believed that this was Zhang Xueliang's position as the commander-in-chief of the northeast, and he looked down on him, and finally left Zhang Fu with anger, and from then on, he resented Zhang Xue's conscience and targeted him everywhere.

Because of the lesson of the matter, Zhang Xueliang immediately sent someone to thoroughly investigate this drug. After some investigation, it was found that this drug contained morphine, which was an upgraded version of opium. The reason why Zhang Xueliang felt better after injecting drugs in the early stage was because the drug power of morphine was stronger than opium. Therefore, Zhang Xueliang put all the responsibility for addiction on the private doctor Ma Yangwu, accusing him of not distinguishing between true and false, and it was his dereliction of duty that caused his current tragic situation, and he was driven to the street in anger.

After the "918 Incident", especially when Japan seized the opportunity to occupy Rehe, no one throughout the country did not condemn Zhang Xueliang, saying that he was a traitor, and it was because of him that he led to the fall of the great rivers and mountains in northeast China.

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Zhang Xueliang gradually began to be annoyed, anxious, angry, depressed, these negative emotions overwhelmed him, so Zhang Xueliang once again borrowed poison to dispel his sorrows, and the number of opium and morphine injections increased.

At this time, he was just in his early thirties, he should have been majestic and heroic, and the spring breeze was proud, but under the pressure of drugs, he became a skinny and old-fashioned "little old man".

Zhang Xueliang was completely determined to quit drugs!

"I've had enough!" In March 1933, the name of "General of Non-Resistance" overwhelmed Zhang Xueliang and began to be pessimistic about the future, and he wanted to leave.

So he resigned, quietly went south, and came to Shanghai to live in seclusion. Although he is still a good food in Shanghai, because of his perennial drug use, his body is full of needle eyes, and the muscles in his arms, thighs and other parts have even begun to gradually atrophy and harden, and in some places, the needles cannot be inserted.

When Duan Rui (a reporter and Chiang Kai-shek's personal adviser) first visited Zhang Xueliang in Shanghai, he felt that his face was lifeless, almost terminally ill, and worthless to anyone.

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Old Shanghai

After all, Zhang Xueliang was a former young marshal, and there were still some people who were willing to follow him. In order to persuade Zhang Xueliang to quit drugs, they can be said to have exhausted all their strength.

Duan Rui persuaded Zhang Xueliang that he must quit drugs, otherwise his life would soon be over. In his early years, Duan Rui became famous for tracking the Russo-Japanese War and exposing the "Twenty-One Articles" signed by Yuan Shikai and the Japanese, and was a very famous journalist with great prestige in Shanghai. Duan Rui usually talks to Zhang Xueliang in English, but in order to persuade Zhang Xueliang to quit drugs, he rarely speaks of Chinese.

Duan Rui said: "The young marshal might as well take the opportunity to go to the wilderness to fully rehabilitate from drugs, wash his heart and face, recuperate his body, revitalize his body and spirit, be angry and strong, and be a real big husband." Although Duan Rui's Chinese is slightly unfamiliar, the three words "big husband" are particularly powerful.

And Song Ziwen's words made Zhang Xueliang suddenly realize that he decided to turn back to the prodigal son. Song Ziwen said: "Although the young marshal was forced to go to the field, he also concurrently served as the deputy commander of the army, navy and air force of the Republic of China, and if you continue to give people the impression of 'the sick man of East Asia', then foreigners will say', 'The reason why the general does not resist is that it is the sick man of East Asia!'" ’”

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Song Ziwen

After listening to this, Zhang Xueliang suddenly woke up to the fact that if he did not quit gambling, he would regret it for life, and even unable to avenge his father's killing to the Japanese army, and national shame and family hatred would become an empty word. So Zhang Xueliang made up his mind that even if he fought for his life, he would quit drug addiction.

In order to prevent the recurrence of the previous experience of detoxification failure, Zhang Xueliang first gathered people in the house after deciding to detoxify, telling them: "From today on, no matter how difficult anyone sees me in the process of detoxification, you will not pay attention to me, if someone sends me drugs, you will shoot him!" With a "snap" he put the pistol on the table.

Yu Fengzhi and Miss Zhao Si both looked forward to Zhang Xueliang's rehab from drugs, but at present, Zhang Xueliang is thin and weak, with yellow muscles, how can he suffer from drug rehabilitation? I could see the determined expression on Zhang Xueliang's face, and it was difficult to say anything in front of everyone.

In desperation, Yu Fengzhi came to Zhang Xueliang's room and whispered, "Han Qing, we are all very happy that you can quit drugs, but your body... I wonder if I would like to ask the doctor's opinion first? ”

"Doctor? Hum! Do you remember my first drug rehab? It's all because of them, otherwise I would have quit drugs a long time ago! Zhang Xueliang suddenly stood up and said.

