
Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

author:Cold knowledge

Portugal Introduction》》

Portuguese Republic (Portuguese: República Portuguesa; The Portuguese Republic, or Portugal for short, is a republican state located in southwestern Europe. To the east is Spain, also on the Iberian Peninsula, and to the west and south of Portugal is the atlantic coast. Portugal is one of the ancient countries of Europe. It became an independent kingdom in 1143. In the 15th and 16th centuries, a large number of colonies were established in Africa, Asia and the Americas, becoming a maritime power. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

Flag of Portugal》》

The coat of arms of Portugal is painted in the middle of the red and green lines. Red represents a celebration of the establishment of the Second Republic in 1910, and green pays homage to Prince Henry, known as the "Navigator". [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

The Capital of Portugal》》

The official language of Lisbon is Portuguese, and about 81% of the inhabitants are Catholics. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

The National Flower of Portugal" Lavender & Caryophyllus

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know


Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know


Portuguese Cold Knowledge 》》

1, the earliest inhabitants of Portuguese land were Neanderthals, neanderthals are also close relatives of the ancestors of modern Europeans, with 2.5% of genes per capita. Beginning in 1179, Portugal gradually formed a unified kingdom, and until 1910, it experienced four dynasties, namely the Burgundian dynasty, the Avesh dynasty, the Habsburg dynasty and the Braganza dynasty. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

2, the total population of Portugal is 10.3 million, of which women account for 51.8%, the main ethnic group is Portuguese, Portuguese are mixed descendants of Suvihui, Visigoths, Berbers and other ethnic groups, and other ethnic groups are mostly foreign immigrants, such as Africans, Asians, etc. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

3, Portugal attaches great importance to medical treatment, the annual investment in medical undertakings accounts for 10.1% of its GDP, the medical system is complete, ranked 12th in the world, the implementation of free medical care in public hospitals, in many disciplines ahead of other European countries, such as organ transplantation. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

4, Portugal is divided into 18 regions, the capital is Lisbon, is the westernmost city on the European continent, once in 1755 there was a Lisbon earthquake, two-thirds of the entire city was razed to the ground, which was also one of the reasons for the decline of the Portuguese Kingdom at that time. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

5, in the Castel branco region of Portugal, the salary assessment standards of local teachers can be said to be various, the most important of which is the satisfaction of students, including teaching methods, affinity, how much homework per day, etc., a daily assessment, the next day on the school's big screen rolling broadcast, comprehensive satisfaction of those with high, the salary is high. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

6, the capital of Portugal is Lisbon, Lisbon is an ancient city, the number of streets, castles here is very interesting. There are 9,999 streets large and small before the 19th century, and there are 999 castles before the 19th century, and these figures are no accident, but only because King João VI of Portugal liked the number 9. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

7, the first to bring Chinese tea to Europe were the Portuguese.

In the 17th century, the Portuguese princess Catherine married the English King Charles, there were Chinese tea and tea sets in the dowry, and every afternoon Princess Catherine entertained the royal nobles to drink tea and chat, and the English afternoon tea became popular. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

The 8th, 15th and 16th centuries were portugal's heyday, with a large number of colonies in Africa, Asia and Latin America, the largest of which was Brazil. Later, with the rise of other European powers, Portugal began to decline in the middle of the 16th century, and in 1808, it was destroyed by Napoleon of France, the royal family went into exile in Brazil, and then united with the British army to repel the French army, and restored the country again in 1815. Since the establishment of the First Portuguese Republic on 5 October 1910. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know
Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

9, the Portuguese personal name is one of the longest in the world, the full name generally has more than 8 words, such as the Crown Prince of Portugal, once the founding Emperor Pedro I of the Brazilian colonies, the full name of Pedro de Alcantara Francisco Antonio João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquil Joaquia, José Gonzaga Pascuar Cipriano Serafim de Braganza-Bourbon. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

10, Portugal has a land area of 92,226 square kilometers, the territory is mountainous, and the mineral resources are rich, mainly including: tungsten, copper, yellow iron, uranium, etc., especially the tungsten reserves are the first in Western Europe. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

11, in the Santarém region of Portugal, the locals are particularly fond of art, here not only many painters, but also many people like to paint on the wall, the local government stipulates that when the work is painted, you can get more than 50% of the support of the people around you, you can keep it for a long time, if you can't reach it, you need to restore the wall to its original appearance. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

12, one of the national flowers of Portugal, caryophyllus, hardy, drought-tolerant, not resistant to heat, has a high ornamental value and medicinal value. Root and whole herbs into the medicine, has the effect of clearing heat and diuresis, breaking blood through menstruation, dispersing stasis and swelling. Local women generally like to use it for bathing. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

13, although Portugal is a developed capitalist country, but the domestic industry compared to other European countries is much weaker, the economy is mainly based on shoemaking, winemaking, tourism, forest medical resources are rich, coverage rate of 35%. Cork production accounts for more than half of the world's total production, and its exports rank first in the world, in addition to Portugal, which is the world's 11th largest shoe exporter and exports to 136 countries in the world. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know
Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

14, Portugal is known as the most suitable place for the elderly, not only has a high pension, but also a series of welfare policies, but Portugal is also facing serious problems of aging, resulting in an economic downturn, in order to attract young people from abroad, even launched a "one dollar purchase plan". [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know
Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

15, although the official language of Portugal is Portuguese, the most spoken brazilian language. For historically colonial reasons, Portuguese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world after English and Spanish, with more than 200 million people worldwide speaking It. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

16, most of the Portuguese housewives are gastronomic researchers, cooking with thermometers, measuring cups, timers and a variety of exclusive tools, people give the nickname "engineers in the kitchen". [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

17, Portugal is rich in cork, 90% of the world's wine stoppers come from Portugal, and cork exports are also one of Portugal's economic sources. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

18, the Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in Japan.

The Arrival of the Portuguese in Japan in 1492 greatly influenced The culinary, military, and technological culture of Japan.

For example, Tempura, which is famous in Japan, was actually introduced from Portugal. Even the Japanese word "thank you" (transliterated as Ali Ka to) is a transliteration of the Portuguese word "Obrigado". [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

19 Portugal once established a large kingdom, the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and algarve, including 53 countries and territories in the world, but it collapsed after only 11 years. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

20, Portugal also loves bullfighting, Portuguese bullfighting and Spain, is riding a bull and is not allowed to hurt its life, if the bull fights to death, will be fined 10,000 euros. [Breeze]

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know

21, the Portuguese are also super good at making desserts, the most representative of which is the Portuguese egg tart, and most of the Portuguese desserts are invented by monks and nuns.

Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know
Portugal – the national cold knowledge you don't know


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