
Confinement on a hot day, the new mother to do two no, three wants, not only not guilty, but also live comfortably

author:Qi misses her mother

Xiao Li from our office is from the north, has been in Guangdong for a few years, and also found a local, Xiao Li grew up in the north.

This northern girl is very unaccustomed to our south, often complaining in front of us that the summer in Guangdong is too long, august, the temperature is still high.

No, her due date is approaching. The expectant mother got a little nervous and said; The summer in Guangdong is already hot, but the expected delivery period encounters a big heat, and it feels uncomfortable to think about.

Not only Xiao Li, in fact, there are many new mothers who are afraid of confinement in the summer, thinking that the summer is already hot, coupled with some taboos of confinement, just like Xiao Li thinks about it and feels sad.

Confinement on a hot day, the new mother to do two no, three wants, not only not guilty, but also live comfortably

Confinement on hot days, new mothers to do two do not and three to do, not only not to be guilty, but also to live comfortably, as long as the new mother masters the correct method, the hot day confinement can also be very comfortable. So what if two and three are?

First of all, to achieve "two don'ts", what are these two don'ts?

(1) Do not cover

When it comes to confinement, the older generation of the saying requires the new mother to dress tightly when confinement, preferably wrapped in three outer layers like a meat dumpling.

To be honest, doing this is not good for the new mom.

We all know that new mothers will have some changes in their bodies after childbirth, the excretion of the skin is getting stronger and stronger, and the body is always wet.

Just like wearing too much in winter, the heat in the body cannot be emitted, and it is always easy to clog pores under the "soaking" of their own sweat.

Confinement on a hot day, the new mother to do two no, three wants, not only not guilty, but also live comfortably

If the situation is more serious in the summer, the weather is already hot, and the new mother wraps herself up from head to toe, and if she does not handle it well, there may be a bad situation such as heat stroke.

If the sweat on the body is not dried and then blown by the wind, it is easy to get a cold, and then it is not worth the loss.

Therefore, confinement on a hot day, the new mother remembers not to cover too tightly.

(2) Don't be greedy

On a hot day, the new mother sits in confinement and bathes to avoid greed. In the hot summer, we Cantonese people take a bath and many people take a cold shower.

But on hot days, confinement mothers, do not take a cold shower for the sake of physical well-being.

Confinement on a hot day, the new mother to do two no, three wants, not only not guilty, but also live comfortably

Because this kind of greedy behavior will have a bad impact on the body.

Postpartum cold will cause the qi and blood to stagnate, so that lochia cannot be discharged smoothly. The water for the mother to bathe after childbirth should be close to the body temperature, and it is appropriate to be about 37 ° C.

Then do the "three points", what are these three points?

(1) Diet should adhere to the four principles of "less, more, water and soft"

After childbirth, mothers should eat "less, more, water, soft" on hot days, and avoid "cold, raw, cold".

Summer is relatively hot, and the appetite of new mothers is relatively poor, so we must adhere to the four principles of "less, more, water, and soft".

"Less" means eating fewer and more meals, and not eating too much at a time.

"More" is to diversify, all kinds of food to eat some, and the color should be richer, green vegetables, red meat, yellow fruits, white staple foods, etc., each meal of food types to be more, help to promote appetite.

Confinement on a hot day, the new mother to do two no, three wants, not only not guilty, but also live comfortably

"Water" is to eat some foods with more water, such as porridge, soup, juice, lotus flour, etc., to replenish the water lost due to sweating, eliminating lochia and breastfeeding.

"Soft" means to eat foods that are easy to digest, not to eat foods that are too hard, too sweet, too greasy (fatty), too salty (pickles, etc.).

Summer hot days are very popular Many postpartum mothers will not be tempted to eat some raw and cold food, confinement during this time, new mothers are best to endure, because eating raw and cold food is not only not conducive to physical recovery, but also hurts the spleen and stomach.

(2) Living should be cleaned and pay attention to rest

Postpartum sweating is already a lot, coupled with the hot weather, the body is very sticky and uncomfortable, therefore, postpartum mothers should often wash their hair, bathe and wash their feet under the premise of keeping warm.

As long as the wound is restored, you can take a shower every day, but be careful not to use a tub bath.

Confinement on a hot day, the new mother to do two no, three wants, not only not guilty, but also live comfortably

When taking a bath, turn the water to about 37 ° C, quickly dry your hair and body after washing, get dressed and then walk out of the bathroom, and then use the hot air of the hair dryer to dry your hair.

If the wound has not healed, it is recommended to scrub it with warm water, and also pay attention to keeping warm.

During the month, you should ensure 8 to 10 hours of sleep every day. Even if you can't sleep well at night because your baby is nursing or crying, you should seize the time to rest while your baby is sleeping during the day.

In addition, the summer is hot, the original care of children is easy to affect sleep, coupled with the hot and boring day, sleep will be worse, so the new mother should pay attention to rest, the baby sleeps, the mother also sleeps, so as to ensure sufficient energy, better care for the baby.

When the summer is too hot, you can blow the air conditioner, but the wind can not be directly blown to the new mother, you can open it for a while and then close it, or the living room opens the air conditioner, the new mother is in the bedroom, the door is half open, so that the cool breeze can be blown to the bedroom, but also to avoid the cold.

Confinement on a hot day, the new mother to do two no, three wants, not only not guilty, but also live comfortably

(3) Dress carefully

What is good to wear for confinement in the summer?

A, the material should be made of cotton, both warm and sweat-absorbing

After childbirth, the most common physical phenomenon of new mothers is sweating, commonly known as "pressure sweat", especially in the night sleep and the first awakening is the most obvious, which is a normal physiological phenomenon, is the body in the form of sweating to eliminate the increase in water in the body during pregnancy.

Therefore, the new mother's clothes must choose pure cotton, breathable, and the socks are the same.

B. You should wear long clothes and pants and thin socks

Short-sleeved tops are available for outdoor sun exposure. Usually wear long clothes and pants and socks, especially after the shower.

If the weather is good, you can go outdoors to bask in the sun, in order to better receive sunlight, you can choose a half-sleeved shirt for the top, but be sure to do a good job of sun protection.

Confinement on a hot day, the new mother to do two no, three wants, not only not guilty, but also live comfortably

C. Pajamas should be loose, and if necessary, you can wear socks to sleep

Some new mothers are very careful when they wake up, but once they fall asleep, they will step on the quilt, it is easy to get cold, and the best way is to wear pajamas and socks to sleep.

D. Clothes must be washed and changed frequently

Sweaty after childbirth, sometimes less than half a day clothes pants have been soaked, do not be afraid of trouble, to prepare more underwear and underwear and close-fitting clothing, once you feel uncomfortable immediately change down, to avoid cold.

After washing the clothes, it is best to put them in the sun to disinfect the clothes that have been changed as soon as possible, and you can add some special laundry disinfectant water to the water at the same time as washing, or use the sunlight to disinfect the clothes.

Thanks for reading, I am Qi Wan's mother, a nursery, and a mother of two children.

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