
Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand


When her 24-year-old daughter trembled and called for help, Charlotte Laws took revenge in anger and launched a years-long female guardianship war.

And now her story has also been included in the Netflix documentary "The Most Hated Man on the Internet", which is being broadcast!

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from Netflix, and the copyright belongs to the original author

Daughter nude photos go viral on the Internet Mom is angry and angry for revenge

In January 2012, Charlotte's 24-year-old daughter, Kayla, was told by a friend by phone that her nude photos had been posted on a notorious pornographic revenge website.

She rushed online to verify, and sure enough, she saw a photo of herself naked on the pornographic revenge website with 350,000 followers.

Under the photo, Kayla's name and home address are also marked.

Why do photos that are secretly taken in the bedroom, stored in the computer, and never sent to anyone appear on this website? Kayla, who collapsed, had no answer at all.

At this time, dazed and desperate, she dialed her mother Charlotte's phone and wept:

"Mom, my life is over!"

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from Supplied, and the copyright belongs to the original author

After answering the phone, Charlotte immediately emailed the website operator, telling him that his daughter's computer had been hacked, asking him to delete her daughter's photos, and pointing out that uploading these photos violated copyright law.

As a result, the operator was extremely arrogant, not only did not delete, but also returned photos of men's sensitive parts.

Charlotte didn't give up, co-counsel husband contacted the legal team of the website. The website also refuses to delete the image on the grounds that the content is "submitted by the user", does not bear legal responsibility, and deletes the image "contrary to the business model".

And the police, the police do not care. (There was no law prohibiting the sharing of such images at the time.)

As indecent photos went viral on social media, Kayla's situation grew worse, receiving countless abusive messages every day, phone calls with strangers, and even inviting her to shoot small pornographic films together.

One disgusting and perverted verbal attack after another from the strange man almost took Kayla to the extreme. Watching the lively and cheerful daughter who dreams of becoming an actor, she has now become mentally confused and stays at home.

Charlotte, a mother, angrily vowed to fight the infamous site to the death.

To force the site to remove the images, Charlotte contacted the site's advertisers, publicists and domain administrators to try to pressure the operators to remove the images.

However, none of this worked.

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from Netflix, and the copyright belongs to the original author

The iron powder hair gang rape and murder made her find out the real culprit behind the scenes

Charlotte's protests offended the website's iron fans, who instead turned the spearhead of the attack on Charlotte, in addition to insults, and even spread charlatanism to threaten her.

However, these Charlottes are not afraid, she is worried that the website operator is always hidden in the network, making it impossible to accurately strike.

Just when she was hesitant, Charlotte used her identity as an insurance company investigator to finally find out the real culprit behind it.

Hunter Moore, 26, a self-styled female "career destroyer," built the site in the basement of his parents' home in California.

Just because of all this, he thinks it is funny!

"He bragged all over the internet. Claiming that he could work with computer hackers to steal photos of innocent girls to make money, he sat in his parents' basement and ruined other people's lives. ”

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from Netflix, and the copyright belongs to the original author

With accurate information, things are finally getting a little easier.

After calling Moore and threatening to sue him, a photo of her daughter, Kayla, was quickly removed from the site. However, Moore, who was vicious and unchanging, put the threatening call on the website afterwards.

He also said maliciously: "I don't know why these people hate me." I'm just making money from your nude photos. ”

The speech of tea and tea has set off a carnival of followers of the website. The continuous smell and insulting phone calls made Charlotte unable to bear it and vowed to send Moore to prison.

At first, both their daughter Kayla and her husband advised Charlotte not to get into trouble: Moore was dangerous and couldn't win.

But Charlotte didn't believe in evil at all.

In addition to exposing Moore's ugly behavior on social media, Charlotte also conducted a 3-year investigation in secret.

After learning evidence that Moore had collaborated with the hackers to illegally steal photos of women, Charlotte contacted the FBI and began investigating the hacker's background.

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from Netflix, and the copyright belongs to the original author

Meanwhile, anti-cyberbullying activist James McGibney found nude photos of suspected underage girls on Moore's website.

The matter got bigger and bigger, and Finally frightened, Moore sold the site to James for £12,000, who then deleted all the content and changed it to an anti-bullying site called Bulliville.

The success of Charlotte's counterattack made Moore's followers more and more angry, and the threat of landslides followed.

And, in the FBI's investigation, there seems to be little progress at the time. Moore started to triumphantly launch a new version of the site and boasted, "It's going to be a terrible thing on the Internet."

"Moore threatened to restore the site, republish all the photos, and leave everyone's home address and driving route."

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from Netflix, and the copyright belongs to the original author

Dead for 3 years, the ultimate battle to tear up the king

There is no need to endure any longer. Looking at Moore, who was deceiving people too much, charlotte retaliated by tweeting Moore's home address.

Since then, Charlotte's landline has begun to receive a series of threatening phone calls.

Until, until, an "anonymous underground hacker" group appeared and offered to protect Charlotte.

After being targeted by anonymous groups, Moore suddenly became very quiet. The group shut down Moore's servers and deleted his account and stored content so he could no longer upload any more photos.

They also hacked into Moore's bank account, transferred the money to a women's shelter, and shipped hundreds of sex toys to his home for him to die in California.

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from the thread, and the copyright belongs to the original author

After being educated by hacking organizations, good things began to appear one after another.

Through investigation, the FBI confirmed that Kayla and the other victims' emails had been illegally hacked and stolen by hackers Charlie Evens.

In December 2015, Evans was sentenced to 25 months in prison for hacking and copyright theft; Moore was sentenced to 30 months in prison and banned from social media.

Compared to the harm suffered by other women victimized, Moore has received a pitiful amount of punishment and jail time.

Charlotte said, "But it's better to have than nothing." "I was happy when he was arrested because he kept denying that the hack had been carried out and his followers insisted that it was a lie I made up to protect my daughter."

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from the thread, and the copyright belongs to the original author

Constantly sending legal letters, pestering the FBI, and putting Moore in jail with 12-inch-thick pieces of evidence even after being threatened with death.

It's because, Charlotte knows, that the victim on the site is not just her daughter.

In addition to working with hackers to steal photos of women.

There, people, especially men, in retaliation, also share pornographic videos or photos of their partners or ex-girlfriends without consent as a way to humiliate, torture, or embarrass them.

Inside, there are not only young people in their 20s, but also women over the age of 60, and even blind paraplegics.

The victims desperately begged the site to be removed, only to be met with endless ridicule and abuse, even forcing them to commit suicide or lose their jobs.

Layout 3 years of Rage Revenge! Not afraid of the charlatan order, the American mother tears the king by hand

The image comes from Netflix, and the copyright belongs to the original author

Today, Charlotte is 62 years old

But she has also fought for the rights of women subjected to revenge, having so far saved more than 500 victims and helped 48 U.S. states outlaw reprisals.

Now, she's trying to get around making pornographic revenge a crime under federal law as well.

#"Flash hour" theme essay issue 2 #

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