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Yu Fengzhi

Looking at her angry husband, Yu Fengzhi was not angry, she remembered the experience of the last drug rehabilitation, it was simply unbearable, no drug rehabilitation, but addicted to the more toxic morphine. This incident made Zhang Xueliang have a prejudice against doctors: doctors can treat diseases and save people, detoxification, they don't have that skill!

Yu Fengzhi said, "Han Qing, there are indeed bad people among the doctors, but I firmly believe that there are still many good people, and most of them have the quality of hanging pots and saving the world." You are now physically weak in Thailand, and forced drug rehabilitation may not necessarily survive, and you can only decide if you let the doctor examine it. For the sake of the Northeast Father, for your ambition and determination. ”

Yu Fengzhi's words were reasonable, which impressed Zhang Xueliang, and Zhang Xueliang finally agreed to her suggestion.

Zhang Xueliang successfully rehabilitated from drugs!

Over the next few days, people inquired about ways to quit drugs while looking for a suitable doctor.

At this time, Du Yuesheng knew the news and came to Zhang Xueliang's home to visit. Du Yuesheng first asked Zhang Xueliang whether he had made up his mind to quit drugs, and after receiving a positive reply, Du Yuesheng lifted his sleeve: "Young Marshal, I can recommend a doctor to you, my former drug addiction was cured by him for me." ”

Du Yuesheng was also a severe drug addict, and Zhang Xueliang saw the dense pinhole marks on his arm and said in a very pleading tone: "Please, please." ”

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Du Yuesheng

The next day, Du Yuesheng invited a doctor named Miller to his home. Dr. Miller, an American of German nationality, is a well-known doctor in Shanghai who has cured many stubborn diseases.

Dr. Miller had long heard of Zhang Xueliang's name, but he regretted Zhang Xueliang's addiction to drugs, and at the recommendation of Du Yuesheng, he was determined to help Zhang Xueliang quit drug addiction.

Miller carefully examined Zhang Xueliang and made sure he had no other diseases, then said: "It's just that he is weak and can be detoxified." Seeing Miller's abrupt appearance, Zhang Xueliang asked, "Mr. Miller, do you have anything else to say?" ”

"Well, I'll tell you." If you want to quit drugs, it is very painful for your current body, I can help you to quit drugs, but the price is that in the first few days you will experience torture-like torture, and your body will be like overturning the river and the sea, whether you can survive it depends on your will. ”

Zhang Xueliang heard Miller's hesitation, and he smiled and said, "Rest assured, I will definitely be able to survive, I still have a deep vendetta and a big grudge that has not been resolved!" ”

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Drug Rehabilitation Center of the Republic of China

So after sufficient preparation, Miller began to formally detoxify Zhang Xueliang. But at the same time, Miller also made three demands:

First, your wife Yu Fengzhi and Miss Zhao Si must quit drugs at the same time;

Second, during the period of drug rehabilitation, all of Zhang Xueliang's servants and guards were handed over to Dr. Miller under the command of Dr. Miller;

Third, let the group of private doctors who have been around Zhang Xueliang all day all leave.

Song Ziwen, on the other hand, carried Zhang Xueliang behind his back and summoned his servants to a small meeting, reminding them that from now on, they should strictly abide by Miller's instructions and that no one should approach Zhang Xueliang and his wife in drug rehabilitation.

When everything is ready, the drug rehab begins.

Miller first gave Zhang Xueliang an enema and gave him an anesthetic, first letting him rest at ease and survive the first day of drug addiction. I thought that the first day was the most difficult, but the result was that Zhang Xueliang slept particularly sweetly that night, and there was no movement in the closed room!

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Zhang Xueliang woke up and did nothing to surprise everyone! This unusual withdrawal reaction is not normal! Although Miller had some ideas about this, it was Du Yuesheng who recommended him after all. In order not to tear his face and embarrass the situation, he looked for Du Yuesheng for the first time!

After informing Du Yuesheng of the situation, Du Yuesheng was silent for a while, but he quickly understood the cattiness in it! As a big on the beach, what means can hide from his eyes? What's more, he himself had personally experienced the pain of drug rehabilitation, and Zhang Xueliang's reaction was absolutely abnormal!

So Du Yuesheng came to Zhang Xueliang's room and said casually: "Young Marshal, in order for you to get rid of drugs as soon as possible, please change your bed today." ”

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Xueliang was also full of embarrassment! It turned out that when the bed was carried out of the room for inspection, it was found that Zhang Xueliang's bed was stuffed with drugs, whether it was bedding, sheets, pillows and other places where drugs were hidden. It turned out that this move was actually used by Zhang Xueliang's subordinates when they were afraid that Zhang Xueliang would not be able to stop him, so that he could relieve himself!

