
Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health

Autumn is about to start, and many people like the autumn high and refreshing autumn, melon and fruit fragrance. But for some people with low immunity, this is a very difficult season.

"Li Qiu" custom

Nibble on autumn melon

In the south, there is a custom of "eating autumn melon in autumn", and eating more watermelon on this day of autumn to prevent autumn dryness and form a custom for a long time.

Paste autumn fat

Folk popular on the day of liqiu to weigh people with hanging scales, compare weight with lixia to test fat and thin, weight loss is called "bitter summer"

Worship the god of the land

Autumn is the season of harvest, and folk worship the gods of the land to celebrate the harvest.

Autumn morning and evening temperature difference, dry weather, some people will cough, constipation and other symptoms, this time to eat some moist and dry fruits is a good choice, but it should be noted that in the autumn, there are three kinds of fruits recommended that you do not eat more, which three kinds of fruits? Let's take a look

1. Guiyuan

Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

The normal period of guiyuan fruit is in July to August, and it can be peeled off and eaten freshly, and can also be dried and eaten medicinally. Fresh cinnamon meat is extremely tender, sweet and juicy, and its nutritional value is beyond the reach of many fruits. It contains protein, carbohydrates, crude fiber, niacin, vitamin C, vitamin K and other nutrients, as well as calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

Regular food can replenish blood and improve the body's immunity, but it is such a tonic that belongs to warm fruit, and it is easy to get on fire when eating, especially in dry weather.

2. Mango

Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

Mango is a relatively sweet fruit, the appearance is also very high, but its sugar content is also relatively high, so when eating mango we still have to strictly control the amount.

3. Lychee

Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

Although the lychee is good, it should not be eaten in autumn, on the one hand, the sugar content and glycemic index of the lychee are very high, and the second is that the lychee is hot and dry, and it is easy to get on fire in autumn. So it is better to eat less in autumn.

So what fruits are suitable for eating in autumn?

A must-eat fruit in autumn — pears

Pears were called "the sect of hundred fruits" by the ancients, and are especially suitable for eating in autumn. It is cool and moist, can moisturize the lungs, relieve cough and asthma.

The kind of pear

First of all, let's talk about the snowflake pear, which has high medical value, and is more prominent in coughing and moisturizing the lungs, sobering and detoxifying;

Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

In addition, we commonly have duck pear, duck pear is the most degreasing, if you eat greasy things, and then eat duck pear to dissolve, the effect is very good;

Then there is a common Korla pear, which is smaller and sweeter and more suitable for children.

Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

Of course, no matter what kind of pear, our daily consumption should be controlled at 200-350 grams.


Sydney egg custard

Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

Ingredients: 1 pear, 2 eggs, rice noodles

Preparation Method:

1. Wash and peel the pear, cut the pear into small pieces,

Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

2. Prepare two eggs and beat them into a bowl,

3. Pour the pear pieces into the egg mixture, place them in a steamer, steam on high heat for 15-20 minutes, cool enough to be edible and eat.

Sydney egg soup is simple in material, simple in practice, suitable for the elderly to eat, both satiety and nutrition, eggs in lecithin and protein content, beneficial to health.


Sydney rice cake

Autumn is coming soon! These 3 kinds of fruits must be eaten less! Cough on the fire to find the door, especially the third type, many people do not know

Ingredients: pear, rice flour, glutinous rice

Preparation method: Peel and pit the pear, steam it in the pot, mash it with a spoon, add an appropriate amount of glutinous rice to stir, after the steamer is gasified, put in the prepared ingredients, steam until the glutinous rice is cooked thoroughly, cool and cut into pieces.

This Sydney rice cake can be used as a staple food and can be eaten as a daily snack, not only the taste is very soft and sticky, but also the nutrition is balanced.