
Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

author:First Chef

"Before and after the summer, the clothes are soaked", after the ambush, the weather watched as it became hotter and hotter day by day, sent away the first volt, ushered in the middle volt, and it was very close to autumn.

Now into the middle volt, the temperature is considered to have reached the peak of this summer heat, out of the house people will be surrounded by heat waves, internal heat and external fire make people feel very irritable, such weather, resistance will inevitably decline, in order to be healthier in the autumn, this middle volt day, we must "raise" the body.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

As the old saying goes: "Eat the Three Treasures in the middle of the ambush, and there is no trouble in autumn and winter." ", if you want to easily spend the middle of the day, into the autumn do not look for the doctor, we must eat more of these 3 treasures, many people do not know what these 3 treasures specifically refer to, and how to eat? I'm going to share it with you today.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

First, chicken

Since entering the three volt days, we must pay attention to health, as the saying goes: "eat a chicken in the ambush, a good body for a year", from ancient times, it is recommended to eat chicken in the summer, eat chicken in the three volt day, not only to add more nutrition to the body, simple and delicious steamed chicken can bring health to this summer.

Recommended recipe: 【Steamed chicken in water】

1. Prepare half a chai chicken, first chop off the chicken feet, put them in the basin for later, then add green onion slices and ginger slices, add 1 gram of salt, appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove fishy, light soy sauce, grasp well with your hands, marinate for 10 minutes.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

2. Take a small pot, add a shiitake mushroom, 2 small pieces of corn, 4 red dates, a few goji berries, and a small handful of yellow cauliflower.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

3. After marinating the chicken, pour the side dishes into the chicken basin and mix well, and then cover the side dishes all under the chicken, so as to avoid the steamed chicken being too greasy, and then seal it with plastic wrap and use a toothpick to prick a few breathing holes on it.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

4. Boil water in the pot and put the grate, put in the chicken after the water boils, cover the pot lid, change to medium heat and steam continuously for 40 minutes.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

5. When the time comes, take out the steamed chicken, put it in another basin, put the side dishes, and finally put a coriander to garnish, and the delicious taste is ready.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

2. Beanstalk

Eat beans in the middle of the volt, and the body is good in autumn and winter. In this stage of the middle volt to the autumn, the body resistance declines, it is easy to get sick, the beans are very nutritious green vegetables, can help the body to detoxify, in order to be better in the autumn and winter, in the summer must eat more beans.

Recommended recipe: 【Home-style fried beans】

1. Prepare a handful of long beans, first remove the roots, then cut into 8 cm long segments, put into a dish, a small handful of garlic cut into garlic slices, half a slice of red pepper cut into strips, put into a small basin, and then put in a few red peppers for later.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

2. Boil the water, boil the water and add the cut beans, flip it a few times with a spoon, blanch the water for about 2 minutes, and pour out the controlled water.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

3. Add half a spoonful of cooking oil to the pot, pour in the beans and stir-fry quickly, fry until the beans are slightly yellow on both sides, pour out the oil control, add a little cooking oil to the pot, add garlic slices and red peppers to fry, after frying the garlic flavor, pour the beans and stir-fry a few times, start seasoning.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

4. Add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of sugar to fresh, 2 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 3 grams of extremely fresh taste, stir-fry on high heat for 15 seconds, dissolve all the spices, delicious.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

3. Yellow eel

As the saying goes: "Eat an eel in summer and a ginseng in winter." ", most people in the middle of the day will appear bitter summer phenomenon, need to nourish the body, the yellow eel of the day is a "live ginseng", eat more in the summer, there is a great benefit to our body.

Recommended recipe: 【Braised eel】

1. Prepare about a pound of eel, first remove the efferate of the eel, lay flat on the cutting board, hit the flower knife, and then cut into 3 to 4 cm long segments, put into a small pot, a small handful of garlic cut into segments, half a green onion cut into green onions, ginger a piece cut into ginger slices, and then put in a small handful of red dried peppers for later. Cut half an onion into slices, a green pepper into pieces, and a red pepper half into chunks for color matching.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the eel section under cool water, push it with a spoon a few times, blanch the water for a minute, remove the mucus on the surface of the eel, pour it into a colander, rinse twice with water.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

3. Add cooking oil to another pot, the oil temperature is 60% hot when the eel section, the oil is poured out for about 15 seconds to control the oil, the eel through the high temperature lubricating oil, can instantly lock the water, increase the tender taste of the outer crisp.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

4. Add a spoonful of cooking oil to the pot, pour garlic to fry fragrantly, pour in a colander with oil, add half a spoon of cooking oil to the pot, pour in the onion ginger and red dried pepper to stir-fry, add 5 grams of watercress sauce, 3 grams of oyster sauce, stir-fry, pour in green and red peppers and onions, stir-fry a few times, pour in the right amount of water, and start seasoning.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

5. Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove fishiness, a small amount of soy sauce, white pepper, sugar, then pour in the eel segments and fried garlic, and then add a little old soy sauce to tone the background.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

6. Change to medium-low heat and continue to cook for 3 minutes, so that the eel slowly into the flavor, then hook a little water starch, drizzle a little bright oil, simply stir-fry evenly, delicious.

Zhongfu eat more of this "3 treasures", into the autumn do not look for the doctor, 3 treasures refer to what? Seasonal dishes, don't know how to eat

Well, today's gourmet recipe is shared here, if you have different practices and suggestions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, thank you for reading, we will see you in the next issue.