After realizing his mistake, Zhang Xueliang felt very ashamed, he could not make up his mind to quit drugs, how could he just give up his previous achievements? So Zhang Xueliang told Song Ziwen: "If someone hides drugs for me, you will shoot him!" From this moment on, Miller said the fourth rule: No one can approach Zhang Xueliang's room without Miller's permission!

However, at this time, for Zhang Xueliang, the real drug rehabilitation has just begun.

Miller's method of detoxification is to attack the poison with poison, he first let the patient take the drug that can make the whole body foam, and then draw the liquid from the bubble and inject it into the patient's body, while drawing out the rotten blood, while injecting new blood. The first few days of drug rehabilitation are the most difficult stages for patients to survive.

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

On the night of the first day of drug rehabilitation, Zhang Xueliang had a drug addiction attack, and he could not bear to hit the wall with his head, and his sound was like a snare drum, even if it was separated by a wall, everyone outside the room could hear this "bang bang" sound like thunder. As time passed, the "bang" sound became smaller and slower, and its frequency became slower and slower, and finally the room fell silent to the extreme.

A moment later, Maitreya entered the room, only to see Zhang Xueliang convulsing, is enduring the torture caused by the drug addiction attack, and Zhang Xueliang clenched his hands, struggling in pain, clenched fists are blood red, from time to time will drop a drop of blood, seeing such a situation, Miller sincerely admired Zhang Xueliang's tenacious will.

The next day, after completing the examination of Zhang Xueliang, Miller decided to give him an injection, first giving him sleeping pills and then injecting him. Because Zhang Xueliang has a shadow on the needle. When Miller gave Zhang Xueliang an injection, his mouth still came from time to time: "I don't give injections, I don't give injections, you all go out!" ”

After a while, Miller came to see Zhang Xueliang in his sleep, and said to Duan Rui, who was taking care of him: "Sir, as a doctor, I naturally don't want Mr. Zhang to suffer such a crime, but there is no way, if you want to successfully rehabilitate from drugs, you must do so, detoxification has never had any special medicine, relying on the patient's will beyond ordinary people." Based on my observations in the past few days, Mr. Zhang's will is very firm, as long as he passes through this stage, Mr. Zhang's successful detoxification days will not be far away. ”

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

In order to prevent Zhang Xueliang from hurting himself again during the drug rehabilitation process, Miller ordered someone to tie Zhang Xueliang firmly to the bedpost. When the drug addiction recurred, Zhang Xueliang issued a heart-rending scream as usual, although some cotton was stuffed in the bound parts of the body to prevent friction, but the uninterrupted vigorous tearing and twisting still made Zhang Xueliang's skin ooze blood! The entourage outside the door heard the scream of that sound, although they were eager to help Zhang Xueliang to liberate himself, but because Zhang Xueliang had strict orders before, he could only expect in his heart: "Young Marshal, you must survive!" ”

During the first five days of drug rehabilitation, Zhang Xueliang endured such torture every day. After five days, Zhang Xueliang's pain gradually decreased, and the frequency of drug addiction attacks was also reduced. Half a month later, Zhang Xueliang, with his will beyond ordinary people, finally defeated the "nightmare" that made him miserable and successfully quit drugs.

After a period of recuperation, Zhang Xueliang's body gradually improved, and his mental outlook slowly improved, Zhang Xueliang also said: "After my successful drug rehabilitation, it is as if my whole body has changed blood, although my body is still very weak, but my heart is full of hope!" ”

In 1933, Zhang Xueliang decided to rehabilitate from drugs, and on the first day, there was no trouble, and Du Yuesheng found the clue: changing the bed

Zhang Xueliang after successful drug rehabilitation (left)

In order to express his gratitude to Miller, Zhang Xueliang personally came to the door to thank him after successful drug rehabilitation, and offered 50,000 pieces of ocean with both hands as a thank you gift.

Although Zhang Xueliang has an unshirkable responsibility for the occurrence of the "918" incident, he is still a patriotic general no matter what! Moreover, from the perspective of the "drug rehabilitation incident", Zhang Xueliang still has the courage and perseverance that ordinary people can't reach, if he hadn't blindly obeyed the orders of the Nanjing government and misjudged, Zhang Xueliang would probably have been a figure like a hero throughout the ages!


Du Yuesheng forced Zhang Xueliang to quit drugs: trapped in bed and left to struggle

About the famous general Zhang Xueliang and drug rehabilitation

Zhang Xueliang's drug rehabilitation

Why did Zhang Xueliang become addicted to drugs? And how did you quit?

The Legend of Zhang Xueliang in the Century: Oral Records by Wang Shujun

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